We have created a list of 2260 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter G. This is Page 9 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Greenley: They are analytical,critical and opinionated.They have ability to choose their destiny.
Greeshawn: They are very kind to others and very soft.They love to serve humanity
Greeshkandaraja: greeshkandaraja means the leader of men who protects or owns domestic animals.
Greeshm: Summer, Warmth; Kind of Season; A variant of name Grishm
Greg: They are good leader then a follower.They have powerful personalities.
Greger: They are excellent,good learner and determind.They have a quality to solve all issues.
Gregg: They are good leader then a follower.They have powerful personalities.
Greggory: They are very energetic,determind and independent.They are very capable and adaptable all these qualities make them wonderfu.
Gregoire: They are very creative,dynamic and full of energy.They love to spend time with family and friends
Gregor: They are excellent,good learner and determind.They have a quality to solve all issues.
Gregori: They love companionship and want to work in peace.They are scholars,philosophers and teachers.
Gregorija: To watch
Gregorio: They have ability to lead,organize and manage.They love music,art and drama.
Gregorius: Watchful, Vigilant; Alert; Derived from Greek name Gregorios
Gregory: They are very dynamic,visionary and versatile.They may be untidy and restless.
Gregson: They are self-made and focus on large issues of life.They build their foundation very strong
Greidiawl: They are quick tempered.They love truth,justice and discipline.They always try to develop their potencial.
Greig: They are dynamic,restless and independent.They love to accept challenges.
Greipr: A man of great strength.
Grendel: They are imaginative,idealistic and determind.They inspire others.
Grenier: They have independent,positive and determind personality.They love to serve humanity.
Grentel: They are self-made and focus on large issues of life.They build their foundation very strong
Grenville: They love companionship and want to work in peace.They are scholars,philosophers and teachers.
Gresham: They are competent,powerful and practical.They are able to achieve all their dreams.
Greshawn: They are competent,powerful and practical.They are able to achieve all their dreams.
Grey: Grey is the short form of name Greysen. Grayson means the son of steward, guardian or wardun.
Greydon: A person who leads everyone as a king or a leader.
Greylond: A person who leads everyone as a king or a leader.
Greysen: Graysen means the son of steward, guardian or wardun.
Grga: One who is watchful and alert.
Grgur: A watchful and vigilant man.
Grhapati: Grahpati means the owner or the Lord of house. Or we can say the king of the house.
Grhita: Grhita means a person who is accepted by all, who can make everyone understand him
Grht: Holy Book of the Hindus,
Gridha: Lord of Mountains
Grier: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.
Griff: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.
Griffen: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.
Griffin: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.
Griffith: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.
Griffri: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.
Grifin: In welsh grifin means the strong faith in God. In Irish and americans this name is used as the surname.
Griflet: Bringing the great megical sword of king bake to the lake, river or any waterplace. In simple words this name means a person with a great rank.
Grifud: High Energy. Person who is always active and ready to do anything with great energy and power.
Grifudi: High Energy. Person who is always active and ready to do anything with great energy and power.
Grigol: Georgian form of Gregory It means watchful or alert
Grigor: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.
Grigore: Romanian form of Gregory, meaning watchful or alert.
Grigori: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.
Grigoria: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.
Grigorii: Watchful, alert
Grigorios: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.
Grigoris: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.
Grihamani: A lamp which spreads light everywhere.
Grihastha: A post in barahmanic ashram in which a person asumes the responsibilities of house holds.
Grihith: Understood, Accepted; Acknowledged
Grimaldus: Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.
Grimbald: Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.
Grimbaldus: Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.
Grimbaud: Lively and Imaginative person who lives life with a great optimisim. A person who loves his life.
Grimbeald: Fierce in battle, a person who have ability to win the battle by his skills, power and agrassion.
Grimbol: Varient of Grimbold. Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.
Grimbold: Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.
Grimcytel: Grimcytle means a person who knows how to manage and organize things to live a great life.
Grimm: Grimm means a fierce person who has ability to do anything bravely.
Grimmwolf: Grimm means fierce as a whole Grimm fierce means a person who is fierce and powerful like a wolf.
Grimoire: Name of the book of incantations, summoning spirits and making medicines.
Grimold: Grimold is the varient of name grimbald. Which means a fierce bold and brave person.
Grimshaw: Grimshaw is an ancient, historical surname which reffers towards a brave and strong family.
Grímur: One who wears a mask, one who is concealed.
Grimwold: A person who is a very intelligent ruler. Who rules with dignity and kindness.
Gringamore: Gringamore is a mesculine version of feminine name , which means a person who is not american. Or we can say a person from latin who is settled in america.
Grisham: Old English - Grassland farm, From the grazing; A variant name of Gresham
Grissom: The one with clever mind, quick witted, excited, adventorous and inttelligent.
Griswald: Grey Ruler, The one who will rule the community or are with intelligence, wisdom and dignity.
Griswold: Grey Ruler, The one who will rule the community or are with intelligence, wisdom and dignity.
