We have created a list of 2484 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter C. This is Page 11 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Colton: From a dusky, dark village, where there is no light
Coltrane: A young, agile, playful horse that is full of energy
Colum: Dove, a small bird that is a symbol for peace and harmony
Columba: Dove, a bird resembling pigeon and a symbol for peace
Columbo: Derived from an Italian word meaning Dove, a white bird that is used as the symbol of peace
Columbus: A small white bird, Dove, used as a symbol of peace
Colver: One who is as peaceful as the dove
Colvert: Seaman, one who is fond of seas and lives near it
Colvin: The black colour, the darkest of all colours
Colvyr: One who resembles a dove, peaceful and calm
Colwyn: A river situated in the country of Wales
Colyer: A person who is a charcoal merchant, deals with charcoal and its products
Colyn: The triumph of the people, a young Boy who leads to the triumph of the people
Colys: Son of the Dark Man
Coman: Noble, a high-principled person; generous; reputable
Commie: One who is born on a Saturday.
Commius: A historical king of the Belgic nation
Commodore: A title for an officer who has been assigned to command more than one ship
Con: Heroic and wise, one who has lots of wisdom
Conal: Mighty, ferocious; high in rank and looked upon by people
Conall: A mighty, great and hound-like warrior, who is respected by all
Conan: Wise and high, filled with widsom and respected by all
Conand: One who gives the command
Conant: Elevated and wise, high, mighty and filled with wisdom
Conary: A wise person, a man who is filled with knowledge
Conbrinun: A friendly natured, happy, easy going and alluring being
Concenn: One who is concentrated
Concetto: Mother Mary's Immaculate Conception in Her mother's womb
Concord: Calm, peace, tranquility, non-violence, still and quiet
Condaf: English name for Boys
Condede: To acknowledge something to be truth
Conerad: A bold advice or instruction, derived from the name of a 10th century saint
Conetoci: An English baby Boy
Conewalch: A comforting, relaxed and optimistic person
Coney: Rabbit, a herbivorous animal that lives in burrows
Confur: One who is comforting, humble and talented
Cong: Intelligent, one who has lots of wisdom and excels in every aspect
Congen: A free, sensitive, reasonable individual
Conguean: One who is strongly responsible and generous being
Conhinoci: An expressive, detail oriented and joyous being
Conhinog: One who is expressive, detail oriented and imaginative
Conlan: Hero, one who is courageous and is admired by everyone
Conlec: An English male name
Conley: Hero, strongwilled, wise and idiolozed by all
Conn: A high, mighty and wise person, who is also a brave advisor
Connacht: Brave, one who can tackle stressful and harmful situations
Connal: High, mighty, respectful, ferocious, respected by all
Connar: One who has a strong will power, and is wise
Connecticut: Beside a long river which has high tides
Connell: Mighty, high and is admired by all, one who is strong at battle
Conner: Filled with desires and longings
Connery: A child of the gunting-dog's keeper
Connie: Hero, a courageous person, who is respected and admired by all
Connley: Hero, the idol of men, who is courageous and bold
Connolly: A wise person who is also brave
Connor: A strong willed person, who is also wise
Connors: A wise man who is not only brave, but is also strong willed
Conny: A hero, one who is brave, courageous and is admired by men
Conoc: He loves dogs and wolves
Conor: One who is strong willed and has high desires for himself
Conrad: Brave, able to fight against tough situations with courage
Conrade: Bold and mighty, admired by all
Conradin: One who advices in an honest fashion
Conrado: A brave advisor or counsellor, who advices others in a brave manner
Conran: Descendant of a famous king named Conaran
Conroy: Persistent knowledge in all aspects, a wise person who has knowledge in every field
