We have created a list of 2566 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter D. This is Page 2 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Dalapathi: Leader of the tribe
Dalapati: Leader of group
Dalas: Meadow, house
Dalawar: One with the heart
Dalbert: Bright place
Dalbha: Wheel, always in motion
Dalbhya: Belonging to Wheels, Gotra name in Kayastha caste; Name of a sage in Chandogya Upanishad
Dalbir: A soldier
Dale: They belong to a person
Dalee: One who lives by the valley
Daleel: The happy one, rare
Dalek: Distant battle
Dalen: The one who has supernatural powers
Daler: Valiant one
Dalgeet: Master of a troop
Dalham: Mad in love
Dali: Drawn towards God
Dalibor: To fight
Dalil: A guide, mentor
Dalim: One Type of Fruit, Pomegranate
Dalip: A born king
Dalipinder: Lord of the Kings
Daljeet: Victorious Army, Conquerer of Forces; One who defeats everyone and wins always
Daljit: Victorious Army, Conquerer of Forces; One who defeats everyone and wins always
Daljodh: The one who fights for the team
Dall: The wise one
Dallace: The one from Dallas
Dallan: Blind individual
Dallas: Dwelling place
Dalldav: A legendary son
Dallen: Blind one
Dalles: One from the meadow
Dallin: Belonging to the meadow
Dallon: The blind man
Dallton: The settlement
Dalmar: The one who is very versatile
Dalmat: Croatian word for sheep.
Dalmeet: One with many friends
Dalmi: Indra's thunderbolt
Dalminder: One with the power of light
Dalpati: Team leader
Dalpinder: Lord of Kings
Dalpreet: A lord
Dalraj: One who has power of King's army
Dalsher: Powerful and brave
Dalston: the one from Dougal's place
Dalten: Name of a valley
Dalton: Farm, growth
Daluh: Wish, a desire
Dalvie: One who foegives
Dalvin: Proud friend or elf friend
Dalvinder: Who is the Lord of a team
Dalvir: A hero
Dalw: Beloning to a valley
Dalwin: A very good friend
Dalwyn: Bestest friend
Daly: Together forever
Dalyn: Blacksmith who knows magic
Dam: A topographic name
Damaghosa: One with restrained voice
Damakesin: The rare one
Daman: One who can be tamed
Damana: To be tamed
Damanaka: A powerful personality
Damani: Soothing
Damaninder: One who suppresses
Damanjit: Tame, loyal
Damanjot: Very strong light
Damanjote: Controlling light
Damarava: One who is all powerful
Damarcus: The Lord of war
Damarion: The one who is of the sea
Damaris: Super gentle being, Calf
Damas: Near the coast
Damati: One who Subdues a Conquerer, Conquerer of Conquerers
Damayitri: Name of Lord Shiva and Vishnu
Dambara: The one who restrains
Dambha: Arrogant man
Dameer: Heart or conscience.
Damek: A tamer on Earth
Damen: One who is like God
Dameon: A Saint, tame
Damerae: A boy of joy, someone who brings joy and happiness wherever he goes.
Dametta: A Saint
Damia: One who subdues
Damiana: The one who tames
Damiane: A helping personality
Damiano: One who tames
Damianos: Ancient Greek form of Damian. It means to tame.
Damiáo: Tame or subdued.
Damien: One who tames others
Damijan: A tamer
Damik: One who is from Earth
Damin: A gentle tamer
Damion: One who tames
Damir: Provides peace
Damisi: Cheerful personality
Damjan: Croatian form of Damian, meaning to tame.
Damocles: A tyrant
Damodar: One who has a huge belly
Damodara: One of many names of Lord Krishna, meaning rope around the belly in Sanskrit; Krishna was tied with a rope to Urn by Yashoda
Damodaran: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Supreme God who is conquerer of everything
Damoder: Rope around belly
Damodhar: One of many names of Lord Krishna, meaning rope around the belly in Sanskrit; Krishna was tied with a rope to Urn by Yashoda
Damola: Mixed with wealth.
Damon: Docile
Damos: A King
Damosh: Wealthy, Fortunate; Well destined; Lucky; Prosperous
Damosnisa: One who desires wealth
Dampa: Sacred
Damunas: Head of the family
Damurah: Sparkle of light, or fire.
Damyan: Bulgarian form of Damian, one who tames.
Damyon: A legendary son and ruler
Dan: Under God's justice
Danaboth: Valley or a person from Denmark.
Danail: God is a judge
Danal: God has ruled
Danan: Under god's rule
Dananjay: One who wins wealth
Dananvir: An Extremely Generous Person, A brave, kind and generous warrior
Danapati: Lord of Generosity, King of Generosity and Kindness
Danasheel: A Donor, A generous and Kind person well known for his good deeds
Danasur: A Hero Among the Donors, A generous and Kind person well known for his good deeds
Danasura: Among Donors
Danaus: Name of King of Argos
Danavarsh: One who showers with his generosity
Danavat: A generous and Kind person well known for his good deeds
Danavira: A hero among common people
Danb: The one from Denmark
Danby: Settlement
Dancesa: One with gentle and romantic nature
Danda: A Staff
Dandak: Forest area
Dandapaani: An Epithet
Dandapani: Staff Handed, Holding a Staff in his Hand
Dandasena: An army of Staffs
Dandasri: The one best judge
Dandekar: Placing Side by Side, A surname used prominently in state of Maharashtra
Dandin: One who carries Staff
Dandre: A strong man
Dane: A brook
Daneal: God is judge
Danesh: One who is filled with wisdom
Danforth: A hidden fort
Dangela: An Angel
Dangelo: Divine messenger
Danger: A word name
Danh: One who cannot be explained, famous
Danhy: The one from Denmark.
Danial: God is a ruler
Danian: Famous warrior
Danie: A good worker
Daniel: A Prophet
Danielius: God protects
Daniels: Variant of Daniel. It means God is my judge.
Danijel: God is a judge
Danil: A Judge
Danila: God is a judge
Danilo: God has been a judge
Danior: The one who is born with teeth
Danish: Wisdom and knowledge
Daniyal: Handsome Boy
Daniyel: A form of Daniel. It means God is my judge.
Daniyyel: God is my judge
Dankana: Name of a Sculptor of Olden Days
Danko: A pet name
Danmeet: Charity, giving away
Dann: Judge, provide justice
Dannee: God rules us all
Dannel: Dominic Republic variation of Daniel. It means God is my judge.
Danno: Gathering, to put together
Dannon: God will rule
Danny: Folk song
Dannyn: A famous song
Dano: Pet form of Daniel
Danon: The one from Denmark, charming
Danpreet: One loving charity
Danquah: Everlasting
Danrelle: New and fresh
Dansith: Full of knowledge and wisdom
Danso: One who is reliable.
Danstrin: Lord Shiva
Danta: Lord hanuman
Dante: Divine comedy
Danti: The divine comedy
Dantin: Name of a place, habitational
Dantina: Lord's judge
Danton: Love from God
Danuel: Faithful Prophet
Danuj: Born of Danu, A Danava
Danuja: Knight, a ruler
Danuser: Swiss variant of Tannhauser or Dannhauser. It means theatre of opera.
Danushith: Powerful, Strong; Brave and Courageous; Mighty
Danut: The Romanian form of Daniel. It means beloved.
Danuta: God is a loving judge
Danveer: Arbiter, Generous; A warrior who is generous and Kind
Danvendra: King Bali
Danvin: Faithful friend
Danvir: Lover of charity