We have created a list of 3386 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter B. This is Page 8 out of 17 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Benzion: Son of Zion
Beoba: One who was born in the cow barn
Beocc: A place or farm house.
Beoda: He who lives near the cow barns
Beofa: A habitation or farmstead.
Beom Seok: Beom means model, rule or pattern and Seok means like a rock. Hence, the name means pattern of a rock.
Beomann: Beekeeper
Beorcol: A refined, clear cut and efficient individual
Beore: Birch Tree
Beorht: Glorious
Beorhtel: He who shines with a bright light
Beorhthelm: A protector of light
Beorhthere: An army of light
Beorhthram: Bright Raven
Beorhthramm: Glorious Raven
Beorhtirc: He who is the ruler of light
Beorhtmaer: One who is famous for his brightness
Beorhtmund: He is a protector of light
Beorhtnoth: One who has the courage of the light
Beorhtric: He who is the King of the light
Beorhtsige: The victory of light over the darkness
Beorhtstan: The light of the stone
Beorhttun: From the Fortified Town
Beorhtwig: The battle of the light
Beorhtwine: He is a friend of the light
Beorhtwulf: To have the light and brightness of the wolf
Beorhtwynn: The joy the light bringd
Beorma: A name of a man who inhabited Bermingham. A name probably means fermented or frothy in Old English
Beorn: Warrior
Beorna: A woman who is as strong as a bear
Beornet: Leader
Beornfred: One who is the protector of the bears
Beornfrith: A man who is protective like a bear
Beornham: From the Nobleman's Home
Beornheard: The Old English Variant of the German Bernard
Beornhelm: One who lives near the place inhabited by bears
Beornmod: He who guards and protects like a bear
Beornmund: He who is protective like a bear
Beornnoth: To have the courgae of the bear
Beornoth: To be brave like a bear
Beornred: He who is like a red bear
Beornric: One who is the Bear King
Beornstan: He who comes from the Bear stone
Beornwald: He is powerful like a bear
Beornward: He who guards like a bear
Beornwulf: Name of a King
Beornwynn: One who is the firend of bears
Beorthelm: He who is a Bear protevtor
Beorthmaer: He sho is a Famous Bear
Beorthwulf: One who is like a bear and llike the wolf
Beorward: He who has the Bear's Power
Beothuk: An ethnic group that is based on the island of Newhoundland
Beotta: A person with spontaneous being, bashful and active
Beowulf: Intelligent Wolf
Beppe: Yahweh will add (another son), one who is added by God
Ber: Bear, fast and furious being
Bera: A Well, Declaring
Berad: He who is bright
Beram: Fun, Eid; Enjoyment
Beran: He who has the strenght and bravery of the Bear
Berat: One who is bright
Berberich: Bosnian surname meaning barber.
Berchthild: The war of the bright men
Berchtwald: Bright Ruler, one who is intelligent and charming
Bercilak: The green knight, mighty and powerful
Bercleah: Lives at the Birch Tree Meadow
Bercthun: A man who shines brightly
Berdon: A Norwegian variant of Berton,Bergtor
Berdy: Intelligent
Bereket: "Blessings", one who is blessed and is hospitable
Berel: Bear
Beren: Beren also known as Beren Erchamion is a fictional character
Berend: Bear Brave, Brave Like a Bear
Berengar: Bear and Spear, they are powerful and strong
Berenger: Bear-spear
Berenwald: He who has the power of a bear
Beresford: Ford Where Barley Grows
Beretun: From the Barley Farm
Berezat: Exalted
Berford: From the Barley Ford
Berg: Mountain
Berge: To Help
Bergelmir: A Mythical Giant
Bergen: Mountain, Hill Dweller
Berger: Shepherd, To Help, Mountain Dweller
Bergess: Town citizen who is free and independent
Bergh: Mountain
Bergin: Spear-like, Lives on the Hill
Bergthor: Thor's spirit
Berhan: Light or illumination
Berhtric: He who is the King of the Light
Berhtwald: To have the power of the light
Berhtwulf: He is the wolf of the light
Beri: My Corn
Beriah: Beriah means "calamity" or "misfortune" in Hebrew.Beryiah or beriah means healthy, sound, fit, well, hale, lusty, bonny, stout, robust; wholesome, nutritious, healthful, hearty (laugh) Beriah can refer to several different Biblical figures. Beriah can be
Beric: Grain Farm
Berick: Grain farm, one who can reach great heights
Berihert: He who comes from the south, the son of the south
Berik: One who is firm, hard and strong
Beringer: "Old German meaning "big game hunter" or "strong like a bear" Popular in England and Western Europe
Berinhard: Brave as a Bear
Berislav: To take, to gather
Berk: From the Birch Tree Meadow, Place Name; Where Birches Grow; From the Fortified Settlement; Solid; Firm; Strong
Berkah: God's gift
Berkan: He who is of strong blood
Berke: Birch Tree
Berkeley: From the Birch Tree Meadow, Place Name; Where Birches Grow
Berkie: Place Name, Where Birches Grow
Berkley: From the Birch Tree Meadow, Place Name; Where Birches Grow
Berklie: Place Name, Where Birches Grow
Berko: Son first born
Berky: Place Name, Where Birches Grow
Berle: A water parsnip
Berlinger: A habitational name, meaning from Beroldingen.
