Drug Abuse, Cause And Its Effects

Ishika Garg
Jul 23, 2019   •  6 views

Addiction is not just a health problem, it is a social, and a public health problem. the problem of use and abuse of drug is not new in India. At first you may use the drug for the reason of how it makes yo feel but later it changes the functioning of your brain. One may loose self control and the behaviour can be damaging. The main cause why teenagers start the usage of drugs is just to fit in the peer group. It is a thrilling and seductive affair. sometime later the drug becomes the survival of a person.

Drug abuse is when one uses legal or illegal substances in a prohibited way. Drug addiction is when when the substance puts your health in danger and one cannot stop. Our brain is set up in such a way that it forces us to do things which make us feel good and that is why we get addicted to the euphoria created by the usage of the drugs for time being.

After a certain time brain produces chemicals such as dopamine due to which to get the same level of euphoria by usage of drugs one needs to increase the amount of intake which may sometimes lead to drug overdose and ultimately death.

Classification of drugs

  • Tranquillizers- help in mental diseases such as stress, anxiety, depression

  • Analgesics- painkillers

  1. Narcotic Drugs -opioids- addictive

  2. Non- Narcotic Drugs-anti-inflammatory drugs- paracetamol, crocin

  • Hallucinigens- LSD( most powerful), cannabis, charas, ganja

  • Stimulants- cocaine

Effects of drug addiction

  • Communication system of human brain - Overtsimulaton of human brain reward system leading to abnormal messages being sent to the nerves and back to the brain. as a result it can hinder decision making power of the brain, memory and ability to learn.

  • Some drugs can also cause heart palpitations

  • Drug addiction can also lead to either constriction or dilation of the pupils.

  • Health problems such as headaches, withdrawal symptoms can also occur to a person due to sudden stopping with the use of the drug

  • sharing of needles may also lead to AIDS.

Drugs act like slow poison which eat you up from the inside.

According to Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry and UNODC there are about 70 million drug addicts in India.

Laws in India to curb drug addiction-

  • To help drug abusers a toll free number is established- 1800-11-0031

  • Narcotic Drug and Psychtropic Substances act, 1985.

There are three UN Drug Conventions-

  1. 1961 Convention of narcotic drugs.

  2. 1971 of psychotropic substances

  3. 1988 illicit trafficking of these both

  • Various rehabilitation centres have also been set up for those who have been drug addicts.

