Service and sacrifice the best combo ever !. Now it has become very rare to find selfless service. Each and every person would work only if there is any benefit attached to it, and this is becoming a convention as days are getting passed. Now coming to sacrifice there are still people who will be a step backward when it comes to sacrifice things even though it is for a common benefit or for a common benefit or for a wellbeing of a people at large . let's make a promise that we will do a selfless service and sacrifice things for a good cause at least after reading this article.

Service the 7 letter word. Yeah it's 7 and it's not a number of misfortune. Most of the people think that the number 7 is not a fortunate number but that's not true it still depends on how we look at the number, people start believing things if majority of the persons say about a thing to be true or not. This mind set of the people has to be changed and the things which will be beneficial should be bought into light and make it recognised.The whole point here I'm trying to explain is " the bright side of doing service ". Service is the best contribution anyone can ever do.

Service should be done without having any personal motive out of that service so served then that service would amount to selfless service. In the present scenario service is being done only after the person puts an update in whatsapp or instagram as a story or status that they are doing a service, you may wonder but that's the sad reality. I still wonder why people still remain a stel backward to do a service. It may be due to the introduction of mobile phones because people became so busy with mobile phones leaving no time for service and that's one of the reason to be noticed ; but what's the use in pointing out the reasons it's the person who has to be enlightened by himself and should stretch a hand for service.

Sacrifice the substitute of service ( I personally believe ). It's almost a service because anything done for the benefit of others will amount to service. The one who does sacrifice are the people who possess a pure heart because now a days people have become selfish and they are not ready to do service only, where they will sacrifice things?? In Ramayana the king Rama has sacrificed his position as king in order to abide his father words.The same position has been sacrificed by the brother of Rama, Bharath in order to make his elder brother stand as king . There are many examples like this not only in myths but also in your real life too. It may be your Mother, sister, brother, friends etc. Mother is a person who does a lot of sacrifices in life for your own family so let it be an inspiration and start working on it.This quality will make you a better person, it will help you in building your personality.

Service and sacrifice will go hand in hand. Service and sacrifice are almost same when it comes to their nature in practice. One must adopt this 2 qualities as soon as possible because service without sacrifice is of no use.Every service includes at least 10% of sacrifice in it and every sacrifice includes at least 40% of service in it. So what are you waiting for start doing service with a bit of sacrifice in it.