Constans: Constant, never changing; steadfast; persistent and sustained
Constant: Something that is persistent and never undergoes any change
Constantijn: Constant, persistent; a thing that remains the same and does not change
Constantin: Something that is persistent and never changes
Constantine: Steadfast and continuous, persistent and doesn't change with time
Constantino: Stable and constant, never undergoes any change
Constantinos: Stable and steady, constant; something that can never change
Constantinus: Persistent and abiding, conatant, does not change
Consus: Sowing the seeds, planting; Derived from the Roman God of harvest
Conthigirni: A person who is a doglover
Conuan: A name for a large ravine, neat and generous
Conuetu: One who is diligent, reserved and gorgeous person
Conuoge: One who is an united man
Conway: The hound or gaint of the mountains or plains
Cony: A hollow in a hill, derived from word "Corey"
Conyers: A famous city in Georgia
Cook: An occupation of cooking food, a person who excels in making food
Coolidge: To be extremely protective and careful
Coop: One who makes barrels and other wooden materials for a living
Cooper: Maker of wooden objects like tubs, buckets, barrels, etc
Coopersmith: Manufacturer of wooden objects like barrels, tubs, buckets, etc
Coos: The top or summit, the peak; the highest limit
Copeland: A purchased land, a land that is bought
Copernicus: The belief that the planets revolve around the sun, derived from the Copernicus theory by Nicholas Copernicus
Copper: A reddish brown mineral,metal used for making tools and objects
Corbaleng: A versatile, sensitive and content human being
Corbalengi: Loyal, brilliant and fantastic human being
Corbalengus: A good natured, skillful and cultured person
Corban: A sharp, steep, almost perpendicular hill
Corben: One whose hair is as black as the raven bird
Corbenic: Name of the place where the grail was kept.
Corbet: Hair as black as the raven bird
Corbett: Raven, a black bird that resembles a crow
Corbin: A black bird resembling crow, Raven
Corbinian: A raven, a bird resembling the crow
Corbit: Black bird, the raven, a bird that looks like crow
Corbitt: Black haired, the raven, that is black coloured and resembles a crow
Corby: A young, new born crow, that is a few weeks old
Corbyn: One whose hair is as black as the bird raven's colour
Cord: A bold and honest adviser, one who advices fearlessly
Cordale: One who mkes chords and strings, a chord maker
Cordaro: A lamb, a baby sheep
Corday: The maker of chords, a strings and chord manufacturer
Cordell: Maker and seller of strings and chords
Corder: A baby sheep, a lamb
Cordero: A lamb, a little sheep
Cordie: One who sells ropes and chords, a rope seller
Cordovan: A wool used to make carpets, from Argentina
Coree: A steep, deep gorge that has very steep sides
Corentin: A hurricane, a violent storm or tornado
Corentyn: The Cornish form of the name Corentin, meaning hero.
Corey: A boiling, frothing, foaming pool
Cori: A turbulent, boiling pool filled with foam
Coriander: A herbaceous plant used in culinary
Coridon: A long feather on a helmet
Corin: Coming from a hollow in a mountain
Corinth: Satisfied, contented, can also mean ornament
Corinthian: Hailing from the ancient city of Corinth in Greece
Coriolanus: The tragedy that happened to Coriolanus, a story of Shakespeare
Corky: A hollow in a mountain or a hill
Corley: A hollow or an empty space in a hill
Cormac: The son of the one who drives the chariot, the son of the charioteer
Cormack: One who rides the chariot, a charioteer
Cormoran: A character that appears in the fairytale "Jack the Giant Killer"
Cornal: Derived from the name of a town
Cornelio: A bony outgrowth that is usually seen in cattle like cows, buffalows, goat,etc
Cornelious: Horns, a bony substance that grows on the body of certain animals
Cornelis: Horn, a bony growth on the body of some animals
Corneliu: Romanian form of Cornelius, meaning 'horn'.
