Feminism is a political ideology. In general Feminism is to establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes. Feminists have argued that women discrimination is more in patriarchal society. Feminists have fought for liberty, equality and justice for women. Feminism has given rise to bring women issues into to public discussions. Feminists have discovered the factors for women deprivation, such as patriarchal society has deprived women from freedom, equality and employment. Feminists have lead movements to bring women issues in public. Women in Societies like India have been considered as inferior to men. Women are married at the early age and they were not given equal education. Women are confined to four walls of the house and the kitchen. Women are not encouraged to work. Women's importance is recognised based on her role but not as a women. In today's world everyday we listen to women abuse and sexual assaults in news paper. A barbarian practice like Sati has killed women in past. Even today the societies are not accepting second marriage to Single Woman. Women are pornified and objectified in movies and are not given equal roles in the movies. Character assassination of women exits in movies. Menstruation is considered as Taboo. In India, menstruating women are not allowed into Shabarimala temple. Women are harrased in work places and their liberty is denied based on the societal norms. Women were even denied of right to vote.

Women empowerment is the only way to make them equal.

