Not everything in the universe is constant , everything changes and develop in their own ways and the same thing applies to the technology as well . Latest trend in every technology help in making the world a better place to live.
And we all are surrounded with technologies and everything that we use today is connected to technology in one or the other way. Mobile phone is the best example of technology. But the biggest question for every tech enthusiastic or a guys related to technical field like engineering, is that which technology to learn or which technical knowledge to opt for a good career. So here i have listed some of the top 5 technologies to learn to have a good carrer in 2019.
If you a tech related guy then you must have listened the world IoT. IoT is one of latest technology that is taking a huge leap in today's era.This technology is based on cloud computing with sensors. This technology integrates cloud tech with chip tech or we can say cloud computing with electrical field. IoT has emerged as a field which is providing automation for everything.From smart wearables to smart cities and to home automation IoT is expanding itself to different areas. Smart security solutions, smart home automation, smart health care, and smart weearables are some of the applications of IoT.
So if you are facinate about IoT and have knowledge on c,c++ and cloud computing then you can opt this field. The Development tools which can be used for IoT are Arduino, Eclipse and IBMWatson.
As we are developing ourselves to digitalization, the thread of hackers and crackers are incresing day-by-day and hence we can say that digitalization can increase the threat of cyber-attacks.These attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing and destroying sesitive user information for some benefits. Some hackers use this data to make money and some use to just harm the person or organisation. So to get rid of these hackers and cyber-attacks companies and other organisatiions are hiring experts who can protect their data from unauthorised peoples. The people with good cyber knowledge and hacking skills are working with companies and organisations are certified ethical hackers and data security experts.
So if you have good knowledge of hacking and have a certification for the same then you can apply for data security jobs. Some of the top cyber security companies of 2019 are AppGaurd,CA technologies, Cimcor inc, cyberark and delta risk.
The third major technology that is taking the leap is Big data.Now a days major companies and large organisations are acquring knowlegde about their customers and people of their intrest. Mainly huge comapnies work with big data to know the information about customer, their intrests to make their product out comes more effective. Industry experts are suggesting that big data in the future will not be about what data to use but rather what data to ignore. The focus will be more on data quality.The technologies through wich you can learn more about data and you can use to expand your business and increase yor profits are Hadoop, Apache spark, Apache flink, NiFi and etc. With these tools the power of Big data and mobility can truely eveluate businesses to new levels. The major companies that are using Big Data are Telecom companies , Retail industries, Insurance industries .
So, If you are person that can work with large amount of data and have a good knowledge of Java, SQL and linux then you can opt this field for your career.
The 4th major technology emerging today is cloud computing. Cloud computing, now-a-days is getting a good hype and storing of data and automation more easier. With the help of cloud computing its getting easies to store data,create a backup, get things automated . Google drive is good example of cloud computing.
Several Companies are offering these computing services are called cloud providers and typically charge some money for providing cloud space, similar to how you are billed for electricity or Netflix. The benifits of cloud computing is that you can access data 24*7 and its provides data space and seccurity at much cheaper cost. Some of the famous cloud provider companies are Amazon web services , SalesForce, Microsoft Azure , IBM cloud and google cloud.
So if you have good knowledge of networking and cloud virtualization then you can opt this technology as your career.
The 5th and most emerging and intresting technology in todays era is Artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is all about creating machines wiht their own intelligence. Chitti robot from robot movie is an example of artificial intelligence. Data science and machine learning are the technologies that are implemented for achieving artificial intelligence. In this field some neural networks are created and some machine learning is done to help machines get their own recognisation patterns and intelligence.
So if want to learn about machines and have the knowledge of maths,probability and programming then you can try in this field.