Berluse: One who is a born hard worker, sociable and handyman
Berlyn: Son of Berl
Berman: Bear man
Bermund: He who has the bear's protectivness
Bernad: Strong and Brave as a Bear
Bernal: Strong Bear
Bernald: Strong Bear
Bernard: Bold As A Bear
Bernardas: Brave
Bernardin: Brave
Bernardino: Brave, Brave as a Bear
Bernardo: Bernardo is Bold As A Bear
Bernardus: Brave Like a Bear
Bernardyn: Brave as a Bear
Bernarr: Bear, Courageous
Bernd: Brave Like a Bear
Berndt: Brave Like a Bear
Bernez: Brave as a bear
Bernhard: Bear, Courageous; Brave Like a Bear
Bernhardo: Bear, Courageous; Brave as a Bear
Bernhardus: Brave Like a Bear
Bernhold: Strong Bear
Bernlak: The Green Knight
Berno: Brave Like a Bear
Bernold: Strong Bear
Bernon: Brave as a Bear
Bernt: Hill, Mount; Brave Like a Bear
Bernulf: He who is like a wolf and a bear
Bernwini: He who is friend of a bear
Berny: Derived From Bernard
Beroj: Beroj is the name of a gemstone found in Kunar, aquamarine
Berowalt: Mighty as a Bear
Berrant: One who is like a strong bear
Berresford: Barley Field
Berrin: Bear
Bersh: One Year
Bersi: Son of bakli.
Bersules: A knight
Bert: Bright
Bertalan: son of Talmai, son of the one who
Bertel: Bright, Skillful
Bertelot: A man who is light and bright
Berthelm: Ho have a bright power
Berthguin: A shinging one
Berthold: Brilliant Ruler, Bright Strength; Renowned Leader
Bertholdt: Means "bright ruler" from the Germanic element beraht "bright" combined with wald "rule"
Berthoud: Bright Strength
Berthun: A person who is bright
Bertie: nobly famous, famous Northman; bright raven, wise person; bright famous one; famously famous; angle; hook; army-bright, bright army; famous landowner; rich, powerful, ruler; bright shield; will.
Bertil: Bright Ruler, Bright Strength; Renowned Leader
Bertilak: The playful dance of the light
Bertin: Bright, Industrious
Bertl: One who is famous for nobility.
Berto: Intelligent
Bertold: Bright Strength
Berton: From the Fortified Town, Place Name; Bright Settlement; Glorious Ruler; Bright Raven
Bertrada: One who counsels brightly
Bertram: bright raven, wise person
Bertrand: Intelligent, Glorious Raven; Introduced to Britain During the Norman Conquest; Bright Shield; Wise Person
Bertrando: Brilliant Raven, Italian Form of Bertrand
Bertred: A light of red color
Bertschy: A variant of Germanic name Bertwald, meaning bright and famous.
Bertulf: To be like a wolf and bear
Bertwald: One who is a powerful bear
Bertwin: Shining Friend
Berty: High-born, Brilliant; Shining Brightly
Berwick: From the Barley Grange
Berwyk: From the Barley Grange
Berwyn: Welsh - White Mound, Friend of the harvest; A variant of name Berwin
Besarion: Wooded valley
Besart: Golden oath
Besim: A happy soul.
Besnik: Traditional Albanian name, meaning "faithful" or "loyal"
Beso: Short form of Besarion, meaning wooded valley
Bethuel: Man of God
Beto: A blessed individual who loves experiences
Beton: A surname, meaning a bright and famous one
Bettino: A person who is blessed
Betune: A surname, rarely used as a given name. Means a person who is renown and bright
Betzalel: In God's Shadow
Beval: Like the Wind
Bevan: Son Of Evan, Beavan and Beaven are variant names of Bevan
Beven: Youthful, Son of Evan
Bevis: Bowman
Bevon: Evan's Son
Beyhild: One who lives in the warrior bay