We have created a list of 2566 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter D. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Da: To attain
Da'ud: A beloved man
Da'wud: Beloved person
Daafi: One who prevents
Daai: Prophet Muhammad
Daaim: Lasting personality
Daamin: Guarantee and surety.
Daamodar: Rope around waist, God Krishna
Daan: God is a judge
Daana: A knowledgeable person
Daanaa: An intelligent person, wise
Daaneesh: Filled with wisdom
Daanish: Full of knowledge
Daanveera: Charitable, One who is generous and kind in his deed
Daaood: Name of a Prophet
Daarshik: The one who perceives
Daaruk: Lord Krishna's charioteer
Daarun: A strong man
Daasu: A powerful man
Daavi: Daavi is a form of David and means beloved.
Daavid: A beloved friend
Dab: Servant of God
Dabang: Brave personality
Dabaran: The one who is behind
Dabbah: Latch or door Lock.
Dabbs: The one from Albinius
Dabeet: Warrior, Brave and Courageous
Dabhit: A Hermit Praised in the Vedas
Dabhiti: Injustice, getting ready for battle
Dabir: A brilliant teacher
Dabney: Judge, one who imparts justice
Dabnshu: Filled with love
Daboor: Soothing morning breeze
Dac: The one of practical nature
Dace: One from the South, noble
Dacey: The one from noble background
Dachen: Great joy
Daci: Possibility, providing hope
Dacian: Name of an ancient place
Dack: One with deep inner sense
Dad: God is a father
Dada: One with curly hair
Dadafarin: The one created by justice.
Dadasaheb: A honor
Dadbandad: One who always conforms to the rules and regulations.
Dadburzin: One who has been exalted by the law.
Dade: Dark one
Dadheechi: Divine Rishi, One who has attained enlightment
Dadhica: Sprinkling curd
Dadhichi: A Sage
Dadhikra: A divine horse, Sun
Dadhyan: Seller of Milk, One who Brings the Milk; A Hermit
Dadich: The Person who Donate Self Bone for Humanity, Generous and Kind person
Daduidog: A daredevil
Dadvar: Judge or one who is just.
Dae: The great one, shining
Dae-Ho: A great personality, great
Dae-Hyun: Great and honor
Dae-Jung: Great and righteous, honest.
Daecca: One who has supernatural powers
Daeccel: The choosy one
Daeda: A craftsman
Daedca: A blacksmith
Daeddel: A Dove in the woods
Daeddi: A direct individual
Daedheah: A happy and eager person
Daeg: Daylight, first thing of the morning
Daegal: Night dweller
Daegan: Hairy and black
Daegel: Dark stream
Daegga: A genuine and rhyming individual
Daegheard: Realist, one living in reality
Daegla: An affectionate person
Daelan: Supernatural blacksmith
Daemon: An evil attendant or spirit
Daemon: A Guardian
Daeshim: Greatest mind
Daeven: Little Black One
Daevon: A pool
Daewon: Merciful, humane
Dafa: An able person
Dafalla: Prophet's Court
Dafi: One keeping away
Dafiq: An active and jubilant man
Dafydd: A beloved boy
Dag: Day, Present
Daga: Camel
Dagadu: A Name of Rock
Dagan: Name of a little fish
Dagar: A term used for an open space or battlefield in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan.
Dagbjart: Daylight, bright day
Dagbjartur: Daylight or bright day.
Dagen: The one who is dark-haired
Daghan: Good hearted person
Daghfal: Name of the first Islamic geologist.
Daghishat: Full of darkness
Dagoberto: Day filled with glory
Dagon: Earthly grain
Dagonet: Another name for Arthur's fool
Dagur: Day in Icelandic language.
