List Of 2260 Baby Boy Names Starting With Letter G | Page 9

Kanika Singh
Feb 26, 2019   •  4 views

We have created a list of 2260 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter G. This is Page 9 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.

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  • Greenley: They are analytical,critical and opinionated.They have ability to choose their destiny.

  • Greeshawn: They are very kind to others and very soft.They love to serve humanity

  • Greeshkandaraja: greeshkandaraja means the leader of men who protects or owns domestic animals.

  • Greeshm: Summer, Warmth; Kind of Season; A variant of name Grishm

  • Greg: They are good leader then a follower.They have powerful personalities.

  • Greger: They are excellent,good learner and determind.They have a quality to solve all issues.

  • Gregg: They are good leader then a follower.They have powerful personalities.

  • Greggory: They are very energetic,determind and independent.They are very capable and adaptable all these qualities make them wonderfu.

  • Gregoire: They are very creative,dynamic and full of energy.They love to spend time with family and friends

  • Gregor: They are excellent,good learner and determind.They have a quality to solve all issues.

  • Gregori: They love companionship and want to work in peace.They are scholars,philosophers and teachers.

  • Gregorija: To watch

  • Gregorio: They have ability to lead,organize and manage.They love music,art and drama.

  • Gregorius: Watchful, Vigilant; Alert; Derived from Greek name Gregorios

  • Gregory: They are very dynamic,visionary and versatile.They may be untidy and restless.

  • Gregson: They are self-made and focus on large issues of life.They build their foundation very strong

  • Greidiawl: They are quick tempered.They love truth,justice and discipline.They always try to develop their potencial.

  • Greig: They are dynamic,restless and independent.They love to accept challenges.

  • Greipr: A man of great strength.

  • Grendel: They are imaginative,idealistic and determind.They inspire others.

  • Grenier: They have independent,positive and determind personality.They love to serve humanity.

  • Grentel: They are self-made and focus on large issues of life.They build their foundation very strong

  • Grenville: They love companionship and want to work in peace.They are scholars,philosophers and teachers.

  • Gresham: They are competent,powerful and practical.They are able to achieve all their dreams.

  • Greshawn: They are competent,powerful and practical.They are able to achieve all their dreams.

  • Grey: Grey is the short form of name Greysen. Grayson means the son of steward, guardian or wardun.

  • Greydon: A person who leads everyone as a king or a leader.

  • Greylond: A person who leads everyone as a king or a leader.

  • Greysen: Graysen means the son of steward, guardian or wardun.

  • Grga: One who is watchful and alert.

  • Grgur: A watchful and vigilant man.

  • Grhapati: Grahpati means the owner or the Lord of house. Or we can say the king of the house.

  • Grhita: Grhita means a person who is accepted by all, who can make everyone understand him

  • Grht: Holy Book of the Hindus,

  • Gridha: Lord of Mountains

  • Grier: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.

  • Griff: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.

  • Griffen: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.

  • Griffin: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.

  • Griffith: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.

  • Griffri: Lord who have a very strong grip on everything which is around him.

  • Grifin: In welsh grifin means the strong faith in God. In Irish and americans this name is used as the surname.

  • Griflet: Bringing the great megical sword of king bake to the lake, river or any waterplace. In simple words this name means a person with a great rank.

  • Grifud: High Energy. Person who is always active and ready to do anything with great energy and power.

  • Grifudi: High Energy. Person who is always active and ready to do anything with great energy and power.

  • Grigol: Georgian form of Gregory It means watchful or alert

  • Grigor: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.

  • Grigore: Romanian form of Gregory, meaning watchful or alert.

  • Grigori: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.

  • Grigoria: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.

  • Grigorii: Watchful, alert

  • Grigorios: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.

  • Grigoris: Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.

  • Grihamani: A lamp which spreads light everywhere.

  • Grihastha: A post in barahmanic ashram in which a person asumes the responsibilities of house holds.

  • Grihith: Understood, Accepted; Acknowledged

  • Grimaldus: Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.

  • Grimbald: Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.

  • Grimbaldus: Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.

  • Grimbaud: Lively and Imaginative person who lives life with a great optimisim. A person who loves his life.

  • Grimbeald: Fierce in battle, a person who have ability to win the battle by his skills, power and agrassion.

  • Grimbol: Varient of Grimbold. Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.

  • Grimbold: Grim means fierce and bold means a person who is wiling to take risks. So as a whole a person who loves to take risks and be fierce in all situation.

  • Grimcytel: Grimcytle means a person who knows how to manage and organize things to live a great life.

  • Grimm: Grimm means a fierce person who has ability to do anything bravely.

  • Grimmwolf: Grimm means fierce as a whole Grimm fierce means a person who is fierce and powerful like a wolf.

  • Grimoire: Name of the book of incantations, summoning spirits and making medicines.

  • Grimold: Grimold is the varient of name grimbald. Which means a fierce bold and brave person.

  • Grimshaw: Grimshaw is an ancient, historical surname which reffers towards a brave and strong family.

  • Grímur: One who wears a mask, one who is concealed.

  • Grimwold: A person who is a very intelligent ruler. Who rules with dignity and kindness.