Gritik: Mountain, Hill; A variant spelling is Giree
Grosvenor: Great Hunter, The one who loves adventure and independence. Guide, lead and direct others to help them.
Grove: Hunter, The one who will be adventures and independent. Love the leadership .
Grover: People with this name will dedicate their lives to serve others but on the other hand they are also low temperred.
Grozdan: A strong man who will shine, admired and and example for others. A shiny star.
Grsamada: A generous, ideal and resourceful person
Gruaidh: It means the Red king, from words ruadh (red-coloured hair or complexion) and rÃgh (ie - king). It is mostly used in Ireland and Scottish. It has many forms, such as Ruairi, Ruairidh and the most common Rory. This was the name of the last high king of Ir
Grubbs: The name Grubbs also has German origins, where it means a Mine, Pit or a Hollow and was mostly given as an occupational surname to mine workers.
Grucinan: The persons with this name loves the beauty of nature, creativity and responsibility. Ready to do the sacrifice.
Gruff: Lord, Prince, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.
Gruffudd: Lord, Prince, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.
Gruffydd: Lord, Prince, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.
Gruheeta: One who wishes good for home, A variant spelling of Gruhita
Gruhit: Wishing good for home, A variant spelling is Gruheet
Grumk: A Surname of Indian Origin mostly used by the Sikh Community
Grummore: The one with sixth sense, high energy level, senstiveness and possess a high sense of awareness.
Gryffen: Strong Lord, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.
Gryffyn: A Cornish form of the Welsh name Griffith. It means lord.
Gryffyth: People with this name have a deep inner desire to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability.
Grygoriy: Ukrainian variant of Gregory, meaning watchful or alert.
Gryphon: Fighting Chief, Fierceful, The furious Griffin of Greek mythology and medieval legend was an animal with foreparts of a falcon and rump of a lion.
Grzegorz: Confident, unique state of mind with respect to their scholarly abilities. Obviously cheerful, informative and perky, they don't care to discuss themselves and enviously protect their mystery garden.
Guabeith: Guabeith by and large leads and direct others and likes to builds up their individual character.
Guafi: Fire
Guainint: Guainint love experience, fervor and flexibility. Guainint are smart, clever and strangely versatile. Guainint are fit for doing anything they wish for.
Guaiya: Love
Guallonir: They experience fervor love and flexibility. These are smart, clever and strangely versatile.
Gualter: Ruler of the Army, The one who rule the country or army. He will be with leadership qualities.
Gualtier: Germanic - To Rule, Army; Powerful Warrior; Form of Walter; Army General
Gualtiero: Germanic - To Rule, Army; People of Power; Army of Power; Strong Warrior; Italian form of Walter
Guang: Light, Guang will be the light for the other ones to guide and show the path.
Guarin: Guarin is a strictfull personality with impatient of rather forceful character.
Guatemoc: Falling eagle or Descending eagle in Nahuatl. It has many variations, such as Cuathemoc, Cuauhtemotzin or Guatimozin.
Guatimozin: Guatimozin is a variation of Cuauhtemotzin.
Guban: Guban will be thoughtful, attractive, successful, smart and helpful.
Gucauno: Guncauno starts in Native American dialects and signifies \"one who falls like a bird\"
Gucaunus: Gucaunus are ggressive and bussiness natured personalities. They have strong leadership quaities.
Guda: a variation of the name Juda, meaning Goodness, Excellence, from the Arabic word "jada", which means To Be Excellent. The name Guda is also found in Swedish origins, where it is used as a feminine, Girls name and means Supreme.
Gudakesa: The Archer Arjuna, One of many names of Arjuna meaning one who has conquered sleep
Gudakesha: The archer Arjuna
Guddu: Sweet, Flower
Gudfrid: The one who loves to live the life on principles to get success, with imaginatory and creative ideas.
Gudmund: They are creative,excellent and expressive.They love to earn a lot.
Gudmundur: It is a modernized version of the old Nordic name Guðmundr. It means Gods protection or Protected by God, from the two words "gudr" which means god and "mund" which means protection.
Gudram: They are very original,advantures and independent.They are very religious.
Gudule: They love to search and found the reason of every thing.They are mysterious and always trying to gain knowledge.
Gudval: They love to systamized things like science,math and computer.They love eating and feeling pleasuer in traveling.
Guebers: They love adventure,freedom and excitement.They are very active and mind blowing in every task.
Guedgen: They are technical but lack of concentration on any kind of task.They love health and are very wealthy.
Guedguen: They are lively,imaginationary and expressive.They are good artist and writer.
Gueiluirth: They are not comfortable with making decission especially major decission.They have strong emotional nature.
Gueithgno: They love to research and found the reason of everything.They have knowledge and wisdom.
Guencat: They are skilled and efficient.They does not back away from working hard.
Guénolé: Valor
Guenter: They value truth,justice and discipline.They are quick in decision making.
