‘Z’, the last letter of the alphabets. So, is generation z (Gen Z), the last of the human generations?

Who are the Gen Z's

People born during the period of 1995-2010, belong to Gen Z. These humans have been termed as true digital natives as they have been exposed to internet and social networking at the earliest of their youth. Gen-Z consists of influencers, no matter the color, race, creed or religion. They have been fighting and making Earth a place where everyone lives with equality. Based on studies and surveys by Box1824, it reveals four core Gen Z behaviors, all anchored in one element: this generation’s search for truth.

Gen Z's and Millennials

Gen Z values individual expression and avoid labels unlike the previous generation ‘Millennials’, who are more idealistic, more confrontational, and less willing to accept diverse point of view. Gen Z’s search for authenticity gives greater freedom of expression and openness to understanding different kinds of people. They have been the subjects of experiment by the scientists due to their diverse and revolutionary thinking. They have been tested for various personality traits and their characteristic development compared to their previous generations. In one of the test, ‘Stanford marshmallow test’ which checks the patience, it was shown that today’s kids can delay gratification longer than the children in the 1960s and 1980s.

Gen Z is misundersto od

Due to their distinctive thought processes, they are often misunderstood or silenced as they lack experience and the “wisdom” gained from it. Maximum numbers of Gen Z children are ignored or neglected as they are young and they are lacking the experience that their elders have.

The most common dialogues that Gen Z children listen to are, ‘I have passed this age, you think I won’t know what you are going through?’, ‘When I was of your age, I was way better than you.’, ‘I am elder to you, so I am correct and you are not.' and ‘So now you think, you can teach me what to do and what not to?’ But one thing that the elders are forgetting is that the environment in which they grew up and in which their children are growing in is totally opposite and in fact more advanced.

Are Gen Z's a ray of hope to humanity

Gen Z is smarter than millennial and is scientifically proven. These children are clear headed and have knowledge of what they are doing. Even though they initially seemed to be confused, they rather solve their problem on their own than depend on others.

Gen Z has its own sense of individuality and to create a healthy society by accepting the fact that there is a broad spectrum for how people identify themselves as. Scientists have also confirmed that most of the people of Gen Z are feminists and recognize the idea of gender fluidity.

Gen Z has come out to be a new hope for humanity and societal advancement.

