Discriminatory Treatment Of Women In Indian Society

Kajal Sharma
Mar 18, 2019   •  370 views

Women who are given equal rights as that of men and the liberty they deserve and an important place in the family seems to be an illusion, a mirage. Welcome to the world of discriminatory treatment towards women, limitations over their right and thought as merely a servant of the house. Welcome to the twenty-first century and welcome to the so called modern Indian society.

India is a country where all religions and customs are given equal importance and where worshipping seems to be a pious act. But the ugly face of the Indian society comes out by knowing how they brutally abort a girl child, how inhuman their behaviour is towards the women of the society. Here, the women are not given as high status as that of a man no matters how much she work, she is just employed as a servant of her own house who works 24×7 without any payment.

In this country, one can find worshipping goddess Durga, goddess Saraswati and goddess Laxmi for their basic requirements and in the same country, girls and women are considered to be weaken than men by the Indian society. The society thinks that a women can never become independent and if she has achieved that stage, she will not able to continue it for long. This seems to be a big blot on Indian society.

Neglecting behaviour of a women herselves and letting the man power overcome them is the major cause of this issue. Their illiteracy becomes a major obstacle towards their own development and growth. They are unaware of their own rights and sometimes they overlook them.

So, is it the end? No, surly not. Can we do nothing? Surely we can and we must. We must not forget that every dark tunnel has a bright end. We have to make the women aware about their rights and make them learn to stand for it. We have lost a battle but the war is still on. We must ensure that every women and girl get the same status and education as that of men in the society. For this we have to join hands and come out stronger for any power to not enforced on us....

We must not forget that "The early we start a change, the early we mend it in our ways."




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