We have created a list of 2287 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter P. This is Page 2 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Pamposh: One who has feet of lotus
Pamsula: Another name of Lord Shiva
Pamu: Chief
Pan: A shephard who is a care taker
Pana: God who cares for the souls in the underworld before their reincarnation.
Pananjay: An individual who resembles a cloud
Panas: He who is immortal
Panav: Prince, Offspring of King; Heir to Throne
Panayiotis: Panayiotis is a variant of Panagiotis and means all holy.
Panchaanan: Lord Shiva who is five eyed
Panchajan: Five people, yadavs; lord Shiva
Panchajana: Born of five elements, One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying his presence in five elements
Panchajanya: Name of Krishna's conch, Born of Five
Panchal: One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying his presence in five elements
Panchala: One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying his presence in five elements
Panchalya: A son of King Drupada who died in the war in the Indian Epic Mahabharat
Pancham: The one who is on the fifth stage
Panchanaana: Prince, Offspring of King; Heir to Throne
Panchanan: Lord Shiva who has five eyes
Panchapallav: Five leaves, with a caring and noble heart
Panchaswar: Name of karmadeva's five arrow
Panchavaktra: Name given to Lord hanuman who has five faced
Panchika: Name of husband of Abhirati
Panchjanya: Vedic Kshatriya tribe, five people
Pancho: Tuft, Plume, Nickname for Francisco and Frank.
Pancholi: It is the name of divisions of Ahirs
Panchsheel: Five Good Things, Five virtues; Five good principles
Pancratius: One who is all powerful and has strength, ruler
Pancrazio: Supreme Ruler, All Powerful, A variant of Pancratius
Pandala: A person who lives in Pandala
Pandalavasan: The one who resides in Pandala
Pandava: Name of the sons of pandu
Pandavas: It is the name of the five sons of Pandu
Pandhari: They are the one who are kind, Lord Vithobha
Pandi: A name given to Lord pandi
Pandian: Powerful south indian Kings
Pandinadan: One who is from the Pandiya Naadu which is name for Kingdom of Pandiya
Pandit: Name provided to a Brahman or a scholar
Pandita: Scholar, Wise; Knowledgeable; Priest; One with divine wisdom
Pandiyan: Ruler of the Pandiya Naadu, King of the Kingdom of Pandiya
Pandiyaraj: Ruler of the Pandiya Naadu, King of the Kingdom of Pandiya
Pandragon: As powerful as the dragon's head
Pandu: Pale individual who has strength
Panduloha: Name given to the deity, very best
Pandurang: Name of Lord vishnu who has pale complexion
Panduranga: With pale white complexion, One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Pandya: South Indian dynasty, An ancient king name who ruled over the Kingdom of Pandiya
Panfilo: Friend of all , A variant of Pamphilos
Pani: Meaning Lord Vishu, Pagan
Panick: One with the true and clear sighted nature
Panika: One who is Shahid, the powerful hands
Paniman: One who does work with hands
Panine: A scholar who is a sanskrit grammarian
Paniraj: A name for the King of Cobra
Panit: A person who is admired and is always happy
Panjab: Name of a state in Indian subcontinent
Panjang: Malay word, meaning long.
