We have created a list of 3942 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter A. This is Page 16 out of 20 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Arika: Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, One of many names of Goddess Lakshmi
Arikiwi: Cloak made of kiwi feathers.
Arilda: Hearth Maiden
Arilyn: They have a eye for perfection and detail
Arima: One who has Kingly Features, Soul; Name of a Town
Ariman: Kurdish word for wish
Arina: Greek word for peace
Arinan: A holy and peace loving person, handles situation
Ariona: An Extremely holy person
Arisanna: One who has deep roots of knowledge and tradition
Arisha: Arabic word which means peaceful
Arissa: Someone who is the prime or the best
Arista: Best, Harvest
Aristea: The Best person
Aristi: Greek word meaning excellence, the firstborn
Aristomache: She who is best in the battle.
Arisu: Righteous,kind
Arita: A Japanese porcelain decoration
Arithi: Wish, Desire; Cravings
Ariya: A Noble person who is exalted being, sensitive nature
Ariyah: Noble and praised person, a musical note
Ariyana: One who has a desire to be creative and full of passion
Ariza: Cidar panels, one who has charming and friendly nature
Arizona: Silver bearing, also means a name for a spring
Arjama: Sun
Arjana: Heaven or paradise, one with magical and manlike features
Arjeta: Golden life
Arjin: Fire of life
Arjumndbano: Noble or honorable
Arjuni: white, clear
Arkaparna: A desire or a dream, Sun's child
Arkcansiawa: They have a great and unique paersonality
Arketah: No liver, one who can produce equilibrium
Arkie: A bold and beautiful princess
Arkita: Lavish
Arla: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arlais: Which comes from the temple, very pious and religious
Arlana: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arlea: Hunter, bowman, one who like to explore and travel
Arleana: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arleen: Noble and a manly individual who is powerful
Arleena: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arleene: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arlena: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arlene: Oath, pledge; one who is like the oath of God
Arlenna: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arlet: Eagle, name of an east Indian spice
Arleth: Free spirit, one who the most perfect individual
Arlette: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arleyne: A compassionate and passionate individual
Arlina: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arlinda: Modern Blend of Arlene and Linda, Pledge; Oath; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin
Arline: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arling: An Eagle, they are strong and passionate
Arlise: God's oath
Arliss: A high fort, name of a place or a promise made
Arluene: An Emperor, one with a desire for learning
Arlyn: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arlyne: Pledge, Oath; Variant of Carlene and Charlene; Eagle; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Greek - Maiden; Virgin; A diminutive of Arlene
Arlynn: One who has lot of aspirations, pledge
Arlyse: Pledge, a responsible and self sufficient person
Armaani: Wish, one who is from the house of Armand
Armaghn: Gift or a present, one who dazzles everyone
Armaiti: A woman filled with humility, piety and devotion. It's also the name of an archangel.
Armanda: Feminine form of Armand or Herman. Germanic - Army Man
Armani: Faith, Persian - Desire; A variant form of name Arman
Armeetah: Humble, virtuous
Armela: Bear prince
Armelle: Stone hard, one who is powerful like a Bear prince
Armi: Grace or forgiveness
Armida: Armed one like a beautiful enchantress
Armigil: One has a wish or a desire, longing wish
Armina: Noble, warrior maiden
Arminal: One who is an army man, artistic person
Arminda: One who liberated Jerusalem, enjoys life
Arminder: God's triumph
Armindokht: Daughter of garden of Eden's dweller.
Armine: Soldier
Armineh: Desire, or goal
Arminel: Female warrior, high ranking warrior
Arminta: Giant, lofty, has congenial nature
Armita: Wish, desire, one who is righteous and virtuous
Armiya: One who has been appointed by the God
Armyne: Soldier or a famous warrior
Arna: Eagle or rule
Arnaaluk: Big woman or spirit of the woman under the sea.
Arnaaz: Elegant, pretty
Arnakuagsak: Old woman from the sea. Goddess of the hunters.
Arnalinder: Clean God
Arnapkapfaaluk: Name of the goddess who inspires fear in the hearts of hunters.
Arnaq: Woman, girl
Arnavi: Bird
Arnbjørg: A form of Annbjørg, meaning eagle protection.
Arnelle: Germanic - Eagle, Eagle Ruler; Modern Variant of Amold
Arnesha: Protector
Arnhild: Eagle, battle
Arni: Sun
Arnia: Strong as an Eagle, A variant form is Arnea and Arneah
Arnleif: The eagle inheritor.
