We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 3 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Salah: A man who is send on the mission
Salah al din: Righteousness of religion
Salah udeen: The righteousness of the Faith
Salah-ud-din: The faith is righteous
Salahaldin: Righteousness of religion
Salaheddin: Honor of the faith
Salahuddeen: Faith is pure and righteous
Salahuddin: Faith is right
Salahudean: Righteousness of religion
Salahudeen: Righteousness of Faith
Salaj: Water flowing from melted ice in mountains
Salal: A salal berry plant
Salam: A person who doesn't harm others
Salama: Safety and security
Salamah: Person of inegrity and soundness
Salamat: One who has integrity
Salamatullah: Security of Allah
Salameh: A peaceful man
Salamon: One who brings peace
Salar: One who is in command
Salarjung: A leader in a war
Salatha: A variant of Salat, to salt
Salatino: One who fought bravely for their cause
Salazar: Surname, meaning old hall
Saleeh: One who is admirable and praiseworthy
Saleel: A son or a descendant
Saleem: One who is at peace
Saleemullah: The soundest servant of Allah
Saleemuzzaman: One who is the soundest servant of the time
Saleet: An intelligent person
Saleh: He who is righteous
Salem: Muslim name meaning secure and free
Salesi: Salesi is the Tongan form of Charles. It means man.
Salford: One from the willow ford
Salhdene: One from the valley of the willows
Salhford: One from the ford where the willows grow
Salhtun: A place in the willows
Salib: Lebanese term for pointing out someone's error.
Saliba: Assyrian word meaning cross.
Saliciduni: A willow town
Salicidunus: One who comes from a town of willows
Salif: One who is noble and ancient
Saligidvni: A person who loves freedom and likes to travel
Salih: A righteous, virtuous, intact and good person
Salik: One who follows the spiritual path
Salil: Indian name meaning water
Salim: One who is peaceful
Salimgerey: Safe, secure and healthy
Salinger: A saint leger
Salisbury: Surname, means willow fortress
Salit: A strong and solid man
Saliym: One who is safe and at peace
Sallam: One who brings peace and safety
Salley: Surname, meaning servatns in the hall
Sallsbury: A place name, town name
Salm: Eldest son of Fairdoon
Salman: He who is safe and peaceful
Salo: He who brings luck and fortune
Salokh: A name representing friendship
Salomão: One who likes peace, peaceable
Salomo: He who brings peace
Salomon: Spanish name meaning safety and peace
Salomone: Italian name meaning peacekeeper
Saloso: A cry of the wild goose
Salove: He who is a saviour
Salsaal: The purity of the water
Salsabil: An enjoyable drink
Salsal: One who is pure as a spring water
Salton: He comes from the place of the willows
Salus: A healthy person
Salvador: The savior of men
Salvadore: The who brings salvation
Salvator: One who is a defender or a savior
Salvatore: He is salvation. A man who is a hero, a liberator
Salvino: He who saves the men, a defender and redeemer
Sam: The child of the Sun, a bright one
Samaah: One who pardons and forgives
Samabashiv: A name for the Lord Shiva
Samad: One of the 99 names of the God. An immortal one
Samadhan: The feeling of pure satisfaction
Samael: Name of the mythological archangel, it means Blindness of God or Venom of God
Samaj: A name of Lord Indra
Samajas: Another name of Lord Indra
Samaksh: To be in front of something or someone
Samalya: A strand of material, garland
Samama: A person who is a campanion of the Prophet
Saman: A plece that is a home
Samang: Lucky or fortunate
Samant: To feel whole, or universal
Samantbhadra: Samantbhadra is the name of a famous Jain Acharya from ancient India. It means to feel complete or whole.
