What does this word actually defines?A boundless place where whole universe lies or is it the fortified place to stand or sit. We try to build commercial space, gym space, garden space. But have we ever thought , if it's really that worth?

Nowadays, it's a space which you create with yourself. A space to identify your own strengths and your weaknesses. In this daily run of life, you need a peace mind and soul which must concentrate on your immune oneself. In this global world, everything has been so interactive , we are so busy to schedule some free time for our own self being.

Holiday's are the best way to spend time with yourself and your loved ones. Vacations can bring out several unknown facts about ourselves. Bitching about our lives, blaming it, is not the solution, give some value time to yourselves because you deserve one. There is a happy place around you, find it , then live it.

Let people distract you, keep praising yourselves. Have your own compatiblity and look at your own success.

The wanderlust, can experience the real life time spend with your own. Spreading positivity , happiness and well wishes to everyone will let you have a peaceful "ME" time.

These days, we just want friends, colleagues, great people, social networking sites to identify our skills and so we are too dependent. But you have to realise, no one can judge you or make you better than you yourself can do.

Here's, a loud shoutout to the world, and mark them away when you need patience, silence, and calmness around you. Get your clearance done, let us know ,at the end it's all about you and your closed ones.

