5 Mantras For Improving Your Public Speaking Skills.

Barun Kumar Gupta
Jun 01, 2019   •  313 views

Public speakingcould be an important, but scaring, skill.
If the only thought of speaking in public scares you, keep calm and follow these5 MANTRAS FOR IMPROVING YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS.

Enjoy and share if you like!


Public speaking is one of the most experienced fears.It can make you anxious and make you sweat out your hands. Each of us has physiological reactions when we have to speak in public. First of all, do not associate these feelings with something necessarily negative. The adrenaline rush that makes you sweat can make you more alert and help you give your all.

The ability to communicate a message and sell an idea is a fundamental skill if you want to have an impact on the world. And even in the world of Millennials, full of animated GIFs, emoticons, hashtags and limited-character messages, public speaking is still the most effective way to convince and inspire. It’s the only way to paint and show others your vision.

You may have the most brilliant and ingenious idea of the century, but if you don’t know how to communicate it, it will be the same as all the others. On the contrary, you may have some imperfect idea that will be successful because you were able to communicate it in the right way. Public speaking skills are valuable in every area of life.

5 Mantras

01 – Focus On The Voice

02 – Keep It Simple
03 – Structure Your Material
04 – Practice
05 – Just Smile

1. Focus On The Voice

Many speakers focus all their attention on creating the right message, neglecting the setting of their voice.

Focus on your voice and what makes you uniqueinstead of focusing on what’s new in the message. Voice is part of your uniqueness.

Learn how to manage the tone of your voice. Emphasize the uniqueness of your message with your voiceinstead of repeating unnecessary words. Have a cheerful, safe and decisive tone.

2. Keep It Simple

I just said that. Don’t make unnecessary repetitions. Many complicate their speech by making it fast, trying to say and get everything out in a timely manner.

Slow down and keep your speech simple. Be clear. Avoid unnecessary outlines. Use understandable language. A speech that is too sought-after will require a greater effort from your audience and this will bore them first.

Simplicity will allow them to follow the red thread of your speech.

3. Structure Your Material

Structure your speech into three sections: grabber, middle and close.To structure it effectively, you need to know what you’re talking about.

The structure will help you to follow a logical path.Become really interested in the topic. Knowledge will make you safe and reduce anxiety.

Find the right language and examples for your audience. Find the right stories. Including personal stories. The important thing is that they are consistent with the focus of your speech. Very often, the audience likes to listen to the stories of the speaker.

4. Practice

Practice out loud with all the equipment you use.Work to check the words you’ll use. Repeating out loud helps you understand how to handle your voice.

Practice, pause and breathe. Do it as if you were on stage.Move and talk as if your performance were there at the time. Don’t talk fast. Take your time.

Use a clock to check the timeand always leave a margin for unforeseen events.

5. Just Smile

Sounds like the most trivial thing, but it’s not.There’s nothing simpler or more powerful than a smile. Always smile.

Smile before you go on stage, smile as you make your speech.The smile brings with it an innate feeling of security and exudes security to your whole body.

Smile at the audience. Smiling at someone in the audience can help you feel calmer and less nervous as well as making you feel connected to the audience you are talking to.