Samanyu: A name of Lord Shiva
Samarajit: The one who came from the war as victorious
Samarbir: A man who is brave in the war
Samardh: A personf who is poferful
Samarendra: The Lord of the War, or the name of Lord Vishnu
Samarendu: The War Lord
Samaresh: The Lord Vishnu
Samarjeet: The winner of the war, or a battle
Samarjit: The victor of the war
Samarpan: To dedicate something,or set is aside fot a special use
Samarpit: One who is a tribute
Samarth: One who has the power
Samarthi: A powerful male
Samarthya: One with the big strenght
Samarveeer: He is a King of the war
Samarvir: A person who is the hero of the war or battle
Samavart: Another name of Lord Vishnu
Samawah: The one who has the highness of status and rank
Samay: The begining or a start of somethin new
Samba: Something shinign and rising
Sambaran: Someone who is an acient king
Sambath: Great wealth or fortune
Sambha: A person or an object that shines
Sambhav: A source of the blissfulness
Sambhavnath: It's the name of the 3rd Tirthankara. Sambhavnath means born or manifested.
Sambhddha: A person of great wisdom
Sambhu: Name of Lord SHiva
Sambit: A man of great concsciousness
Sambodh: To posess the complete knowledge
Samborn: The brook that is sandy
Sambu: He who was attended by the Divine Mother
Sambuddha: A person who is wise, smart
Samdani: A male name that is of Indian origin
Samdarshi: Name of Lord Krishna
Samedh: A person of full strenght
Sameed: A leader, king or lord. One who is beneficence.
Sameeh: A lenien, forgiving an generous person
Sameen: A precious child
Sameena: A grand forest in paradise
Sameep: To be close to something or someone
Sameer: He who is a good friend
Sameeran: A gentle breeze
Sameere: One who is an entertaining companion
Sameern: He who is genuine and real
Sameh: The one who is forgiving.
Samen: He who is happy
Samendra: He who won the war
Samendu: Name of Lord Vishnu
Samer: He who is a good companion
Samesh: The Lord of equality
Samgram: One who is at war
Samhain: Halloween
Samhit: A secret text
Samhith: A vedic composition
Sami: One who is sublime or in a high position
Samidh: He who is perfectly full
Samien: One who is to be heard
Samih: He who is forgiving
Samik: A peaceful person
Samiksh: One who is near to the Sun
Samil: One who is constant, fixed
Samim: A sencere, genuine person
Samin: One who is self disciplined
Samiq: One who is tall or exalted
Samir: An entertaining companion
Samiran: A gentle breeze
Samirn: A genuine, real person
Samit: One who is collected
Samividhan: One with great constitution
Samkit: Right Knowledge, satisfied, self realization.
Samlain: Cambodian word for friend.
Samm: From the name Samson, meaning the son of Sam
Sammad: One who has a strong will
Sammak: Abu al-Abbas Muhammad Ibn Sabih had this name
Samman: A storekeeper, grocer, occupational name
Sammat: An agreeable person
Sammath: Indian name meaning to agree
Samme: He who is a God's wish
Sammed: Sammed is the place where the 20 Tirthankaras attained nirvana.
Sammie: A child as bright as a Sun
Sammir: A companion in evening talk
Sammon: A son of Solomon
Sammud: A person that brings joy
Sammuel: Hebrew name meaning God has heard
Sammy: A sun child
Sammyak: Indian name meaning enough
Samnang: Good fortune
Samo: Diminutive of Samuel, meaning told by God.
Samodh: One who smells of joy
Samoe: One who resides
Samoel: One who is honored
Samoset: One who walk over a lot
Sampat: A wealthy person
Sampath: Hindu name
Sampath kumar: A blessed young Boy
Sampati: A lucky one
Sampavan: He who has a pure heart
Samphy: Hardworking or busy
Sampo: A God's temple
Sampoorn: A complete, happy person
Samprad: He who is cultured
Samprati: One who is on the right way in life
Samprit: A pleased and happy person
Sampson: A son of the Sun
Sampuran: The perfect one
Samraj: One that rules the universe
Samranpal: An indian Boy's name
Samrat: A ruler or an emperor
Samrath: A powerful and allmighty ruler
Samridh: A perfect person