We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 2 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Saelac: A blessed one
Saelig: One from a happy meadow
Saemann: A man of the sea
Saer: Occupational name, a carpenter
Saeran: He who is noble
Saeva: The savage one
Saewald: As powerful as a sea
Saeward: A victory at sea, surname
Saeweard: A guardian of the sea
Saewig: A wise, excited and gracious person
Saewine: A sensitive and congenial natured person
Saewulf: A wolf of the sea
Saewynn: A friend of the sea
Safal: To succeed
Safan: He who is brave, bold, and courageous,
Safari: A journey, an expedition
Safdar: One who is piercing lines
Safeer: A mediating person, an ambassador
Safeeullah: An Arabic name for Boys
Safere: One who looks like a bird, beautiful
Safet: Best part or pure
Saffar: Occupational name, a coppersmith
Safford: One from the willow ford
Saffren: A name of a flower
Safi: A sencere friend
Safir: A mediator
Safiuddin: One whose faith is pure
Safiy: One who is the best friend
Safiyaldin: One who is the best friend of the faith
Safiyy: He who is the chosen one
Safiyyullah: The chosen one of Allah
Safouane: A pure and genuine man
Safrah: The feeling of God's peace
Saft: One who is full of good habits
Safuh: A forgiving and pardoning person
Safulislam: The sword of Islam
Safwan: One who is like a rock
Safwat: One who is supreme in his purity
Sagan: The one who is a wise person
Sagar: One who is supreme, the wisest one
Sagardutt: he who is a gift of the ocean
Sage: One known for his wisdom
Sagh: One who is a good listener. Alson means for things to be in order
Sagheer: Something small or minor. A yielding and submissive person
Saghir: A short an yielding individual
Sagittarius: One who is an archer
Sagiv: Somthing great or sublime
Sagma: A mighty and powerful individual
Sagni: One who is like a sacred fire
Sagnik: One who is fiery and passionate. One who coquers the fire
Sagragni: One who is a ruler of people, a chief
Sagragnus: A male name of Latin origin. Very rare
Sagramore: A tree, a sycamore tree
Sagrani: An English Boy name, mostly used as a surname
Sagubar: A person who is considered to be a genius
Sagun: One who has divine qualities
Sagurik: A capable, energetic, active person
Sahabudeen: A Muslim Boy name
Sahadar: One who is like a brother
Sahadã©va: The youngest pandava prince who offered the first honors to Krishna
Sahadev: One of the princes of Paravas
Sahaj: One who is easy and natural
Sahak: The one who laughs and rejoices
Sahale: One who is like a Falcon
Saham: To bring peace
Sahaman: One with many virtues
Sahan: To forgive
Sahanj: He is a King
Sahar Gul: Morning flower
Saharsh: One who is generaly joyful and happy
Sahas: A person of great bravery
Sahasan: One who is the finder of Sasani dynasty
Sahasanu: A patien man
Sahasin: A person who is powerful and mighty
Sahaskrit: One who bestoves the strenght and power
Sahasrad: Another name of Lord Shiva
Sahasranshu: One who is like the Sun
Sahastrabahu: One who has a thousand arms
Sahastrajit: One with a thousand victories
Sahasvat: One who is full of velour
Sahasya: A courageous and mighty person
Sahat: A powerful and strong man
Sahaujas: One who is given strength and power
Sahavan: The 5th month of the Hindu year, also means the rain during a monsoon season
Sahaya: A name of the Lord Shiva
Sahayu: One who is victorius, a winner
Saheb: A master or an owner of something
Saheed: A blissful witness
Saheim: A warrior
Sahel: A shore, beach
Sahen: A high flying falcon
Sahendra: One who is nearly as powerful as God Indra
Sahib: A companion
Sahil: A shore, a coastline
Sahir: One who stays up late at night
Sahishnu: Name of Lord Vishnu
Sahisht: The one who is the strongest
Sahith: One who loves literature
Sahl: Plain and uncomplicated person
Sahmir: An entertaining friend, companion
Sahodar: The name means brother
Sahoj: One who is strong
Sahojit: One who is known for his great strenght
Sahor: One who is excellent, pious
Sahovan: The mighty superior
Sahrahsahe: A black eagle
Sahuri: The Sun and the Earth
Sai satpurusha: A virtuous, pious one
Saiamartya: The immortal one
Saib: A man who is sound in judgement.
