Some Facts About Our Longest Finger!

He Manth
May 27, 2019   •  175 views

Hello my individuals! Hope you are having a great time. But what happens if you suddenly get frustated? You will swear, right? Sometimes we use the longest finger of us. Do you know the story behind our longest finger?

Wanna know? Sounds interesting? Let's hop into it!

I think you all are sure that this "finger" culture came into existence some 100-200 years ago. CONGRATULATIONS! You all are wrong. Yes, the first recorded mentions of it is in the play, “The Clouds” from 424 BC!!

When it comes to photograph the first person to be photographed rocking the finger is Charles Rodbourn in 1886 in a baseball match.

Let's talk some facts.

"Flipping the bird" is the idiom for showing the middle finger.
In the old days, it wasn't used to represent anger. It was used to represent the man's essential organ!

And ladies do you know that flipping the bird was prohibited for you in the Roman and Greek culture! It was considered a crime.

Roman archers used this gesture to salute the fellow archer who did a fabulous headshot.

Now show your PUBG teammate a "middle finger salute" when they do a headshot with a crossbow.

That's it for today! Have a nice day!Peace!!

