Confusion about deep web and dark web are common. Contrary to popular belief, the deep web and the dark web are actually two separate definitions.

The two are made up of, and defined by, conflicting constructs. As such, the difference is worth clarifying.

Info graphic clarifies the concept of internet, surface web, deep web and dark web with examples and the metaphor of an iceberg.

Surface web: Above water is all content average internet users use on a daily basis. This includes facebook,reddit etc.

Deep web: The deep web is the majority of the internet as a whole right below the surface of the iceberg under water. It's comprised of the same general host names as sites on the surface web, but along with extension of those domains.

This is the specific URL of your facebookmessenger thread with a friend, or the UDAI public archival material, or ecommerce or e-retail's internal communications system.

