Automobiles are a huge part of any household and will remain to be one of the most necessary asset in the future for any individual.
Be it self-owned cars, leased cars or rental cars, every individual living in either rural or urban has any one type of locomotion.
Cars are considered so important that roads are upgraded to match the demand.
With this growing demand on car ownership and a wide variety of cars to choose from, car companies are pulling all the strings they can to attain customer satisfaction and increased growth.
This cut-throught competition has also paved way for various innovations in the automobile industry that was once considered impossible.
Self-driving cars are one of those innovations that has got people excited for the future of automobiles.
Self-driving cars, as cool as they sound, have considerable hurdles that they have to pass to attain a state where they could be used on a daily basis.
The cars must be able to process a ton of data during each transit in auto-drive and must be in a position to handle unexpected situations very effectively.
Since self-driving cars still constitute to only a fraction of the entire automobile industry, there are many human factors that influence the safety of self-driving vehicle.
The amount of self-driving cars is constantly growing. In the US, car manufacturer Tesla Motors produces self-driving electric cars that are so compelling that petrol heads are slowly transitioning to electric.
The self-driving component of these electric cars are a main component and are set to be available on a commercial basis in the near future.
The auto pilot component of Tesla Cars is set to evolve into a rental service in the far future and this could disrupt the relationship between cars and its owners.
Even though these flaws are yet to be addressed and improved, many companies are heavily investing on self-driving cars. Uber has raised 1 billion dollars and appointed a CEO just for the self-driving cars section of their company.
Self-driving cars are a dream come true for car- rental companies as they eliminate the human aspect in the company to a bare minimum.
This vastly improves the profit margins for those companies and is basically as close as they can get to a jackpot.
This elimination of the number of humans can also eliminate violent and criminal activities within the framework of the company which makes it an even more appealing way to boost the credibility of the company.
Self-driving cars do have their ups and downs. More downs and ups actually. BUT, they are the definite future and drastic measures will be taken in the near future that will disrupt the industry.