I was homeless again.
Roaming around the streets, I was finding for food. Since last afternoon, all I had was one biscuit. Last night, I luckily found a place to stay. I guess, it was a spare room or something at the backyard. I knew it wouldn’t be safe to go and stay at an unknown’s place but, the heavy rains and growing thunder made me chose it. I got kicked out by a very angry and scared old man at dawn. I never knew why he was scared of me.
So, here I was. Back to pavilion. Searching for food and shelter. The day went on. Vehicles speeding by, chattering of people, everything seemed okay. But, wish it was the same case for me.
Right then, at a distance, I hear a bark. What I see, clenches my heart. At the other side of the road, was a dog. A group of boys were throwing stones at him and laughing. And, among them was another boy who was trying to stop his friends and help the dog. But all his efforts were in vain. I knew, a few meters ahead there was a small park where every day creatures like us, were given free food. I was late yesterday, but I dint want to be late today. What do I chose?
Help that dog or fill my stomach?
My stomach could bear the hunger for a few more minutes. Carefully crossing the road I went and stood in front of the group of boys, covering the dog behind me.
Mustering up all my energy I let out a dangerous and loud bark, taking a threating step forward. A stone hit me. I dint budge. I have been hit with stronger things to make myself strong enough for such tiny stones. That seemed to scare them. I let out another bark, and by now, the group of boys were long gone.
The other dog, gave me a generous smile. Along with him, I went to that park. Luckily, we weren’t late.
I may not have found a house, but I got a friend. That meant, one block of happiness was added.
Being a street dog, had a lot of complications.