Health care

It is the additional care taken to maintain our physical, social and mental wellbeing. There are many health care professionals to take care of our health.

Why healthcare is important?


Importance of Healthcare- Source: SlideShare

Access to healthcare is very important. Without that, we can't be aware of the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. Once we know these things, we are able to follow them and be healthy.

Sections of healthcare

Primary healthcare

Its aim is to provide primary care to people suffering from diseases. They give treatment irrespective of poor or rich people. It creates equity among people. This helps the poor people to get at least primary care.

Secondary healthcare

Usually this section is taken care by specialists. People often don't know their health problems. So they consult a primary healthcare professional. They will assist the people to consult a specialist like a dermatologist, neurologists etc according to the person's health. It is generally of two types.

  • District health system

It corresponds mainly to maternal and child health. Many hospitals are set up in the districts in order to help people. They are 24 hours working hospitals. It includes neonatal, emergency services, emergency obstetric. There are also several healthcare centres in the district.

  • Country health system

They are followed by district hospitals. It is also 24 hours working hospital. They deal with obstetrics, general surgery, gynecologic.

Tertiary healthcare

This is more advanced healthcare. It comes to picture when primary and secondary healthcare professionals come across an advanced defect in a person. They advise them to consult a tertiary healthcare professional. It includes cancer treatment, plastic surgery, kidney transplant, eye transplant and other complex surgeries and treatments. They are set up at national level. They receive referral from country hospitals and proceed with further treatment. It is also 24 hours working hospital.

All the sections of healthcare give their best to their maximum level. Money plays a role in secondary health care to tertiary healthcare.

Healthcare in India

Public healthcare

It is free and made to be free of cost especially for people below poverty. Upper middle class and lower-middle-class people get access to public healthcare than poor people. Usually, people prefer private healthcare than public because it has less facility. The treatment given here are also not sufficient. This is because they don't have the proper equipment in their hospitals. People feel unsafe to consult public healthcare in India. Its goal and primary aim is to obtain a universal healthcare. But the facilities here are not sufficient enough to treat people in a better way.

Private healthcare

They have all the facilities needed to treat the diseases of the people. But they are very costly. Money matters a lot in this type of healthcare. People usually wish to consult this type of healthcare because they try their level best and save the lives of patients even in a critical condition. But public healthcare lags in that. Though it is costly, people prefer private healthcare. They diagnose the diseases properly and give treatments accordingly. At the same time, they are only money oriented rather than service.


Public Vs Private Healthcare- Source: SlideShare

This is the status of healthcare in India.

Rural healthcare

Rural areas have less access to healthcare. Village people usually suffer from diseases without proper care. Government hospitals are not sufficient here. Private hospitals expect a greater payment from the people. So they are in a compulsion so consult a private doctor. Because the government hospitals are very far and have less access to the village people. Certain specialists are not available in villages. They need to travel to a nearby city to consult a specialist. Pregnant women, children and emergency cases suffer more due to this distance of hospital location. This increases their mortality rates. Old age people also suffer more due to this problem. Proper diagnosis of diseases and its treatment is also not very easy and sophisticated in the villages.

Many unqualified physicians are present in rural areas. The rural areas of Madhya Pradesh has less access to hospitals. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar also experiences the same. Access to hospitals are easily accessed by the male and male children rather than women and female children. Most of the chronic diseases are not treated in rural areas. Treatment for acute illness are not accessed by women in rural areas.

It is found that eyesight problem in the rural areas of Andhra Pradesh have not sought treatment for many years. This shows rural areas have less access to healthcare. At the same time, mobile phones give needful information about healthcare. It also offers online healthcare services. Karnataka sought more healthcare services through mobile phones. Vaccinations are also indicated in that healthcare information. This gives an outline of healthcare services in rural areas of India.


Rural Vs Urban Health Facilities- Source: SlideShare

Urban areas

They are heading to a sophisticated healthcare services compared to rural areas of India. They easily get access to hospitals. They mostly prefer private hospitals rather than the government hospitals. There are several hospitals located at nearby distances. Sometimes they overuse the hospitals.

Timeline of healthcare in India


Timeline of Indian Healthcare- Source: Medium

Organisation of health system in India


Organisation of Health System- Source: International

Health policy in India


Health Policy in India- Source: MobileTwitter

Key achievements in healthcare of India


Key Achievements- Source: SlidePlayer

These are the status of healthcare in India. Its rural healthcare needs to be improved as well as government hospitals needs improvement so that poor people get access to it.

