Your Kindness Comes Back To You.

Kritika Jain
Jul 08, 2019   •  11 views

"Sometimes kindness leads to pay off but it gives back in such a beautiful manner that the paid amount seems to be less."

You will believe in the above quote after reading this beautiful story i.e. going to make you believe in the thought of kindness and its beauty.

This is a beautiful and inspiring story of a kind man Mr.Amjad Khan, a person whom I met on the taxi stand in Mumbai.

Mr.Amjad Khan is a person who left an impression on my thoughts and mind that his story made me want to share it with others also.

Mr. Amjad Khan was a person who was working in a private firm as a clerk. One day he was getting late for his office which is why in a hurry he forgot to take his lunch with him. So he went to a nearby restaurant where he enjoyed his lunch and when he was about to leave he saw a waiter throwing away the leftover food of the customers in the dustbin which they didn't even touch. After watching that sight, that was all he could think about without letting any other thought enter his mind. So ,he decided to do something that made him survive when he faced an accident.

Mr.Amjad Khan started visiting the same restaurant daily. He used to sit over there at his lunch time and after his job till the restaurant got closed.

Now you would be thinking what he did by spending his lunch time and his free time by sitting idle over there?

He use to collect the food that was left by the customers in the untouched dishes that they didn't eat, which was going to be thrown in dustbin by the waiter.

He used to collect the food and make different packets of that food. After doing this he used to give some money to the waiter and leave. This weird act of Mr. Khan left the waiter and the owner amazed. They use to make fun of him in the starting but two months passed and Mr. Amjad followed the same routine on, even on sundays. They were amazed and confused with this act of him.

One day when Mr.Amjad left the restaurant after collecting the food from the restaurant and giving some money to the waiter, the waiter started following him and the sight made him cry.

You'll be amazed to know that what he saw

He saw Mr. Khan distributing those packets to the road side small orphan children and poor people who might have slept with an empty stomach, if he had not given those packets to them. The kind act of Mr.Khan made the waiter’s ironic smile change into tears of guilt.

After watching this, the waiter left from there and when he came back to the restaurant he just put that money in the donation box that was present on the billing counter of the restaurant.

Next day, when Mr. Khan went to the restaurant the waiter was turning down the dustbin and smiled at him. Suddenly, when he stepped ahead to enter the restaurant the owner of the restaurant came out and handed over the packets to Mr.Khan and gave him a huge smile and the waiter refused to take money from him.

But you might be thinking that how this saved his life?

One day Mr.Amjad was going back to his home and a car hit him . He had an accident and was lying in blood over, people around him crowded but no one was helping him. In a crowd of all those emotionless human souls one of the children to whom he gave food was there and he called all the beggars of that street who took him to the hospital. They even paid for all the medical aid that was given to Mr.Amjad Khan. The cure at the right time saved the life of Mr. Khan.

So, this is how "your kindness comes back to you". Kindness is just like a fruitful seedling that will give you fruits only when you'll let it grow.

All the insulting laughter and talks that he faced while collecting food for the needy ones paid him as breathes to his soul.

That’s why I said "Sometimes kindness leads to pay off but it gives back in such a beautiful manner that paid amount seems to be less."

