How magical is it to get beautiful thoughts seeing the greens and Blues around us . Isn’t it mesmerising? Isn’t it peaceful having such beauty around us ?
Everyday, nature gifts us something striking and captivating . It just needs a passionate eye to grasp that fatale .
Nature is an elegant poem with a soothing rhythm. I see the blues and it seems like they are singing through the harsh waves hitting the shores .
The blues calm my restless soul .
The shores Glide me to the oblivion with waves .
The sun warmth’s my Craggy skin .
And , the sand clasps me in its Zion .
Thats how the magic of the blues gets within our restless souls and bestow us with peace .
As I walk along the greens , they pull my heart and the frayed leaves whispers their throb in my ears . I went ahead ....
As I saw the sun rising above the horizon,
I could endure the peace within me .
As I Saw the leaves struggling with winds,
I realised ...... my scuffle with life is just as those leaves , trying to hold on to their branches in a windy dusk . While , we all are here trying to stay strong with the windy obstacles in life .
Every thing in Nature is somewhere connected to the ethics of life . Things around us aren’t simply present . We somewhere unknowingly happen to learn from them . And that’s what nature too expects from us .