Self Deception, Reality And Fantasy

Khushar Nandwani
Jul 04, 2019   •  6 views

It is an altogether different linguistic struggle to articulate anxiety of uncertainty. When confronted with the Devil and the Deep sea, we are usually never able to make up our mind whether its better to plunge into the Deep sea or surrender ourselves to the Devil. Sometimes words fail miserably and fall flat trying to illustrate the fact that despite strong resolutions we often find ourselves melting like chocolate on fire. It becomes devastatingly difficult to accomplish a mission when it is a mere necessity and not a wish because then the only obstacle is no one but ourselves. Self deception is the worst of escapism, more detrimental than voyeurism as a means of escape. When deluded, one part of us is content while the other is happily unaware. To be blithely ignorant when some trouble is visibly brewing is one of the most insidious tragedies of human behavior.

Envisaged Utopia

Nostalgia often becomes a euphemism for memories that make us perpetually addicted to them. This pall of euphemism disguises those very happy and now, haunting reminisces which we have failed to become oblivious of and which permanently pervade our minds. The worst part is that we get so entangled, knowingly or unconsciously, in this world created as a consequence of self-deception that we become unwilling to trade this carefully structured, favorably altered, imagined utopia for anything in the world. So strong is the desire to preserve the seductive, compelling force of this fantasy world that we lose ourselves in delusion, always afraid that this self- created bubble of happy fantasy will burst at the slightest prick of reality.

Daydreaming and fantasy

Don't we all day dream? Yes, we do and if seen optimistically, it only enhances the creative faculties of the mind and stimulates the imaginative potential we are all endowed with. In fact the innovative potential of the mind is directly proportional to the strength and tempestuousness of sentiments put into it. Therefore wayward and divergent thinking is beneficial. But the question is to what extent should the mind be allowed to wander and create a world entirely of its own? Strangely enough, how often we find ourselves deceiving your own heart and mind into believing something which is not only different from actuality but devastatingly antithetical to reality.

Just when we think we have mastered our emotions, they betray us. Unable to repeatedly cope with this betrayal, we start living in an imaginary, beautiful world, where our emotions can run riot, where our desires find the very fulfillment they are denied in the real world of harsh truths. Reality becomes the dread word and running away from it becomes one of the main motives in life. As they say, "death is not the greatest loss, the greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we are still alive", fleeing from the truth and finding fulfillment in fantasy means depriving ourselves of the very gamut of human-like and human worthy life. The secret to a good life is neither just the harsh truth nor the pure fantasy world of self-deception but an amalgamation of the two worlds blended together perfectly.

