We have created a list of 2819 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter M. This is Page 4 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Makhi: To struggle, to battle problems
Makhid: One who conforts and bring pease to people
Maki: Finnish meaning is Hill, while in Japanese Maki means True
Makin: A person who is healthy, powerful and strong
Makinley: The son of a fair haired Viking
Makis: A person who is considered to be a gift of God
Makki: A person who is from the city Mecca in Arabia
Makok: A place name, one who is from the town Makok in Thailand
Makoto: A sincere person
Mákoĸ: Greenlandic form of Marcus, meaning from Mars.
Makram: One whose character is generous and noble
Makrand: Flower Juice, Honey of Flowers; Nectar of flowers
Maks: The greatest of men
Maksim: A man who is greater than others
Maksims: The greatest
Maksym: One who is the greatest
Maksymilian: The greatest man
Makul: A Bud, Bloom; Blossom; Blooming Flower
Makula: One who is pretty as a flower bud
Makur: Indian name that means Mirror
Makura: A reflection in the mirror
Makut: Crown, Thrown; Tiara
Makya: One who is an Eagle hunter
Makynzie: A son of a fair one
Mal: Messenger of God, Chief; One of many names of Lord Krishna
Mal-Chin: Persists to end
Malach: Angel or Messenger of God, Chief; One of many names of Lord Krishna
Malachai: A personal messenger
Malachi: My messenger of God, a personal angel
Malachy: My own Angel
Maladhar: One who wears a garland, Wearing Garland
Malaiarasan: A Boy like a honey
Malaikannan: A peaceful person
Malaimagan: One who is like a flower blossom
Malaisami: A name of God Murugan
Malaiswamy: A name of the Lord Shanmukha
Malajit: Victorious, Successful; Triumphant; One who wins
Malakai: Hebrew name for a messanger
Malakhi: Angel or Messenger of God, Chief; One of many names of Lord Krishna
Malaki: A messanger of God
Malan: A little warrior
Malang: Mystic, saint, someone who is extremely passionate about something
Malank: King, Ruler; Emperor; Leader; Chief
Malaquias: He who is my messanger
Malar: Flower, Blossoms; Blooms;
Malaravan: Gentle like flower, Beautiful like a flower;
Malarvendan: A gentle person
Malarvendhan: A considerate one
Malateesh: Lover of Malati Flower, A variant spelling is Malatish
Malav: The Earth, Happy; One of the Ragas; Ansh of Goddess Lakshmi
Malava: A keeper of horses
Malay: A Mountain, It has a Sanskrit meaning as Fragrance; A Mountain of Sandalwood's Tree Located Near Mysore
Malaya: A Forest, A family name from state of Karanataka
Malayamarut: A breeze that come from the mountains
Malcant: A mature, admirable and nice person
Malchom: A servant or devotee of Saint Columbia
Malcolm: A devotee of St, Colomba
Malcom: A disciple of Saint Columba
Maldred: One who is miscounseled
Malece: From The Woods, A variant of name Melissa which means Bee
Maled: Blonde, A Surname
Maleek: Arabic name meaning sovereign
Malek: A king, he who owns
Maleraĸ: The one you follow, friend
Malesh: Lord of Mountains, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Malfred: Germanic - Safe haven, Refuge; Malfrid is a variant of Malfred
Malgrim: One with individuality and independence
Malhar: Giver of Rain, One of the Ragas; A Raga Used in Indian Music; A variant form is Malhara
Malhara: A Raga used in Indian music
Malhari: Name of Lord Shiva
Malick: A variant of name Malik, God; The King; Above all earthy rulers
Malih: Boy who is radiant and handsome
Maliheh: A beautiful, handsome man
Malik: He who is king
Malike: I will be established
Malikh: A master, a king
Maliki: A variant of name Malik, God; The King; Above all earthy rulers; Owner
Maliq: An angel of God
Malique: A king or a master
Malise: A servant of Jesus
Malit: Indian name for judge
Malkauns: A raga
Malkeet: Sikh word for lordship
Malkhaz: Beautiful, elegant, youthful
Malkiat: Hindi for lordship
Malkiel: Hebrew - God is my King, My King; It is a variant form of the Hebrew Malki
Malkit: His excellency
Malko: King
Malkuno: Little prince
Mallan: A virtuous man
Mallaravan: He who is as gentle as a flower
Mallaya: Name of Lord Shiva
Mallesh: Lord of Mountains, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Mallesha: Name of Lord Shiva
Malleshi: Name of Lord Shiva
Mallick: Malik, one who is a leader or a lord; noble
Mallik: The master
Mallikarjun: Lord of Mountains, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Mallikarjuna: Name of Lord Shiva
Mallikharjuna: Name of Lord Shiva
Mallin: English - Little Warrior, Soldier; Little Strong Warrior
Mallinath: The name of the 19th Tirthankara.