Guenther: Thaey have good qualities of leadership and organization.They feel happy to serve and others.
Guerngen: They are very hardworking and finish all their task which they start.They are fond of their comfort.
Guffd: Serpent God, Snake Lord
Guga: Meditation staff
Guggul: Guggle are harsh spoken persons but they are on the same way kind hearted also.
Guglielmo: Guglielmo is materialistic and self-serving, he doesn't waver to grab the open doors that life presents him with.
Gugu: Sweet, Flower
Guha: Guha are deligent natured persons. They work hard but can easily frustrated.
Guhamaya: With the Moon as his Banner, The one who is independent, courageous, ambitious. Who lives his own life.
Guhan: One of the many names of Lord Muruga
Guhya: One of many names of Lord Vishnu, Has a Sanskrit meaning as Mystery, Secret, Mystical, Concealed or Hidden
Gui: Gomati are self-centered and dominated persons. They are blunt and preffered to work and live alone.
Guidgen: A first century Welsh saint who drove the resistance against the Romans.
Guidlovius: Guidlovius means the person who can guide a group or a cummunity.
Guido: Guido means life. The person with this name is full of life and knows how to live this life.
Guifi: Dream
Guilbert: Guilbert means a trusted person. Everyone can trust him.
Guilherme: determined protector. A person who is determind about the security and protection of his family.
Guilio: Youthful strong person who is full of life.
Guillame: Germanic - Resolute Fighter, French equivalent of William;
Guillaume: A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.
Guillelmus: A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.
Guillem: A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.
Guillermin: They are cheerful,gorgeous and ideal.They have artistic and musical ability.
Guillermo: They value truth,justice and discipline.They are quick in decision making.
Guinan: They are vesatile,responsible but lazy.They are active and fulfill all their promises.
Guinebas: They have many qualities and artistic.They are very emotional and good listner.
Guinemains: They are practical,scientific and intelligent.They creat irritability and have strong temper.
Guingual: They have negative influences in their lives.They have lack of positivity and confidence.
Guingualum: They are very creative in art,music and drama.They love independence and freedom.
Guinn: Guinn means a person who is reliable for friendship. In simple words or a literal meaning of guinn is "Friend"
Guirdeep: Light of the Teacher, Brightness and Luminance of a Teacher
Guirec: Guirec means secretive, reliable and passionate person who is trustworthy for everyone.
Guiscard: Brave and hardy
Guiseppe: Italian type of JOSEPH.In Biblical the significance of the name Joseph is: Increase, expansion.
Guitain: guitain means the person from gaeta. Gaeta is the ancient city of Italy.
Gujyaka: An individual who is enriching, inquisitive and blissful
Gul Zar: Gul means Rose flower and Zar mean pavement or garden. So Gul zar means the pavement or garden of roses.
Gulabrai: Gulabrai means the rose flower. It is the mesculine of gulaab name.
Gulal: Colour Red, One who is bright and colourful; Spiritful like the colours
Gulam: Ghulam is an arabic words which means young and handsome servant in paradise.
Gulbar: Gulbar means the person who pelt flowers everywhere.
Gulfaam: One who is rose faced.
Gulfam: A person whose face is like roses. Soft, beautiful and alive face
Gulfrido: Gulfrido means a person who brings a peaceful resolution
Gulfrit: Gulfrido means a person who brings a peaceful resolution. Another pronunciation of gulfrido.
Gulliver: Guliver is the surname of english persons.
Gullonar: They are individual and independence.They are good friends and establish every thing very well.
Gulraiz: Gardener, one who takes care of the garden.
Gulrez: They are soft like a flower and give good smell to others.They are very soft,kind and sensitive.
Gulru: They are soft like a flower and give good smell to others.They are very soft,kind and sensitive.
Gulshan: Its feminine version means Rose Garden, while its masculine version means Flower garden. It is a variation of the name Golshan, a name of Persian origins.
Gulshanbir: The brave person of the garden or a house
Gulshandeep: Lamp of a Rose Garden
Gulshanjeet: Victory of the Rose Garden
Gulshanjot: Light of a Rose Garden
Gulshanmeet: Friendly with a Rose Garden
Gulshanpreet: Love of the Rose Garden
Gulshanroop: Embodiment of the Rose Garden
Gulu: God of the Sky or Ruler of the Sky.
Gulussa: God of the Sky or Ruler of the Sky.
Gulveer: Sweet brother
Gulwant: Beautiful Like Flowers, One who is attractive, bright and appealing like colourful flowers
Gulwantpreet: Love for the Beautiful Flowers
Gulyani: A Surname of Indian Origin, Name represents Colour and Brightness
Gulzara: Colour Red, One who is bright and colourful; Spiritful like the colours
Gulzarilal: One of many names of Lord Krishna referring to his beauty, brightness and high spirits always.
Gummadi: Princess, Offspring of a King or Emperor; Heir to Throne
Gumwant: Virtuous, Excellent; Worthy; Righteous; Honourable; Good characteristics; Great qualities