Panjatram: One who is filled with enthusiasm
Panju: One who has a smooth natured personality
Panjumani: An affectionate and interesting individual
Panjwani: Person who belongs to Sindh
Pankaj: Born from the mud, Lotus, Another name of Hindu God Brahma;
Pankajaja: Born from the mud, Lotus, Another name of Hindu God Brahma;
Pankajaksha: A person who is born with Lotus eyes
Pankajalochana: Lotus eyed person, Lord Krishna
Pankajam: A person who is like Lotus
Pankajan: One who is born out of mud, Lotus
Pankajanetra: A Lotus eyed person
Pankajdeep: Light of Lotus, Brilliance, Radiance and Glory of the Lotus
Pankajeet: Eagle (Garuda), One who is Brilliant, radiant and bright and has won glory of Lotus
Pankajpreet: Love of Lotus, One who loves brilliance and radiance of Lotus
Pankanabh: Lotus Flower, Another name of Hindu God Brahma
Pankil: The mud combined with water
Pankit: A Line
Panmoli: One who can speak sweetly, intense person
Pann gesh: Name of the king of Cobras
Pann-gesh: King of Serpents, Snake God
Pannalal: Emerald, Precious Stone
Panneer: Has a desire for success, like milk
Panneerdoss: Lotus, One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Panner: One who leads a happy and fulfilled life
Panngesh: Kings of Serpants, very intense
Panos: They are the little piece of rock
Panshu: A name given to the majestic Lord Shiva
Panshul: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Pant: It means hollow, the father of Lancelot
Panteleimon: Compassionate and merciful individual
Pantelion: A thrifty, logical and natty person
Panth: A road, strong like the road
Panthin: One who can show the way
Pantni: One who developed sanskrit
Panuk: Island
Panuta: Good example or one who leads by example.
Panvi: Name of Lord Shiva, majestic
Panyala: One who appreciates beauty
Paol: Bretons form of Paul, which means small or humble
Paolo: A small person, tiny individual
Papa: A name given to the father or pope
Papahara: One who is born to remove all obstacles
Papaharana: One who is the destroyer of all evil
Pappu: An innocent and sweet natured person
Pappuyan: A person who is creative and humble minded
Pappuyha: A name given to a rhyming bird
Pappy: Kiss, A pet name used by various Hindi speaking cultures in India
Para: One who is supreme natured
Paraag: A pollen, imaginative and creative
Paraaga: The pollen grain of flowers
Paraashar: Name of an ancient Indian saint
Parada: The name of a brahman who brought news of Nala in Mahabharat
Paradeep: A considerate individual
Paradhaman: Supreme Adobe, Paradise; Heaven
Paradhya: Advantage, the one with a creative bend of mind
Parag: Pollen Grains, Nectar, Sandal Wood
Paraic: One who is of the patrician class
Paraj: A ride, has a heavenly body and mind
Parakh: The one who has a pleasing and satisfying personality
Parakram: One who is born with strength and power
Param: A supreme and best person
Param hans: One who is born with supreme strength and soul
Param-hans: A supreme spirit and strength
Paramaadhar: Taking the Highest Support, Supreme support;
Paramahamsa: One who is like the supreme swan
Paramajeet: Victory of Supreme, Supremely Victorious; Ultimate triumph
Paramak: One who is at the highest point in life
Paramakuru: Ultimate, Supreme; Highest
Paraman: Name given to the follower of Lord Shiva
Paramanand: One who remains happy, expressive and clear minded
Paramananda: One who has superlative joy
Paramarath: A Spiritual Person, Divine Person; Holy and Sacred person who is pure and innocent
Paramartha: Highest truth, Ultimate Truth; Absolute truth
Paramasivan: Name of the majestic Lord Shankar
Paramatam: Supreme Soul, Ultimate Being; Absolute Soul
Paramatma: Supreme Soul, Ultimate Being; Absolute Soul
Paramatman: One who has the the supreme spirit and soul
Parambir: One who is of the greatest of the warriors
Parambodh: Greatest Gnostic, Ultimate Understanding; Absolute Enlightment
Paramdaya: Most Compassionate One, One who has highest level of kindness; Ultimately Benevolent
Paramdeep: One who is the from the land of divine