Cornelius: Hoen, i.e. a bony growth that grows on the bodies of certain animals
Cornell: The name of a town in Britain
Cornellis: A horn, a bony growth on the bodies of cattle
Cornett: Horn or horn blower, refers to the one who blows horns
Cornwallis: Person hailing from a town named Cornwall
Corrado: Fearless, bold, not afraid, valiant
Corran: One who bears a spear, a weapon used at the times of war
Correy: A vacant space or hollow in a hill
Corrick: A hollow or vacant space in a hill
Corridon: Wielder or bearer of spear, a war weapon
Corrigan: Wielder of a little spear, a war weapon
Corrin: Bearer or wielder of a spear, a war weapon
Corryn: The colour "grey", a mixture of black and white
Cors: Son of the dark man
Corsabrin: A detail oriented, deep natured and generous being
Cort: A man who works at the court, a courtier. Also means "short" or "stunted" in Norse. Means "courageous" in German
Cortel: An alliance of enterprices
Cortez: Courteous, polite in manners, well behaved and respectful
Cortland: A short, small piece of land
Cortlandt: A land where farming is done, a farming land
Cortney: A person who lives in a court, a courtier
Corty: One who advices others boldly and in a candid manner
Corvin: One whose hair is like a Raven's
Corvus: A raven, a black bird that resembles a crow
Corwan: A loyal friend, a liver friend
Corwin: A very close friend who is close to the heart
Corwine: A close friend, a friend close to the heart
Corwyn: A best friend, the best companion; the friend closest to the heart
Cory: A pool that is foaming, fizzy or seething
Corydon: Prepared or ready for a war, battle or fight
Coryell: One who wears a protection for his head, one who wears a helmet
Corzen: A kinsman, a cousin. Used as a surname
Coshel: Derived from the name of a famous Indian saint, who was considered divine
Cosimo: Meaning in Greek is "order, pattern or sequence". Meaning in Italian is "Famous bearers of the Medici family"
Cosma: Italian form of "cosmas", meaning order, pattern, decency or decree
Cosmas: Order, decency, decree, pattern or sequence
Cosme: Decree, order, sequence or pattern
Cosmin: Harmony with life, Praise; Commend. It is the Romanian form of "Cosmas" which means order.
Cosmo: Beauty, Delicacy; Order. It is the English form of "Cosimo".
Cossa: A courteous and efficient human being
Costa: Firm, Secure; Stable; Steadfast
Costache: Romanian form of Constantin, meaning constant, steadfast.
Costantino: Constant, Steady; Diminutive of Constantin; Stable
Costas: Constant or steady. It's the short form of Constantine.
Costel: Constant, Steadfast; Diminutive of Constantin
Costello: Son of Oisdealbhaigh
Costentyn: The Cornish form of Constantin. It means constant or steady.
Coster: Derived from Costermonger, Seller of Costard (a type of Apple); It is an unusual first name but a more common surname.
Costi: A free detailed and creative person
Costica: Stable, Steadfast; Diminutive of Constantin
Costin: Constant, Steady; Diminutive of Constantin
Cotton: It is a dimunitive of Old french Cot(t)e "coat (of mail)", orignates from old English meaning "˜at the cottages or huts'.
Coty: Helpful, Shield; Protective individual
Coulson: It is an English surname meaning "son of Nicholas,Cole." Also Irish surname meaning "son of Dubhgall.", Trimphant people.
Coulter: Foal, Playful; Energetic; Part of a plough
Courage: Bravery, Strong; one with a lot of courage
Courey: A dweller near the hallow
Court: Reference to the residence of the lord of a manor, From Old French'Yard or enclosure'; From English 'Small, Short'; Also refers to Courtier and court attendent.
Courtenay: Literally means "From the court", When translated into French, it refers to "Short nosed"; From Courtenay in Northern France.
Courteney: Short nosed, Domain of Curtuis
Courtland: Courtier, Court attendant; Short Land
Courtlandt: Land of the Court, alternate form of "Courtland"
Courtnay: Lives in the court, Courtdweller
Cove: Bay, Inlet; Shelter; Hut; Originated from Old English word "cofa"
Covell: Derived from the Old English word "Cloak", therefore it is a nickname for the habitual user of cloak, name for a cloakmaker; Lives at the cave slope