Saibal: An aquatic plant
Saibya: One who belongs to Lord Shiva
Saicharan: A flower, Sai's feet
Said: A happy man
Saideep: Name of Lord Sai Baba
Saidi: The auspicious one
Saif: Arabic word meaning summer
Saifaldin: One who posesses a sword or a saber
Saifan: Sword of Allah
Saifuddin: A sword of religion
Saifudeen: One who carries a sword
Saifulazman: A sword of a dream
Saifulbaari: The sword of times
Saifulislam: The sword of Islam
Saifullah: A sword of Allah
Saifulmulk: Sword of the kingdom
Saifur: Allah's sword
Saihaj: Peaceful and equipoise person
Saijeevadhara: One who supports all human beings
Saijuddin: A beautiful man
Saikalakala: Name of Lord Sai Baba
Saikalateeta: He who has no limitations
Saikiran: Sai's light
Sailadev: Name of Lord Shiva
Sailan: One who is a leader, a ruler
Sailendra: A king of the mountains, Himalaya
Sailor: Occupational name, a man on a boat
Saimir: A companion who joins in an evening conversation
Sain: Nordic surname
Sainath: Name of Sai baba
Saindor: A loving and caring individual
Saint: A holy person, a saint
Saiprasad: Blessing of Sai baba
Saipratap: One who is blessed by Sai baba
Sair: A passionate and enthusiastic human being.
Sairam: A wise and clever Boy
Saiyid: The lord and master of someone or something
Sajad: One who worships Allah
Sajal: Something moist, damp or watery
Sajan: A beloved person
Sajeel: Alluring and beautiful person
Saji: A scholar, someone who loves learning
Sajid: A man who worships God
Sajidah: A person devoted to Allah
Sajidurrahman: A person tho prostrates to the Allah the merciful
Sajili: Someone who is a lover of the peace.
Sajith: Someone who is superior in victory
Sajitvan: A victorious superior person
Sajiv: A person with a lively personality
Sajiva: A man who is full of liveforce
Sajjaad: Someone who is devoted to worshiping Allah
Sajjad: A person who is submissive
Sajjan: A gentle-hearted individual
Sajjid: A worshiper, devoted, submissive person
Saju: A wandered. Person who travels a lot
Sakal: A person who is complete
Sakaleshwar: One who is lord of everything
Sakari: A sweet baby Boy
Sakash: An illuminated person, that the light shines on
Sakda: Power, a powerful person
Saket: Lord Krishna
Saketharaman: The name of Lord Rama
Sakha: A deeply generous person
Sakhaawat: One who gives to others, a generous person
Sakhan: An obedient person
Sakhawat: A person with a spirit of giving
Sakhee: A hospital and generous person
Sakher: A man who is solid as a rock
Sakhir: One who easily wins the hearts of women
Sakhr: A stablie, solid person. Someone who is like o rock
Sakhya: A feeling of mutual friendship and a friend's love
Sakki: The God remembers all
Saklain: Two words - a hereaf and the world
Sakngea: Greatness
Sakoot: A person with a calm, satisfied mind
Saksham: A capable, skilful person
Sakshat: The one with a real appearance.
Sakshum: A person of many skils
Sakthi: To posess a great power
Sakthivel: An instrument of power that the Goddess Parvati gave to her son
Saku: Remembrance of the Divine
Sakul: One who is Noble born, a part of the noble family
Sakyasinha: The Lord Buddha
Sal: One who is a savior
Salaah: The righteousness and goodness in a person
Salaahddinn: The faith is fair and just
Salaam: To feel safe and secure
Salaamat: To have the soundness and integrity of the mind
Salabah: To be a narrator of something
Saladin: The fairness and justice of religion