Paramdesh: The highest and mighty god
Paramdev: A godly and interesting person
Paramdhan: Wealth of Naam, Most Prosperous; Ultimate Richness
Paramdharam: Superior Religion, Ultimate and Absolute Religion
Paramdheer: One who has the highest of patience
Paramesh: The supreme lord, One of many names of Lord Vishnu, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Paramesha: Supreme and mighty God
Parameshar: The supreme lord, One of many names of Lord Vishnu, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Parameshthin: One who is established by the God
Parameshwar: The supreme lord, One of many names of Lord Vishnu, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Parameshwara: A deity, one who is the supreme Lord
Parameswar: A person who is the supreme God
Paramgat: Liberation from All Bonds,One who attains self realization and gains self knowledge
Paramgiaan: True Knowledge, Ultimate Wisdom
Paramgun: Having Highest Virtues, Ultimately good qualities; One who is good natured
Paramhamsa: The supreme Swan, Ultimate Swan
Paramhans: Sadguru, one who is the supreme God
Paramhansa: Supreme God who has the enlightenment
Paramhet: Of Supreme Love of God, Ultimate Love of God; Absolute Love of God
Paramjaap: Meditation of Supreme God, One who thinks about ulitmate and absolute God
Paramjas: One who can praise the God
Paramjeet: Highest success, Supreme Victory; Ultimate Triumph
Paramjeevan: Living the Most Exalted Life, Ultimate and Absolute Life
Paramjit: Heroic, Ultimate Victory; Supreme Success; Highest triumph
Paramjodh: Greatest Warrior, Best Soldier; Most skilled fighter or defender
Paramjugat: Union with God, Becoming one with God; Attaining ultimate mukti
Paramjyoti: Supreme Light, Ultimate and Absolute Radiance; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Paramkamal: Supreme Lotus Flower, Most beautiful Lotus Flower
Paramkeerat: One who is always supremely victorious
Paramliv: Absorbed in the Highest, One who is engrossed in ultimate and supreme God; Lord Shiva
Paramnaam: Supreme Name, Ultimate Name; Absolute Name
Paramnek: Having Highest Virtues, Ultimately good qualities; One who is good natured
Paramnidhan: Possessing the Highest Treasure, Ultimate and Absolute treasure of God
Paramnihal: Having the Supreme Happiness, Ultimate Joy; Absolute Delightness
Paramniranjan: Most Immaculate One, Highest level of Purity; Ultimately Flawless
Paramnirmal: Purest One, Most innocent; Ultimately Flawless; Absolutely pure
Paramnivas: Resident of the Highest Abode, Refuge of Supreme God; Most ultimate residence
Paramodara: A generous and great supreme person
Parampal: Meaning of a God or a caretaker
Paramprakash: Supreme Light, Ultimate and Absolute Radiance; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Parampreet: One who is in love of the god
Paramprem: An individual who is supreme love
Paramrang: Imbued with the Love of Lord, Ultimate Love of Lord
Paramras: Highest Elixir, Absolutely Immortal nectar
Paramratan: Highest Gem, Most precious gem; Absolute Gem
Paramroop: Supremely Beauteous, Most attractive form; Absolutely appealing and pleasing to look
Paramsaihaj: Supreme Bliss, Ultimate happiness; Absolute Joy
Paramsangat: Company of the Highest, Companionship of Supreme Being
Paramseetal: Most Peaceful and Happy, Ultimately Serene; Absolute Calm
Paramsev: Serving the Highest, One who serves the supreme being
Paramsevak: Serving the Highest, One who serves the supreme being
Paramshaant: Having the Highest Peace, Most Peaceful; Ultimately Serene; Absolute Calm
Paramsukh: One who is in the state of supreme joy and bliss
Paramtat: Knowing the Truth of Spirit
Paramtek: Supreme Support, Guidance of ultimate and absolute being
Paramthakar: Supreme Lord, Ultimate and Absolue God;
Paramvardaan: One who is a blessing from God
Paramveer: A supreme person, greatest hero and warrioe
Paramvichar: One who is the reflection of God
Paramwant: Highly Supreme, Ultimate and Absolute Being
Paramyog: Supreme Union, Highest and absolute Yogi
Paran: Beauty, Glory; Ornament; Life