A Healthy Puppy Is A Cheerful Puppy

Jenisha Roshan
May 08, 2019   •  10 views

Puppy health:

All of us love our pets and seeing them in an uncomfortable situation hurts us.
Our puppies become our family member naturally and any illness which affects them hurts us naturally. Their little cry for help is not pleasant to hear. So the least that we can do is to know a few basic health facts about dogs.

What not to feed to dogs:

By knowing what we feed our dog some of the health problems can be avoided. Cause like us human beings even our furry friends is allergic to few food materials.

1)Candy, Gum, Toothpaste and some sweet food items we eat have xylitol which reduces the blood sugar level of our dogs and can also cause liver failure.

2)Avocados should not be fed to dogs , This might be surprising but avocados contain a substance called persin which causes allergies , diarrhea and vomiting to our pets.

3)Alcohol should not be fed to dogs, it has the same effect on our pets as it does to humans.
4)Onions and garlic should not be fed to dogs as they kill his red blood cells causing anemia

5)Coffee, Tea and other food items contain caffeine should be kept away from dogs.

6)Grapes and resins should also be avoided as they cause kidney failure in dogs.

7)Dairy products should be avoided as they cause digestive problems in dogs.

8)Chocolates should be avoided as they contain theobromine which may cause digestive problems and also some severe health problems.

9)Small fruits such as persimmons, peaches and plums should be avoided as the small seeds might cause blockage in their food pipe causing harm to our pets.

10)Raw eggs should not be fed as the bacteria salmonella can cause damage to our pets.

You’ve spent a lot of time, effort, and money to pick the right food for your dog; don’t mess that all up by feeding the wrong way as it plays a very important role in your pet's health



Profile of Kesar Rana
Kesar Rana  •  4y  •  Reply
Nice article, please check mine too
Profile of Rashmi Jain
Rashmi Jain  •  4y  •  Reply
nice article please read my articles also.
Profile of Janisa Rora
Janisa Rora  •  4y  •  Reply
Puppies ❤
Profile of Jenisha Roshan
Jenisha Roshan  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Joyce Ayyagari
Joyce Ayyagari  •  4y  •  Reply
Soo good check out my wrytups too.... https://wrytin.com/joyceayyagari1