Do ghosts really exist?
We have heard this everywhere. few say yes and few say all those are imaginary.
Whenever few people join together they speak about ghost at-least for a minute.
Ghosts stories are actually interesting than all others.
I always wonder if I am the only person in my room. I love to sit alone and have my own time and every time I sit alone after watching a horror film this question starts to run across my mind and every time I hear a weird sound I confirm that I’m not alone.
As a kid when I watched horror movies my parents use to tell me all those were just imaginations.
I always wished for my doll to walk and talk like those in movies. I always wake up late nigh just to check if my doll was in its place. And I was clever enough that I made sure that my doll never knew that I woke up. Every time I woke up I did not find any movement in my doll. I named it lazy girl because she was sleeping all time but all I wanted is for it to walk. After I grew up I found it was all non-sense but my doubts about ghosts never left me.
Every time I watch a movie I develop a new idea about ghost and imagined it to happen next to me. I was so silly that I was afraid of dark and would close my eyes are run to restroom at late nights and sometimes I preferred to stay back in my bed.How many of you have tried it? Lets be honest.
I always feel that someone was watching over me at late nights and I finally identified it was my mom who was watching over me. She knew that I would not sleep if I watch horror movie. But horror movies were always my favourite. I loved to sit back and watch them.
Many people tell that all those are stories. 40 percent of the earth’s population believe in the presence of ghosts and more than 20 percent tell that they have seen ghosts. What should we believe. Are ghosts real?
Yes they are real.
Before we know the reason why ghosts are real lets think about the places where people tell that they have seen them.
A closed room
A old building
Under a tree
Ghosts are due to the presence of carbon mono oxide. Think of all these places. All have low oxygen content. Due to less oxygen content carbon di oxide undergoes single fission to give carbon mono oxide.
Carbon mono oxide at low content causes hallucination. Then we think about our close relatives or friends who are dead or about characters in movies or stories.
We have heard of people who are killed by ghosts. This is due to increase of carbon mono oxide.
All may seem like kiddish stuff what if I tell I have met a devil when I sat alone in my room. You may laugh now but when you sit alone next time this will for sure run across your mind. Drop me a comment if you feel it. When you feel like someone is near you just try to ventilate the room or move to a ventilated room.