Why Having Pets Is A Good Idea

Lekha S
Jul 09, 2019   •  12 views

First,Pets promote both mental and physical health that can significantly improve our lives. People with pets typically have lower heart rates and blood pressure than those without; a result of the additional movement owning a pet requires and the stress relief their company provides.

Second, owning a pet can ward off feelings of isolation when the pet acts as a loving companion. Also, a dog's need for walks and exercise helps owners get out of the house and often leads to friendly interactions with other dog owners. Both activities help decrease feelings of isolation, which can lessen depression.

There are many health benefits of owning a pet. They can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels. Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship.

7 intresting facts about having a pet are:

1) They keep you fit

All breeds of dog need regular, daily walks in order to stay happy and healthy, and so do we! However, we sometimes have the tendency to get a bit lazy – if that sounds like you, a dog is the perfect cure! Yes, a dog is possibly the best personal trainer you could ask for.

2) They make sure you’re never lonely

If you live by yourself, or your partner works different shift patterns to you, it can get awfully lonely at home – unless you have a pet, of course! Cats and dogs make great companions. They were waiting the whole day for you. Also,most of the time, they’re up for a snuggle on the sofa.

3) They lower your stress levels

Modern life is stressful and high levels of anxiety can lead to numerous health problems. Luckily, pets can really help us relax. Previous studies have proven that pet owners tend to have lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels than people who don’t own a pet. That means having a furry pal can decrease the chances of suffering a heart attack later in life.

4) They can improve your immune system

Pets spend a lot of their time outside and therefore bring all sorts of dirt and germs into your home. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though – the additional germs can help improve your immunity to colds and other mild illnesses. In fact, previous studies have shown that babies who live with a dog tend to experience fewer infections and are generally healthier than those who don’t.

5) They can catch cancer early

It’s no secret that a dogs’ sense of smell is incredible, but did you know that some canines are capable of detecting cancer? Several pet owners have reported that their dog saved their lives after they noticed they were constantly pawing at, sniffing or even licking a tumour hidden underneath the skin.

6) They can teach kids responsibility

Every parent has heard the question ‘Can I have a pony/puppy/hamster?’ at some point in their child’s life. It’s no secret that kids love animals, and if they’re old enough, having one as a pet can actually teach them a lot of important skills. Mainly,make them responsible.

7) They make you feel safe

Not everyone likes being home alone, but having a cat or dog there can make you feel a lot safer andburglars are less likely to target a house that’s clearly home to a dog. Some breeds make excellent guard dogs and will even protect you when you’re out for a run or walk.

After all, your pets can’t answer back and will always keep your secrets!
