We have created a list of 263 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter I. This is Page 2 out of 2 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Isa: Chamorro word for rainbow.
Isabé: Pledged to God
Isabel: My God is an oath
Isabella: God is perfection, or God is my oath
Isabelle: From Elisabeth, which means My God is an oath, My God is abundance
Isabelly: A variant of Isabella, meaning God is my oath.
Isapoinhkyaki: Singing crow woman.
Iseut: Iron battle
Iseĸ: Steam, smoke
Ishtar: Name of an Assyrian Goddess.
Ishya: The season spring.
Isidora: Gift of Isis
Isioma: One who is fortunate and blessed.
Isis: Mythical goddess of magic.
Iskra: "Iskra is derived from a South Slavic word meaning ""spark""."
Isla: From Islay or Aileach, which means Rocky Place
Isla: Island
Ismeta: Innocent, saved from sin.
Isoken: One who is contented with her destiny.
Isolabella: The beautiful lonely one.
Isolda: The ruler of ice
Isolde: One who is beautiful and fair.
Isortaĸ: Beluga whale calf
Isoude: Name of Tristan's mother.
Istir: Assyrian form of Esther. It means bright star.
Isuri: She who is lucky or fortunate
Ita: Oil lamp
Itotia: Dance
Itria: Obtained from the title of the Virgin Mary Maria Santissima d'Itria
Itzpapalotl: Obsidian butterfly
Iudita: Iudita is a derivative of Judith and means woman from Judea.
Iuitl: Nahuatl word for feather.
Iulia: Young or youthful.
Ivaana: The embraced one (to keep warm or in affection)
Ivaasaq: The one having been brooded
Ivalorssuaĸ: Big tendon, thread, sinew
Ivalu: Sinew, tendon, thread
Ivan: Gift of God
Ivana: The gift of Yahweh.
Ivanka: God is gracious
Ivanna: A Biblical name, meaning God is gracious.
Ivet: Bulgarian form of Yvette, meaning archer.
Ivínguaĸ: Sweet little grass
Ivona: Croatian form of Yvonne, meaning yew.
Ivona: Gift from God
Ivone: Yew
Iwa: Yew or eve
Iwi: Nation, tribe or realm
Ixcuiname: Four faces or four sisters.
Ixtli: Face
Iyawa: Ability or skill. A skillful woman.
Izabel: Brazilian version of Isabel, meaning my God is an oath
Izabela: A variant of Isabella, meaning devoted to God.
Izdihar: Flourishing, blooming
Izel: Unique and one of a kind.
Izeta: Power, influence
Izla: Name of a river.
Izna: Light
Izolda: Georgian form of Isolde, meaning iron or ice battle
Izora: Dawn
Izz: This name symbolizes honor, glory and power.
Izzati: Respect, honor, prestige.
I'timad: Reliance or dependence.