We have created a list of 2819 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter M. This is Page 3 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Mahaveera: Most Powerful, Great Hero; Most courageous person; Name of Jain Prophet; Founder of Jain Religion
Mahavil: A sky, one who is bright like the sky
Mahavir: Most Powerful, Great Hero; Most courageous person; Name of Jain Prophet; Founder of Jain Religion
Mahavira: One who is a great hero
Mahavishnu: A name of Lord Vishnu
Mahaz: Biblical name meaning the end, ending
Mahbeer: One who is brave
Mahboob: A name for a sweetheart
Mahboub: One who is liked
Mahbouba: A very liked person
Mahbub: One who is loved and adored
Mahbubullah: One who is loved by Allah
Mahdi: One who is on the right path
Mahdiyah: Guided by God
Mahdy: One who is guided to the right path
Mahee: Name of King Mahendra, One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Maheedhar: Supported by the eatrh
Maheem: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Maheep: A king, a ruler
Maheepala: Protector of the Earth, One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Maheepati: The King, Lord of the Earth; A variant spelling is Mahipati
Maheer: A brave bold and courageous man
Mahender: He who is lord of the sky
Mahendra: Name of Lord Indra
Mahendranath: Great Indra, Lord of the God's; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Maher: He who is industrious
Mahershalalhashbaz: Hebrew name meaning "swift are the spoils, speedy is the plunder"
Mahes: One who is a great ruler, Lord Shiva
Mahesan: Name of Lord Shiva
Mahesh: A great ruler, one who is supreme
Mahesha: One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as greatest Lord
Maheshchandra: Name of Lord Shiva
Maheshinder: Name of Lord Shiva
Maheshkumar: Name of Lord Shiva's son
Maheshwar: One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as greatest Lord
Maheshwara: He who is the Lord of the universe
Maheshwaram: Lord of the Universe, One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as greatest Lord
Maheswar: Name of Lord Shiva
Maheswari: Name of God Shankar
Maheya: Joy, Happiness; Delight; Gladness; Cheerfulness
Mahfar: He who is worthy of trust
Mahfooz: One who is well preserved
Mahfouz: The safeguarded one
Mahfuz: A safeguarded, well protected person
Mahfuzurrahman: A well secured and proteceted one
Mahib: One who is as brave as a lion
Mahid: The one who brings comfort to others
Mahidev: Lord of the Earth, God of the Earth
Mahidhar: One who is a great supporter to others
Mahidher: Support of the Earth, Protector of the Earth; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Mahidul: A muslim name
Mahijit: The one who has conquered the Earth
Mahijith: Conqueror of the Earth, Owner of the Earth; One who has won the earth
Mahilan: The cheerful and happy one
Mahiman: A variant of Mahima which means Greatness, Goodness; Most Greatest
Mahin: The Earth, The World
Mahinder: One who is a supreme God, who is the God of Gods
Mahinderjeet: A victory achieved by the Gods
Mahinderjot: The light that the Gods shine upon us
Mahinderpal: The one who protects the God of the Eart
Mahinderpreet: One who is protected by the Gods
Mahindra: A King, Great Indra; Lord of the God's
Mahinga: An extravagant and dear person
Mahip: Protector of the Earth, One of many names of Lord Vishnu; A variant spelling is Maheep
Mahipa: The one who protects the Earth
Mahipal: Protector of the Earth, One of many names of Lord Vishnu; A variant spelling is Maheepal
Mahipala: A protector of the Earth
Mahipati: The King, Lord of the Earth; A variant spelling is Maheepati
Mahir: A person who has many different skills
Mahiraj: Ruler of the World, King of the Earth; Greatest Emperor
Mahiransh: Part of Greatness, Part of Earth
Mahisa: One who is a Lord of the Earht
Mahish: A King, God of Earth; Ruler of Earth; Lord of Earth; Great Indra of the Earth
Mahishmat: Grandfather of Sahararjuna, King;
Mahit: Honoured, Renowned; Respected; One whose greatness is well known
Mahith: One with the character of a lion who brings honor
Mahiyu: One who spreads happiness
Mahjub: A concealed person, someone who hides from the world
Mahkah: One who belongs to, is one with the Earth
Mahlah: A weak or sickly person
Mahli: A frai person of ill health
Mahlon: A sickly, frail man
Mahmed: A trustworthy individual, someone who is praised
Mahmood: A man who is worth the praise and adoration
Mahmoode: A person worthy of acclaim and praise
Mahmoud: One who is praised by people
Mahmud: He who is praised and worthy of adoration
Mahnav: Great Human, Great Soul
Mahogña: He is thirsty
Mahogony: A type of a wood, a Mahogony tree
Mahomet: One who is commendable and trustworthy
Mahon: One who has the strenght of a Bear
Mahoney: He who is as strong as a Bear
Mahoyu: A man who is strong and tough
Mahraspand: Holy word as it's the name of an angel. Also the name of the 29th day of the month.
