The world's largest democracy India, or Bharat, is one of the prosperous nations of the world. With the second largest population , extensive and excellent foreign relations, a good enough GDP, a commendable contribution to the world peace, India is a remarkable land with huge diversity, richculture and varied heritage.

India is the land of the 'aum' that reverberated with unity in diversity.It is a secular country that promotes each religion and faith: Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism etc.

The uniqueness of the Indian Culture is that it not only welcomes people of different culture from all over the globe but also preserves its own identity at the same time. Our Indian Culture is a beautiful amalgamation of our glorious past and the present , as exemplified by the Vedic Era, the Sultanate, the Mughals and the British. The culture is ever expanding and has progressed so much since the time of the Vedas.Our prohress in scienceand technology, fashion, tourism, space programmes, army is laudible.

Our progress in education is so much so that two of our Indian teachers were nominated for Global Teacher Awards 2019.Through our education system, we try, not only to educate our people but also instil in them a sense of pride for their nation, imbibing ethics and moral values in them and emphasising on the importance of unity.This is a gift of our Culture.

Indian Culture and ethics is deeply enshrined in our Indian Constitution by the makers of the Constitution. Under Article 14, every person is equal in the eye of law.This means that every citizen of our country, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex, is an Indian and enjoys rights and protection under the provisions of the law.

Celebrations of festivals is magnanimous in India and so much so that even the foreigners visit our country to experience it.Be it Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christma, Processions etc., every festival on this land is celebrated with mirth and joy and with hearts void of differences but filled with love.

Besides displaying an exuberant culture, India has also won fame and respect as it is a member of the United Nations, BRICS, World Trade Organisation, SAARC and so on. Recently, the Prime Minister of our country visited Seoul , in South Korea to extend our relation with the South-east Asian Nations and to promote our Culture on a global level.

It is said that every coin has two sides.Likewise, though our Culture is great,
problems of casteism, communalism, regionalism, terrorism haunt us and harms our unity. Plus, excessive influence of the western world, ideology and lifestyle has diverted our minds toa level that we tend to forget our roots.

Originality is the key to Sustainability, we must remember it. Thus, keeping in mind our ethics and values, we Indians must strive hard in every aspect to promote Brotherhood, Peace andmake India a wonderful country.We must keep up the motto high-


