We have created a list of 2287 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter P. This is Page 3 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Parana: A pre-eminent and best person
Parangad: An elegant and fun loving person
Parani: A wonderful and perfect song
Paranitharan: Someone who is born to rule
Paranjay: Lord of the sea, Lord of the Celestial oceans; A form of Sanskrit name Varun which means Infinite;
Paranjoy: One who has the desire of Success
Parantap: One who has won the world
Parantapa: Conqueror, Winner; One who triumphs
Paras: Stone which converts metal to precious gems
Parasara: A great sage, Father of Veda Vyasa, An ancient saint who had mystic powers
Parash: Stone which can be turned to precious gems
Parashar: A renowned saint, An ancient Indian Sage; Destroyer; A variant is Parashara
Parashara: One who is the destroyer of evil
Parasher: Name of an ancient Indian Saint, interesting
Parashuhasta: Lord of the sea, Lord of the Celestial oceans; A form of Sanskrit name Varun which means Infinite;
Parashupani: One Holding the Axe
Parashuraam: An incarnation of Lord Vishnu
Parashuram: Rama who has an axe
Parashurama: Rama who carries an axe
Parasme: Most superior, Lord Rama
Parasu: Name of the sixth incarnation of vishnu
Parasurama: Name of Lord Rama with an axe
Paratpara: One who is the greatest of the great
Paratyl: One who is lighted like a flame
Parav: A name given to a learned sage
Paravasu: A learned and special sage
Parbrahm: One who has the supreme spirit
Pardaj: One with greatest splendour
Pardaman: A versatile and self made man, Lord Shiva
Pardeep: One with mystic light and shine
Pardes: Name of an orange grove
Pardhu: Strong, Handsome; Powerful; Mighty; One of many names of Arjuna
Pardip: One who is lighted like a lamp
Pardu: Strong, Handsome; Powerful; Mighty; One of many names of Arjuna
Parduman: Name of the son of Lord Krishna
Paree: A fairy, one who gives light
Parees: Touch Stone
Parella: A clever and clear sighted person
Paremjit: One who is the supreme winner
Paresh: Supreme spirit, Ultimate Spirit; Absolute Soul; God
Paresha: A lord of the lords, supreme might
Pareshti: Having the highest sacrifice or Worship
Pargat: Appearance, Look; Form
Pargatjeet: Revelation of the Victory, Success or Triumph
Pargatjot: Revelation of the Divine Light, Revelation of the Sacred Radiance
Parham: Habitational name meaning a Pear farm
Paribhar: One who born in royalty and is wealthy
Paribodh: A reasonable and understanding person
Parichay: It means introduction or acquaintance
Paridarshan: Panoramic View, Panoramic Image
Paridhana: Touch Stone
Parighosh: Loud Sound,
Pariishna: One who is like a sweet angel
Parijaat: It is the celestial Coral tree
Parijat: It is the name of the Celestial Coral tree
Parijata: A celestial Coral tree
Pariket: One who is against desire, Against Wishing and Wants
Pariketa: They are clever, clear minded and systematic
Parikshit: Name of an Ancient King , One who has been tested;
Parikshith: Name of an Ancient King , One who has been tested;
Parimal: Fragrance, Perfume; Pleasant Smell; Sweet Smelling
Pariman: A wonderful quality and plenty
Parimil: One who is filled with fragrance
Parin: It is the name of Lord Ganesha
Parind: One who has a mind for personal gain
Parinda: A person who resembles a bird
Parindra: Lion, Most powerful and mightiest
Parineet: Wedded, Married;
Paripreet: A person who is filled with life
Paris: Handsome prince from Troy
Parisar: One who has a social and charming personality
Parisatya: An individual who is like pure truth
Parisch: A creative and practical person
Parish: Angelic, Fairy; God like
Parishrut: A popular and renowned person
Parishudh: One who is pure and humble
Paritarth: One who has left all the worldly pleasures
Parithi: One who can shine like the Sun
Parithosh: A contented human being
Paritosh: Contentment, Complete satisfaction; Delight; Gratification
Parivrajaka: Wanderer, Itinerant; One who cannot be contained in one place;
Pariya: An idealistic and humble individual
Parjany: Name given to the rain God
Parjanya: A rain god, name of Indra
Park: A topographic name, one who lives near park
Parka: A variant of Parke which means Park Keeper, Keeper of the Park; Also a type of coat jacket
Parkar: One who is the keeper of the park
Parkash: The enlighted being, bright sunlight
Parke: Old French - Park Keeper, Of the Forest;
Parker: One who is the keeper of the park, forest ranger
Parkere: A forest ranger or a keeper of park
Parkerr: A clever minded, keeper of park
Parkerre: A gamekeeper, who is the keeper of park
Parkin: A little rock, one who is obedient
Parkins: The one who is the son of Parkin
Parkinson: The son of Parkin
Parkker: One who is the keeper of the farm
Parkus: An English Surname formed from habitational place
Parkyr: Keeper of the farmland, wonderful
Parle: Determined like a little rock
Parmaad: Intoxicated by Lord's Love, Lord's affection and care
Parmaarth: The highest truth of the world, salvation
Parmanand: A happy and kind individual
Parmarth: Salvation and the highest truth
Parmeet: Wisdom, Knowledge; Insight; Intelligence; Perception
Parmenion: The descendant of Parmenon.
