In today's world the front end development is playing a major role. In this modern world, the User interface is playing a major role in any software. Even though it may be a simple application if it has a good looking user interface it will attract lots of user in case of websites or apps. Nowadays the developers are developing complex apps with high security and lots of databases and backend with advanced technology but they are not putting efforts on the Front End of the software which is one of the most important part of any software.
"Front end technologies creates a first impression and which is the best impression"
This will make the users feel comfortable with our application.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is like the noun of the web page. It is used to build the structure and the content of a webpage. It is like a house made of only bricks and cement which is not painted and decorated.
CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets ) and its Frameworks: CSS is like the adjective of the webpage that describes or adds the style to the HTML elements.It is used to add font style,colors,alignments,border etc.Now after adding CSS to our Web page it will be a painted house with some decorations. There are lots of popular frameworks of CSS which will make the work of developer more easier.
Javascript and Its Frameworks: They are the Verbs of the web page. Javascript is used to add user interaction to our web page. Our Website will react according to the user's actions. Now after adding Javascript to our web page our home would be a fully functional, good looking awesome place to live and visit. There are lots of javascript frameworks but the most popular one are React, Angular, Vue, Node, Ember, Next, etc.
In the above explanation to explain the web frontend technologies, I have made use of the nouns, verbs, adjectives and also the construction of house so that it will be easy for you to understand.
XML: stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML is a markup language much like HTML. XML was designed to store and transport data. XML was designed to be self-descriptive
Material Design: It is a design language developed by Google. It can be used to create attractive User Interfaces with awesome icons that are inbuilt in it. It is extensively used in developing android apps.