Problem of Drug addiction in student life
Drug is actually a poison. The amount which has taken determines the effect. A small amount acts as a stimulant and a greater amount acts a sedative. Taking of drug actually a habit. There are many types of drug from taking the essence of Naptholinand to taste the paste everything belongs to drug addiction. People take drug because they want to change something of their life. They think taking drugs is a solution. But actually the drugs became the problem. People of every age can be addicted by drug. But in our country drug addiction became a vigour problem mostly in student’s life. Now we can see many under eighteen boys even girls are smoking taking alcohol etc. This cause a great harassin their life. Hundreds or thousands more of today’s college students are abusing prescription drugs. Sometimes we can see that a student who is in depression is taking drug for relief. But the effect is quite different. It makes a man stupid and lethargic. For this many young star’s future are collapsing It may causes trouble to their family also. Because a drug taker cannot communicate with his family members properly.In reality drug taking is actually next to suicide. So in my opinion in any problem drug is not a solution, try to recover it.