Parmesh: One of many names of Lord Vishnu signifying him as the supreme protector
Parmeshwar: One who is the highest god, supreme power
Parminder: One who is the God of the gods
Parminderpal: Preserver of Supreme God, Fosterer of highest God; Companion of the absolute
Parmit: Friend of the Supreme, Friend of the highest power; Companion of the absolute
Parmveer: One who is the toughest of all
Parmvir: One who is the greatest warrior
Parn: To close, patient and individual person
Parna: The soothing sound of Om
Parnab: One who protects, Lord Vishnu
Parnabha: Lord Vishnu who protects
Parnad: Name of the Brahmins in the epic
Parnal: One who is lke a leaf
Parnall: A little rock or a stone
Parnand: One who shares happiness
Parnel: A stable person, it is a nineteenth century name
Parnell: One who is appreciated and lovabe
Parr: English - Enclosure, From the Cattle Enclosure; A variant is Parre
Parrish: A habitational name, a guardian and loyal person
Parrker: One who is the keeper of the park
Parsa: A pious and chaste individual
Parsad: Grace, Mercy; Blessing; Brightness
Parsafal: Name of a hero, a valley piercer
Parsan: One who is a delightful beings
Parsanjit: Delighted Victory, Cheerful triumph;
Parsefal: One who is the valley piercer
Parshad: A friendly, and sensitive God's servant
Parshan: It means a combatant, quick minded and versatile
Parshotam: Best Person, Great Human Being; Best in mankind;
Parshv: A Jain saint, a weaponed soldier
Parshva: Name given to a weaponed soldier
Parshvanath: Parshvanath is the name of the twenty-third Tirthankara of Jainism. It means 'beloved of men'.
Parshwa: Parsha is the short form of Parshvanath and means 'beloved of men'.
Parshwakumar: Parshwakumar is the variation of Parshvanath. It means 'beloved of men'.
Parsifal: Pierce the Valley, A variant of Percival
Parson: An occupational name for a priest
Parsons: A name given to a servant in Parson's house
Partab: One who has a lot of glory and heat
Partait: The one who is perfect
Partap: A person who has glory and strength
Parth: One who can never miss the target
Partha: One of many names of Arjun signifying his archery skills and as one who will never miss a target
Partham: One who comes first always
Parthan: Name of the charioteer of Krishna
Parthapratim: One who looks like Arjuna
Parthasakha: One who is the friend of Krishna
Parthasarathi: Arjuna, charioteer of Lord Krishna
Parthasarathy: One who is charioteer of Partha
Parthathy: King, One of many names of Arjun signifying his archery skills and as one who will never miss a target
Parthey: It is the name given to Arjuna by Lord Krishan
Parthiban: It is the name given to King Arjuna
Parthik: One who is born pure and chaste
Parthipan: Another name of King Arjuna
Parthiv: One who is son of Earth, earthy
Partho: Name of an hero of Indian epic Mahabharat
Partik: Man at War, Army of men fighting; Warriors at War
Partish: One who is the Lord of Parti
Party: One who is energetic and flexible
Parul: Five petal flower, known for beauty
Parupkar: Benevolence, One who Helps Others; Kind; Charitable; Compassionate
Parvage: One who is born fortunate and always wins
Parvaiz: One who comes out victorious
Parvan: An individual who resembles full moon
Parvat: A tall, high mountain
Parvateshwar: God of mountains, Lord of Himalayas, One of many names of Lord Shiva whose abode is Himalayas
Parvath: One who is intelligent and secretive individual
Parvatha: The name provided to the prince of Earth
Parvatinandan: Son of Parvati, One of the many names of Lord Ganesh
Parvatipreet: Goddess Parvati's Inspiration, One who is loved by Goddess Parvati;
Parveneh: The one who is like a butterfly
Parvesh: Lord of Celebration
Parviz: Lucky, Fortunate; Victorious;
Parwaiz: Commendable, success, victory, and triumphant.
Parwez: A successful man who is a King
Parwinder: Supreme God, Supreme power in the Universe; Lord of the Universe
Parys: A self reliant and creative human being
Pašaga: Higher rank official in the Ottoman Empire
Pasak: A companion, one who is the Knight of round table
Pasamili: A happy go lucky, spontaneous and loving being
Pasang: Venus or Friday
Pasaq: One who is in service of God
Pascal: A person with idealistic and sensitive nature
Pascale: One who is born on passover
Pascali: A form of Pascal, meaning born on Easter.
Paschal: One who is born on the day of Easter
Paschalis: Child of Easter, Latin - Of Easter; A variant of Pascal; Pacey is a form of Pacy
Paschall: It is the variant of Pascal
Pasco: Latin - Of Easter, A variant of Pascal; Pacey is a form of Pacy
Pascoal: A variant of Pascal, meaning child of Easter.
Pascoe: Passover, one who is related to Easter
Pascow: A variant of Pascal, meaning Easter.
Pascual: Latin - Of Easter, A variant of Pascal; Pacey is a form of Pacy
Pashahanta: A person who is bond destroyer
Pashunath: Lord of animals, Lord of Bull, One of many names of Lord Shiva