Spam Free World: How To Protect Ourself

Gyan Prakash
Aug 06, 2019   •  0 views

Many of us had the experience of recieving a spammy email from a friend or a loved one, only to have a frantic follow up note arrive a few minutes later from that person stating that his or her email was hacked and warning us not to open or send any of the message to the intruder. To be sure, This is an alarming situation for many users. But the scariest part is that if your inbox or any of your social media account gets hacked (including your phone,tablet,laptop,Twitter,Instagram,Smart Home,anything really) by modern cyberthieves or Even security officials, spewing spam is about the most innocuous thing that can happen to it.

The true value of your email account to crooks(hackers) is merely in its ability to pump spam or even forward malicious software and virues to your entire contact list. Depending on what you do with your account and how long you have had it, your inbox could be worth far more than you imagine.

For example, sign up with any services online, and it will almost certainly require you to supply an email address. In nearly all cases, the person who is in control of that address can reset the password of any associatedservices or accounts-merely by requesting password reset email.Got your bank account, or insurance plan tied to your inbox? An attacker in control of your email account-either via phising you or installing malware on your system- can simply visit the website that manages the accounts,request a password rest. click an email link , change the passwords!

