I believe in equal rights amongst men and women and so the idea of feminism doesn't quiet align with my idealogy.

Feminists view the World as a place where the gender gap exists, a place where men are given more substance and their work is valued more than women, a place where men are considered more superior than women and in all, a place which treats them as unequals. Their movement is for a change, a change to abolish this gender gap from this steriotypical society. Someone in some way or the other experiences oppression, domination and injustice, obliteration of these prejudices is what the fight is about.

The original belief behind feminism has always been political, social and economical equality of the sexes. This term today has been souped up by "feminists" who have in entierity changed its meaning to equality for women only.

As rightly said by Ai Jen Poo, "The Power that we need to claim, is our own."
A women will be treated as an equal when she considers herself worth everything, when she respects herself and what she can do and most importantly when she starts believeing in herself.

Why deprive the World of miracles when we can do wonders together?



Profile of Sangeeta Karkari
Sangeeta Karkari  •  5y  •  Reply
Indeed..! a great article👍 On the eve of Women's Day we will not have equality till...... We earn the respect in this male chuvenistic society and earn degrees in our hands by 2020... So education is another pathway towards equality and sexism..!