We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 34 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Avisa: King who is live giving
Avish: Sea, Ocean; Vast expanse of water; One who's emotions are deep like the ocean
Avishai: One who is the wonderful gift of God
Avishek: Inaugration of a new start
Avishkaar: Innovation, Invention; God's Gift; Miracle
Avishkar: Innovation, Invention; God's Gift; Miracle
Avitamos: A tender hearted men, mature
Avitorix: Tactful person who loves adventure
Avitr: One who is descending individual
Avitsit: The one who is a compassionate being, One who is self confident, friendly and nature loving
Avitus: One who is ancestral property
Aviv: They are spring seasoned and young
Aviya: My father is the only Lord
Avkash: Limitless Space, Infinite Space; One which has no boundary
Avkasha: One in a limitless space
Avksenti: Georgian form of Auxentios, meaning to increase or to grow
Avmanjeevan: One who is living a peaceful life
Avneesh: God of the Earth, One of the many names of Lord Ganesh
Avnendra: God of the Earth, One of the many names of Lord Ganesh
Avner: A Hebrew name, they are compassionate
Avnesh: God of the Earth, One of the many names of Lord Ganesh
Avniel: God provides all the strength
Avninder: The King of the Earth, fertile
Avon: The one who is fertile and is a river
Avonaco: A lean Bear, they are travel lover
Avraam: They are father of many
Avraham: The one who is father of many
Avram: Hebrew - Father of multitude, High Father; Derivative of name Abraham
Avree: One who is a wise ruler
Avrel: One with strength and has a fighting boar's power
Avrian: A high father of multitude
Avrohom: A loving and caring human being
Avrom: A form of Abraham, meaning father of a multitude.
Avtandil: Heart or sunshine
Avtar: An incranation of God
Avtarjeet: Victory of God
Avtarjot: A brave and strong winner
Avtarpreet: Love and compassion of God
Avtarprem: One who is in love with God
Avtartek: A radiating, limitless protector
Avto: Short form of Avtandil, meaning heart or sunshine
Avwunudiogba: Those who profess strength with mere talk
Avya: The very first life form in this world that was all knowledgeable and all pure
Avyagra: Unoccupied, Unconfused; Undisturbed; One who is knowledgeable and Pure
Avyakta: One who is non manifest and imperceptible
Avyakth: One who is born to remove all obstacles
Avyan: One who has no imperfections, One of the many names of Lord Ganesha
Avyay: One who cannot be destroyed
Avyaya: Immutable, Inexhaustible; Without Deterioration; Without destruction; Unalterable
Avyi: A father of many
Avyukt: One with a clear mind, Unconfused Being; One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Avyukta: One with a clear mind, Unconfused Being; One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Awaan: One who is of finest quality
Awad: Reward, Compensation; Kind; Tenderhearted; Compassionate
Awadeep: An eternal light, immartale light
Awadesh: The finest King of Ayodhya
Awadh: One who can never get killed
Awadhesh: King of Ayodhya
Awadil: Justice and fairness, one who is fair and just.
Awais: A gifted individual
Awaiz: One who is decorated and decked
Awalmir: A person capable of being a prime chief or leader
Awamil: Active, effective, or one who has a role.
Awamiri: Long-lived
Awan: Moment, or time
Awanah: A middle faced individual
Awang: The eldest son
Awani: Helper, or supporter
Awanish: Name of Lord Ganesh, rules whole world
Awarnach: A giant
Awatef: One who is filled with passions and emotions
Awaz: Arabic - Giver of Restitution, It also means tune or melody
Awdhesh: King of Ayodhya
Awdil: A variant of Adil, meaning fair and honest or to act justly.
Awdrie: Everlasting inspiration
Awena: Time of early day or sunrise
Awentia: A plant who has a nice smell
Awesh: Passion or Josh in Hindi
Awf: A willow tree, who cannot be tamed; nice smell
Awj: Height, pinnacle, top
Awlya: Good friend and companion.
Awmar: Long-lived, one who has a long life
Awn: A helper and a supporter
Awnan: A little Adam, fun loving person
Awrad: Rose colored, or rosy, one with healthy and youthful looking skin.
Aws: Name of a big tree
Awtry: A man of noble strength
Awwab: A pious, devoted and god fearing person
Awwal: A servant of Allah
Ax: One who like peaceful condition
Axa: Harmony, peace loving
Axayacatl: A water faced individual
Axe: One who is the father of peace
Axel: One who likes peaceful environment
Axell: Hebrew - God the Father is Peace, Greek - Defender of Men; Variant of name Axel
Axil: Hebrew - God the Father is Peace, Greek - Defender of Men; Variant of name Axel
Axill: They are the one who spread peace, kind of father
Axios: A capable man.
Axl: They are the father of peace
Axton: English - Stone, Castle;
Ayaan: They are inclined towards God
Ayaansh: Ray of light who are part of parents
Ayaaz: A king, they are respected and enduring
Ayad: Benefit, Blessing, Profit
Ayahkaya: One who is very strong and has iron body
Ayal: A male Deer, they are strong
Ayalon: Deer or gazelle
Ayamin: One who is blessed, the blessed one.
