Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Dishani Roy
Apr 28, 2019   •  3 views

King Victor of Lauoria was panic-stricken. Princess Eliza's dangerous malady has worsened. She had a dry cough, her cheeks were flushed and she always seemed to have a high temperature. This sad news spread throughout the kingdom. Doctors were called but the Princess could feel her days were numbered.

One evening, a young man named Luke Hans came to visit the beautiful palace. He looked as dirty as a hog. The soldiers became suspicious on seeing his appearance. The Duke told the soldiers that he has come to meet His Majesty. The king learned from the Duke that it was no use crying over spilled milk, and gave the king the faith that she could


The Duke asked the king, "How is Princess Eliza's demeanor?"

The king replied, "She was disliked by all because of her crabbed behavior".

The Duke asked the king as to why she behaved like that. The King explained that she had a traumatic childhood because her mother, the Queen, died when she was very young. She was treated very cruelly by all the other queens, in the absence of her mother.

On listening to the past of the princess, the Duke had a brilliant idea as to how to cure the princess. He knew right away what would get the princess healed in no time.

The Duke asked the Princess, "Hello, Princess. How are you?"

The princess observed the Duke in mild astonishment. She twitched her eyebrow and asked, "Who are you? And what do you want from me?"

The Duke replied that he wants to be her friend. From then on, the Princess and the Duke became very good friends. The Duke always cheered her up with his jokes, fairytales, and stories with morals, sometimes, singing, dancing and whistling for her entertainment. The Princess was very fascinated by him. He persisted in curing Princess Eliza with real zeal and energy. Eliza always had a great time hearing him.

In a month's time, the princess was fully recovered. She always smiled and became a cheerful little girl that the King always wanted his daughter to be. The King rewarded the Duke and asked him the secret. The Duke simply laughed in reply. The king was aware or not of the medicine, it is not known. But, we definitely know what the medicine was…