Mallinga: Indian name for Boy
Mallolan: A name of deity in Ahobilam
Mallon: One who is very pleasant
Mallorie: Old French - Unhappy, Unlucky; It is a spelling variant of Mallory
Mallot: It is a variant of Mallot, noble and simple
Malo: Hawaiian - A Victorious Man, Winner; A variant spelling is Mallo
Malohaut: Indian name
Malohi: Strength, a strong man.
Malolan: Name of deity in Ahobilam
Malomo: Yoruba - Dont go anymore, Do not go away again
Malon: A little warrior
Malone: One who is devoted to St. John
Maloney: Gaelic - Devoted to God, One who serves St. John; St. John's follower
Malook: A Boy with a tender and delicate personality
Malory: Old French - Unhappy, Unlucky; It is a spelling variant of Mallory
Malot: A child that was wished and prayed for. Used as a surname
Malt: One who is wild in a battle. An english surname
Malte: A person protected by the helmet
Malthe: From the word Helmold, which means Power
Malti: Moonlight, Brilliant; Radiant; Luminant Moon; Brightness of Moon
Maluf: A person who is very popular and familiar to many
Malvin: One who likes to be in charge, a chief
Malvinn: Celtic - Leader, Chief; English - Council-friend; Sword Friend; A variant is Malvynn
Malvyn: An individual who is alway in charge
Malvynn: Celtic - Leader, Chief; English - Council-friend; Sword Friend; A variant is Malvinn
Malya: One who is like the sea of sorrow
Malyadri: Another name of Narasimha Swamy
Malyaj: A heavy, yellow wood, a Sandalwood
Malyar: An occupational term for gardener
Malyn: A warrior who is pettite or young
Mamadou: A man worthy of all praise
Mamaisa: He who likes being alone or solitary
Mamallan: One who is a grat fighter
Mamani: The earth
Mamannan: A name of the God of the Sea
Mamdoh: A praised and a glorified individual
Mamdooh: A person who is praised and glorifies
Mamdouh: A glorified person woth of all the praises
Mamduh: One who commendable a and praiseworthy person
Mames: One who is sweet or kind.
Mamgain: An idian surname
Mamik: One who is a meaningful person
Mammatta: One who has the name of the men
Mammooty: Name of a Cinema Superstar in Kerala
Mamnoon: A person who deserves the trust that he was given
Mamnun: He who deserves to be trusted with a secret
Mamoolan: A Hindi name for the Boys
Mamoon: A man who can be relied on
Mamoor: A place that is inhabited and civilised
Mamraj: Lord of Affection, Lord of Love; God's Care
Mamu: One who speaks only the good words
Mamuj: One who is like a small child
Mamuka: Little father
Mamum: A person who is loyal
Mamun: He who is loyal and trustworthy
Man: A male human being
Man-Shik: Deeply rooted into something.
Man-Young: Ten thousand years of prosperity.
Mana: One who is full of spirit
Manaaki: To cherish, conserve and sustain
Manaal: Attainment, Achievement; A variant spelling is Manal; Success; Triumph
Manaar: Guiding Light, Bright Light; Radiance; Luminance
Manachah: A man who is desirable and wanted
Manad: Another name for Lord Vinshu
Manajit: One who controls the mind
Manajith: A person who has conquered the mind
Manak: One who has a good, pure soul
Manalan: A person who is successful
Manalp: One who is different than others, an unique person
Manamohana: One who won over the hearts of many
Manan: Repetition, Thinking; Meditate; Concentration
Manandhar: A thoughtful person
Manank: A kind, affectionate individual
Manant: A person who is a deep thinker
Manas: Mind, Wise; Powers; To think
Manasaprema: A person whose mind is filled with devine love
Manasarovar: A place name of the Lake Manasarovar
Manasdeep: The light that a person radiates
Manaser: An Indian male name
Manases: Hebrew - Forgets everything, Cause for forgetfulness
Manashyu: Wishing , Desiring, Longing; Carving
Manasi: A person whose mind is sound
Manasie: A person who alwazs listens to the voice of its heart
Manasij: The Cupid, The God of Love; One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as God of Love
Manasjeet: A victory of the being
Manaskir: A person who is good
Manaspreet: One who is in love with the humanity
Manasprem: One who has a deep love for humanity
Manasroop: A person who is embodiment of the humanity
Manasseh: Causing to forget something
Manassen: To cause forgetfulness
Manasses: Hebrew - To Forget, Forgets Everything; Cause for forgetfulness; A variant of Manases
Manasvin: One who is full of knowledge,clever and inteligent
Manaswa: A person who represents tha Mankind
Manaswant: A famous and well-known person
Manasyu: A person who wishes and desires
Manat: One who believes in fate
Manathosh: A person who is in high spirits and happy