We have created a list of 476 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter O. This is Page 3 out of 3 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Osarogie: God is the king.
Osburga: The name of an ancient lady monarch.
Osgifu: The Noordeep the spot of brightness.
Osha: English-American - Bear, Occia is a variant of Osha
Oshana: Palm tree
Oshee: The one who is making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing.
Oshma: The quality of being luminous, emitting or reflecting light.
Oshmi: Free from anything that dulls or dims
Osiana: A little young deer
Osith: One who looks after the people and kingdom
Ositha: An inspirational and idealistic person, very strong
Osk: Longing or desiring.
Osla: One who came from a steep place
Oslafa: An ambitious, courageous and strong person
Oslo: Name of a city in Norway
Oslow: A ridge, common name of a place in Norway
Osma: One who acts like a divine protector
Osman: One who is clever and can excel in anything
Osnat: Belonging to God
Ossenna: A creative, happy and versatile person
Ossi: A strong willed and preserving person
Ostara: Name of a German Goddess
Osthryd: A responsible and practical person, free detailed
Osthryth: A responsible and stable person, diplomatic
Ostryd: Name of an omnipotent God, has congenial nature
Otelia: A preserving and strong willed person
Otha: One who is wealthy and fortunate
Othelia: Person who is born with high morals and willpower
Otieno: A person who is born at night
Otilia: A person who is preserving and patient, hearing
Otilie: She who is wealthy.
Otta: A philosopher and creative individual
Ottaline: One who can prosper in warfield
Ottavia: A person who is born on the Eighth, guardian
Ottelien: A self improving and majestic person
Ottie: A strong willed and wealthy individual
Ottilia: One who is from the fatherhood and is fortunate
Ottilie: A person who is rich, prosper and wealthy
Ottokar: A person who is like a beautiful poem
Otway: A person who is fortunate and like a beautiful heroine
Otylia: An individual who smells and looks like a rose
Ouarda: One who is like a famous warrior
Oudsiyya: A glorious and holy individual
Ouida: A noble and famous warrior
Ourania: A noble and heavenly person, a Goddess
Ourdolat: An individual who is free detailed and clever
Ourratulain: A darling individual who is the delight of the eye
Oursoula: One who is powerful and strong as a Bear
Outacite: Another name for a man-killer
Ova: Another name for an Egg
Ovelle: A person who is filled with enthusiasm
Overton: A habitational name for an enclosure
Ovia: A quiet and simple being, has deep inner desire
Ovidiu: An individual who is like a saint
Oviereya: Queen
Owaissa: A Bluebird, a beautiful song of Hiawatha
Owena: The one who is a well-born young warrior
Ownah: A person who unifies everyone
Oxana: A stranger who bestows hospitality
Oxide: A compound of oxygen
Oya: The one who tore, a Goddess of underriver
Oyinlola: Nigerian term, meaning wealth is sweet.
Oyintsa: A white winter Duck
Oyovwikerhi: May my guardian spirit be blessed
Oyunchimeg: Wisdom ornament
Oyuunchimeg: Decorated or noble mind
Ozaine: An intelligent and self confident person
Ozanna: A person who shows authority and potential
Ozanne: One who is a savior, saves prey
Ozella: A patient and loving personality
Ozette: A name given for large and deep lake
Ozge: A unique and different individual
Ozigbodi: Patience
Ozra: A name given to virgin Mary
Ozwell: A reserved person, a name given to Virgin Mary
Ozza: A teacher, a young female