Arnola: Germanic - Eagle, Power of an Eagle; As strong as an Eagle; Fair Shouldered Eagle
Arogo: One who nagged a lot during pregnancy.
Arogyada: Provider of good health
Aroha: Love,mercy, one who is compassionate individual
Arona: Colorful
Aronui: Desire, or greatly desired
Aroob: Loving to the husband
Aroofa: Knowledgeable, patient and wise woman.
Arooj: Juniper tree
Aroos: One who is extraordinarily beautiful
Arorangi: To heaven
Arouge: Hard working holy person, blessed
Aroush: Angel from heaven
Arpana: Offering
Arpita: Offering
Arra: Strong and powerful
Arram: High or high place
Arria: God's lion, one with a slim amd trim figure
Arriam: One who has a restless and artistic bent
Arrian: Holy
Arriane: One who is born to help the needy, escape
Arrie: Lion, one who can rule with mercy
Arrietty: Dainty or Gorgeous, one who is like a home ruler
Arrinna: Holy person born on the land of Aryans
Arsenia: Old Greek - Virile, Feminine of Arsenio
Arsenie: Arsenie is a variation of Arsenia and means virile.
Arsha: Persian - Man, Hindi - Prayer Ceremony; Also means from the Rishis
Arshi: Divine ray of sun
Arshia: Heavenly
Arshin: Good friend
Arshiya: Heavely, one who lives in the sky
Arshpreet: Love for sky
Arsia: Persian - Throne, One who is worthy of Throne; A variant spelling of the name Arshiya
Arsinoe: Very strong and virile individual
Arslan: Lion
Artana: Conquerer of all enemies
Artdokht: A righteous and obeying daughter.
Artemas: Follower of Artemis
Artemia: The moon goddess
Artemis: Greek moon goddess
Artemisa: A safe person, they follow Artemis
Artemisia: Gift from Artemis
Artemus: Greek Goddess
Artha: Wealth, riches
Arthea: A variant of Artice, meaning lofty hill' or 'follower of Thor'.
Arthemise: French version of Artemis, one with many outlets of energy
Arthika: A money loving, freedom driven person
Arthurina: Germanic - Stone, Bear; A derivative of the name Arthuretta; Female Version of Arthur; From the Roman Clan Name
Arthurine: Germanic - Stone, Bear; A derivative of the name Arthuretta; Female Version of Arthur; From the Roman Clan Name
Arti: Pleasing the God
Artice: Of lofty hill or the follower of Thor.
Artina: A variant of Artice, meaning lofty hill' or 'follower of Thor'.
Aru: Beautiful like the Sun, has a better life
Arub: Faithful woman
Aruba: One who loves her husband
Arubiyyah: One who is fluent, eloquent.
Arula: Brilliant, full of grace
Arundhati: Morning star
Arundhuti: Star
Aruni: Dawn, Rising Sun; Morning; One of many names of Sun God; A Feminine form of the name Arun
Arunima: Red glow
Arunjit: God of sun
Arunny: The morning sun.
Arus: Bride, spouse, a beautiful person
Arusah: Bride
Arusha: Shining bright
Arushi: Dawn or red sky
Arusi: Sanskrit - Sun, Swahili- Born at the wedding time
Arvilla: Eagle ruler
Arvinderjit: Someone who is the ultimate lord of horses, wheels
Arwaa: Softness, lightness
Arwen: Noble maiden, a holy and blessed individual
Aryahi: Goddess Durga
Aryana: Utterly pure, noble and pure individual
Aryanna: Most holy, the one who is very pure
Aryenish: A girl belonging to a noble lineage.
Aryisha: Under a tree,Umbrella
Arykah: A honorable ruler, limitless protector
Aryn: Peace, resourceful and independent being
Arynn: Ireland,Peace, a builder or a planner
Arysta: They have a strong and majestic personality
Arzhela: Feminine variant of Arzhel, meaning bear prince
Arzoo: Wish
Arzu: Desire or wish
Asaavari: Raga of Hindustani Classical Music
Asabi: African - Yoruban - One of Select Birth
Asadah: Lioness
Asaisha: One who helps and supports, successful
Asal: Honey
Asalah: Purity, Nobility of descent
Asali: Made of honey
Asami: Morning beauty
Asarat: One who remains, they lead way for others
Asaroop: Manifest
Asaroyoma: Comfort zones
Asasia: They are beautiful like sunrise, name of a place
Ascelina: Noble, one who is a little individual
Ascencion: Little Noble one
Aschton: A tree settlement, East town
Asdis: Goddess
Ase: Ase is a variation of Asa and means doctor.