Consent is permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
"no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"
synonyms:agreement, assent, concurrence, accord;

This is whatGoogletells us about the meaning of consent

But in recent years the term has been used primarily in the context of sexual relations. Consent is the most important part to keep in mind when talking or participating in acts of sex.

The absence of consent makes it not an act of love but violence and malice.So the most important thing that we need to remember is there is no such thing as ‘non-consensual’ sex.

If sex is non-consensual it is rape.”

There is no use blurring the lines. India’s history with consent has always been rocky. From portraying eve-teasing and sexual coercions as acts of wooing in media, to victim shaming based on clothes.

The insistent stalkerish Raj who follows Simran from the first time seeing her on a train. But Raj is an idol to many and ideal boyfriend for many others. This brings us to the conclusion that maybe the concept of consent needs more specifying.

1.Verbal agreement

2.Enthusiastic requests of specification

Or any other definite sign that she/he is agreeing to your proposal. The miscommunication of such can cause great mental damage to the aggrieved. When you see the haunted faces and emotional scars bared by such a person, you understand the necessity of consent. Therefore, it is best to ask for verbal agreements.

Consent is freely reversible and in accordance with both parties. Both parties must agree to the acts that are being commenced. I will be the one to freely admit to never having sex. But this is my sexual liberty and freedom. In the same way, all adults are deserving of free expression of their freedom. It is their freedom to say Yes or NO. A no is never a maybe or persuade me. So if you are one of those who bear this thinking; discard it.

Now lastly, let us see

1.Short clothes

2.A marriage certificate of any kind

3.Being in a committed relationship

4.Any prior time they consented to any acts.

This brings us to the conclusion that the very need to debate the issue of consent, describes what is wrong with our society. The stories of male sexual victims are trivialised and the women are largely shamed. The fourth common crime according to the National Crime Bureau is Rape.

The women are forced to go unreported due to fear of backlash. A statistic revelation from livermint shows 99% cases of sexual violence go unreported. The victims are shamed and scrutinised. They are objectified and dehumanised by the public. Their stories are judged for credibility from the lens of bias.

Thus it is important we remember consent is not just a habit but a necessity for many. The problems that come from lack of thereof is not an isolated social issue. The valuable consent should be practised before all acts- holding hands, cuddling, kissing, etc. consent is a practise that will help us all take a positive direction towards the development of Indians.