Dagwood: From bright wood
Daha: Blazing, Very Bright; Luminous; Flame; Glowing
Dahak: Destroyer, One who is brave and courageous to destroy evil
Dahana: Powerful rudra
Dahatr: Strong, Powerful; Mighty; Courageous
Dahbal: Name of Wahb Ibn
Dahhak: Laughter, giggling
Dahi: Quick one
Dahl: Valley of flowers
Dahman: Pious People, Religious; Spiritual Person; Principled and Sacred in his thoughts
Dahra: Rich individual
Dai: A shining individual
Daiam: Everlasting or permanent.
Daib: The happy one
Daibadin: Creator of Religion
Daibai: A Plum
Daichi: From the earth
Daidan: Habit, to practice something
Daiden: A transmission
Daido: The greatest way possible
Daiji: Filled with love and compassion
Daikaku: Enlightenment of mind
Daikan: Powerful and active
Daiki: The noble one, filled with radiance and light
Daiko: Powerful light
Daile: Valley of love
Dailey: Collect together
Dailon: A daydreamer
Daim: Everlasting and beautiful
Daimen: A tamer
Daimon: A gentle being
Daimumat: To endure
Dain: The one who is from Denmark
Daine: From Denmark, adventure loving
Dainen: A kindhearted individual
Dainin: One who has great patience
Dainis: One who is dedicated to Dionysos.
Daipayan: Born on island
Daishin: Truthful, one who has a pure soul
Daisuke: The large one
Daitari: God Name
Daitya: Who is non aryan
Daityahan: Killer of Demons, Destroyer of Evil; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Daityari: Name of Lord Krishna
Daityas: A non aryan
Daivansh: Of Divine Origin, Religious; Godly; Sacred Being
Daivat: A powerful individual
Daivey: The one who is dearly loved
Daivik: Religious, Godly; Divine; Holy; Sacred
Daivika: Related to the Gods.
Daiwik: Grace, one who has extraordinary power
Daiyan: A mighty judge
Daiyat: The one who invites
Dajasi: Child of Sephiroth
Dajjal: To worship
Dajuan: God is gracious and merciful.
Dakan: Exalted one
Dakarai: One providing happiness
Dakari: Filled with joy
Dakhil: Foreigner, or stranger.
Dakhnas: A strong man
Dakoda: A friend
Dakornath: Another name of Krishna
Dakota: Ally, fuse together
Dakotah: A friend of friends
Daksa: Father of Parvati
Daksanila: Cool breeze
Daksapati: Lord who provides
Daksari: Perfect enemy, Shiva
Daksayan: One who is brilliant and blessed with great knowledge,
Daksayana: Coming from Daksha
Daksesa: Ruler of the land
Daksh: Name of a King
Daksha: Brahma's Son
Dakshak: Able, Brilliant and Knowledgeable person
Dakshan: One who is brilliant, Lord of Krishna; Lord of Dakshinamoorthy
Dakshat: Talented, Able; Fit; Brilliant; Smart and Capable of doing anything
Daksheh: Gift of God, Blessed from God; One who is blessed with great brilliance
Dakshesh: A ruler
Dakshesha: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Giver of brilliance and ability
Daksheshwar: Ruler of Earth
Daksheyu: Perfect, Capable; Talented; Fit; Brilliant
Dakshi: Son of King Daksha
Dakshinayan: Sun's movement
Dakshinesh: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Giver of brilliance and ability
Dakshineshwar: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Giver of brilliance and ability
Dakshith: Name of Lord Shiva
Dakshpati: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Giver of brilliance and ability
Dakshya: Perfect, Capable; Talented; Fit; Brilliant
Daksi: Son of Daksha, strength
Daktari: A healer
Dal: The blind one
Dala: Petal, tender and warm - hearted
Dalabhya: Belonging to Wheels, Gotra name in Kayastha caste; Name of a sage in Chandogya Upanishad
Dalair: The brave one
Dalaj: A mufti
Dalajit: Victory of heart and mind
Dalajita: The one who takes control of affairs
Dalakamal: Lotus, Beautiful like a lotus
Dalan: Blind one