Pain is the most necessary part of happiness. Pain can actually lead to pleasure . If you felt happy all the time , you would not recognise it as happiness . You need to experience the opposite end of the spectrum sometimes to be able to truly recognise and approach happiness .

Pain is not pleasurable , but relief from pain is surely pleasurable . When pain goes away, you experience increased happiness , above and beyond the level of happiness you would experience if you would never had any pain at all .

The bonding caused by pain even increases cooperation among people . Enduring pain actually makes you enjoy your rewards more . When you have worked out or completed some other difficult task , you are more likely to give yourself permission to enjoy a reward .

Pain makes you aware of what is going on right now . It makes you more focused on what is going on in the moment . Being In the moment is a skill people try to gain through meditation and yoga . Being in the moment will less likely to allow you to think about what happened yesterday or worrying about what could happen tomorrow .

Happiness is not the absence of pain. Instead, the secret of Living a happy life involves believing you have enough mental strength to embrace your pain and learn from it .

“ Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional “



Profile of Ritik Gupta
Ritik Gupta  •  6y  •  Reply
really the lines u added in the this topic is very wonderful..nd i wish u make it more creative..keep it up..👌👌