Mahrishi: Yogi, Great Saint; Great Sage
Mahrus: One who is a safe harbor to others
Mahud: A worshiped and admired individua,
Mahuizoh: A glorious person
Mahule: An Surname of Indian Origin
Mahzar: Pronouncement, Declaration or Opinion
Mahzuz: One who is of great luck and fortune
Maiales: Affectionate, emotional and serious person
Maicer: A male name of spanish origin
Maico: One who is strong, strength
Maier: Bright and shining
Maieveen: A variant spelling is Maievin which is a surname
Maihtab: He whose face shines like a Moon
Maik: Hebrew origin, a question "Who is like God?"
Maikel: A Dominican Republic spelling for Michael. It means Who is like God.
Mail: A person who is pretty and pleasant
Mailabh: Honoured, Renowned; Respected; One whose greatness is well known
Mailbrigit: A pretty and exalted one
Maimon: One who is dependable and full of faith
Maimun: A fortunate one
Main: He who is slender and thin
Mainaaka: Name of a Mountain, Son of Himalaya; A mountain in Himalayan Peak
Mainak: Name of a Mountain, Son of Himalaya; A mountain in Himalayan Peak
Mainank: A variant of Mainak, Name of a Mountain; Son of Himalaya; A mountain in Himalayan Peak
Maine: French word for mainland
Maines: One from the new land
Maipe: Fiery or hot
Mairava: He who rules a kingdom
Mairland: Of the Meadows, Someone from the meadows by the stream
Mairt�n: One who is a leader, Roman god of war
Maisan: Old French - Mason, Stoneworker; A variant of Maison
Maisil: One who is a born warrior, accepting being
Maison: Occupational name, stoneworker, French word for home
Maisoun: Variation of French word Maison meaning home, house
Maisun: Old French - Mason, Stoneworker; A variant of Maison
Maisur: He who is fortunate
Maitham: Muslim Boys name
Maitho: The eyes that give you sight
Maiti: Germanic - Mighty in Battle, Irish - Strong Battle Maiden; A variant of Matilda
Maitland: English name for someone who is from the meadow
Maitra: Friend, Companion; Well Wisher; Supporter
Maitraiy: Name of an Ancient Rishi, Friend; Companion; Well Wisher; Supporter
Maitreya: Friend, Companion; Well Wisher; Supporter
Maitryi: Friendship, Companionship; Wishing Well; Supporting
Maiwand: Afghan place name, a famous place near Qandhar
Majal: One who has opportunities
Majd: A glorious person
Majd udeen: Glory of the faith
Majdaldin: A glorious faith
Majdeddin: He who is honourable
Majdi: One with great glory
Majduddeen: Name representing the glory of the faith
Majduddin: Glory of the faith
Majdudeen: Faith is glorious
Majdy: He who is praiseworthy
Majed: One who is noble
Majeed: He who is exalted and worthy of praise
Majeeda: Glorious, Splendid; Magnificient; Full of Glory; Wonderful
Majekodunmi: Do not let it be a thing of pain.
Majety: King, Ruler; Emperor; Leader; Chief
Majhi: Sailor, Boat Men; Navik; A variant spelling is Maji
Maji: Sailor, Boat Men; Navik; A variant spelling is Majhi
Majid: One with a noble glory
Majid al din: Glory of the faith
Majidaldin: Glory found in the faith
Majil: Hope, Wish; Trust; Expectation;
Majman: A majestic, great person
Majnun: A legendaty person with great personality
Majoo: Beautiful, Attractive; Handsome; Appealing; Captivating;
Major: To be better, grater. Major is also a military rank
Mak: To be the son of someone
Makaarim: A variant of name Makarim which means Of good and honorable character
Makafui: I will praise Him
Makai: One who goes toward a sea
Makaiden: One who is known as a famous warrior
Makaio: One who was a God's gift
Makakhan: One who is a great leader of people
Makal: Who is God?
Makalani: Clerk
Makalo: A person considered a wonder, a surprise
Makan: Place, The name is used 28 times in Quran; A variant of name Makaan
Makani: One who is like the Wind
Makanji: A Surname of Indian Origin used in various cultures
Makar: A person who is blessed with great happiness
Makaran: A sea monster from the myths
Makarand: Flower Juice, Honey of Flowers; Nectar of flowers
Makaranda: A person who is like the bee
Makareta: Makareta is the Maori form of Margareta. It means pearl.
Makari: Old Greek - Blessed, Derived from the element 'makaros' with the meaning blessed
Makarim: One who has honorable and reputable character
Makarios: One who is blessed and happy
Makarramkhan: Truthful and honest individual
Makary: A Boy who is blessed
Makay: A son of Kay, a Son of Fire
Makbul: An accepted person
Makeady: A blessed and cheerfull individual
Makeen: A man who is strong and firm
Makena: The one who is constantly in a happy mood
Makenlee: A welsh name, someone's son
Makepeace: One recognized for his skills in ending a discord
Makesh: One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as greatest Lord in universe
Makhan: Soft, Pure Butter
Makhdoom: One who emplyes, a master
Makhdum: A person whi is in charge
Makhesh: One of many names of Lord Krishna