Ayan: Arabic - Time, Era, Sanskrit - Halting, Name of Lord Ganesh; Urudu - God's Gift; Persian - Inspiration
Ayanda: One who is always increasing
Ayansh: They are part of their parents, ray of light
Ayas: To cause good to somebody, Persian - Morning Breeze
Ayasmaya: A strong man made of iron
Ayatullah: They show the sign of Allah
Ayavanth: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Ayaz: Cool night breeze, a royal breeze
Aybak: This name refers to Qutb-Ud-Din Aibak. It means slave or messenger.
Aydan: One who is born out of fire, impusive
Aydar: Topknot or forelock, referring to the hairstyle of ancient Turkic warriors
Ayden: Determined, one who is bron out of fire
Aydin: One who is enlightened
Aye: Cool
Ayeesa: A woman who brings happiness
Ayeesah: A woman bringing joy and prosperity
Ayer: The one who is the heir
Ayers: Community name
Ayham: A strong willed
Ayinde: Yoruba - We gave praise and he came,
Aykin: One who is made out of Oak
Aylbricht: A lonesome, analytic and happy individual
Ayler: One who loves the world
Aylett: One who has noble and great personality
Aylewynus: An admirable and lovely human being
Ayllmer: A noble and famous person
Aylmar: One who has an amazing fame
Aylmer: English - Nobly Famous , Derived from Adal - Noble and Meri - Great; A variant of Elmer
Aylmerus: An accepting, level headed individual
Aylward: English - Noble Guardian, Derivatives are Ailward, Ailwerd and Aylwerd
Aylwin: EnglishGermanic: ElfNobleWise Friend, A variant of name Alvin
Aylworth: A well read, opportunity loving person
Aymaan: One who is a fearless gift of God
Ayman: A right headed and blessed individual
Aymer: A noble and generous human being
Aymeric: Germanic - King of work, A variant of the name Aimery
Aymil: Middle Eastern form of Emil, meaning excellent.
Aymon: Arabic - Fortunate, Variation of name is Ayman
Ayngaran: One who son of Lord Shiva
Aynulf: A fearless and poerful person
Aynulhasan: One who is like Hasan
Aynulhayat: A fountain which provides life
Aynunnaim: A fountain of blessing
Ayo: A joy providing individual
Ayobahu: One who is iron armed
Ayoda: One who belongs from Ayodhya
Ayodele: Yoruba - Joy has returned , A variant of name Ayotunde
Ayodhya: Not to Be Fought Against, Derived from name of King "Yudh"
Ayog: Institution, Auspicious time
Ayomide: Yoruba - Joy has returned , A variant of name Ayotunde
Ayoob: Returning to God, Repenting; A variant of name Ayyub
Ayotomiwa: Wealth has returned.
Ayotunde: Yoruba - Joy has returned, A variant of name Ayomide
Ayoub: One who is good in doing job
Ayron: A mountain of strength
Ayrton: A powerful and charming individual
Ayrwode: One who is from fir forest
Aysar: One who is better off, or living better.
Ayser: One who is easy to deal with
Aytrop: A person who is sensitive and enjoys deeper things
Ayu: The first man who has the power of the wind
Ayub: A Biblical Prophet's name
Ayubkhan: A fine and copmplete man
Ayudh: One who does not fight, Peace Loving; Against Yudh (War);
Ayuj: A who is without a companion
Ayukhan: Leader of the bear
Ayus: Lineage: The duration of life
Ayush: Long Life, One who is blessed to live long; A variant name of Aayush
Ayusha: Long Life, One who is blessed to live long; A variant name of Aayush
Ayushka: Long Life, One who is blessed to live long; A variant name of Aayush
Ayushmaan: Blessed with long life, A derivative name from Aaush
Ayushman: Blessed with long life, A derivative name from Aaush
Ayusman: One who is blessed with long life
Ayustejas: One who is practical and patient
Ayuta: A who has the energy of life: Myriad
Ayutajit: One who creats big ambitions
Ayutasva: A serious minded and satble person
Ayutayu: One who has unlimited age
Ayyad: One who is an able strengthener
Ayyadurai: One with clever mind and a sense of responsibility
Ayyakannu: A Tamil Name
Ayyan: It means a gift of god: Time
Ayyannan: One who finds happiness in smaller things in life
Ayyapan: Son of Lord Shiva, who is Lord Vishnu and Shiva incarnate - Ayya is Vishnu and Appa is Shiva
Ayyappa: Son of Lord Shiva, who is Lord Vishnu and Shiva incarnate - Ayya is Vishnu and Appa is Shiva
Ayyappan: Son of Lord Shiva, who is Lord Vishnu and Shiva incarnate - Ayya is Vishnu and Appa is Shiva
Ayyasami: A good natured and a likable person
Ayyash: Long lived
Ayyavu: One who is respectable or venerable, God of Sun
Ayyoob: Name of a biblical prophet : One who returns to god
Ayyub: One who is born to do good
Ayyubi: One who is like prophet Ayyub, patient, humble and virtuous.