  • Gringamore: Gringamore is a mesculine version of feminine name , which means a person who is not american. Or we can say a person from latin who is settled in america.

  • Grisham: Old English - Grassland farm, From the grazing; A variant name of Gresham

  • Grissom: The one with clever mind, quick witted, excited, adventorous and inttelligent.

  • Griswald: Grey Ruler, The one who will rule the community or are with intelligence, wisdom and dignity.

  • Griswold: Grey Ruler, The one who will rule the community or are with intelligence, wisdom and dignity.

  • Gritik: Mountain, Hill; A variant spelling is Giree

  • Grosvenor: Great Hunter, The one who loves adventure and independence. Guide, lead and direct others to help them.

  • Grove: Hunter, The one who will be adventures and independent. Love the leadership .

  • Grover: People with this name will dedicate their lives to serve others but on the other hand they are also low temperred.

  • Grozdan: A strong man who will shine, admired and and example for others. A shiny star.

  • Grsamada: A generous, ideal and resourceful person

  • Gruaidh: It means the Red king, from words ruadh (red-coloured hair or complexion) and rígh (ie - king). It is mostly used in Ireland and Scottish. It has many forms, such as Ruairi, Ruairidh and the most common Rory. This was the name of the last high king of Ir

  • Grubbs: The name Grubbs also has German origins, where it means a Mine, Pit or a Hollow and was mostly given as an occupational surname to mine workers.

  • Grucinan: The persons with this name loves the beauty of nature, creativity and responsibility. Ready to do the sacrifice.

  • Gruff: Lord, Prince, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.

  • Gruffudd: Lord, Prince, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.

  • Gruffydd: Lord, Prince, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.

  • Gruheeta: One who wishes good for home, A variant spelling of Gruhita

  • Gruhit: Wishing good for home, A variant spelling is Gruheet

  • Grumk: A Surname of Indian Origin mostly used by the Sikh Community

  • Grummore: The one with sixth sense, high energy level, senstiveness and possess a high sense of awareness.

  • Gryffen: Strong Lord, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.

  • Gryffyn: A Cornish form of the Welsh name Griffith. It means lord.

  • Gryffyth: People with this name have a deep inner desire to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability.

  • Grygoriy: Ukrainian variant of Gregory, meaning watchful or alert.

  • Gryphon: Fighting Chief, Fierceful, The furious Griffin of Greek mythology and medieval legend was an animal with foreparts of a falcon and rump of a lion.

  • Grzegorz: Confident, unique state of mind with respect to their scholarly abilities. Obviously cheerful, informative and perky, they don't care to discuss themselves and enviously protect their mystery garden.

  • Guabeith: Guabeith by and large leads and direct others and likes to builds up their individual character.

  • Guafi: Fire

  • Guainint: Guainint love experience, fervor and flexibility. Guainint are smart, clever and strangely versatile. Guainint are fit for doing anything they wish for.

  • Guaiya: Love

  • Guallonir: They experience fervor love and flexibility. These are smart, clever and strangely versatile.

  • Gualter: Ruler of the Army, The one who rule the country or army. He will be with leadership qualities.

  • Gualtier: Germanic - To Rule, Army; Powerful Warrior; Form of Walter; Army General

  • Gualtiero: Germanic - To Rule, Army; People of Power; Army of Power; Strong Warrior; Italian form of Walter

  • Guang: Light, Guang will be the light for the other ones to guide and show the path.

  • Guarin: Guarin is a strictfull personality with impatient of rather forceful character.

  • Guatemoc: Falling eagle or Descending eagle in Nahuatl. It has many variations, such as Cuathemoc, Cuauhtemotzin or Guatimozin.

  • Guatimozin: Guatimozin is a variation of Cuauhtemotzin.

  • Guban: Guban will be thoughtful, attractive, successful, smart and helpful.

  • Gucauno: Guncauno starts in Native American dialects and signifies \"one who falls like a bird\"

  • Gucaunus: Gucaunus are ggressive and bussiness natured personalities. They have strong leadership quaities.

  • Guda: a variation of the name Juda, meaning Goodness, Excellence, from the Arabic word "jada", which means To Be Excellent. The name Guda is also found in Swedish origins, where it is used as a feminine, Girls name and means Supreme.

  • Gudakesa: The Archer Arjuna, One of many names of Arjuna meaning one who has conquered sleep

  • Gudakesha: The archer Arjuna

  • Guddu: Sweet, Flower

  • Gudfrid: The one who loves to live the life on principles to get success, with imaginatory and creative ideas.

  • Gudmund: They are creative,excellent and expressive.They love to earn a lot.

  • Gudmundur: It is a modernized version of the old Nordic name Guðmundr. It means Gods protection or Protected by God, from the two words "gudr" which means god and "mund" which means protection.

  • Gudram: They are very original,advantures and independent.They are very religious.

  • Gudule: They love to search and found the reason of every thing.They are mysterious and always trying to gain knowledge.

  • Gudval: They love to systamized things like science,math and computer.They love eating and feeling pleasuer in traveling.

  • Guebers: They love adventure,freedom and excitement.They are very active and mind blowing in every task.

  • Guedgen: They are technical but lack of concentration on any kind of task.They love health and are very wealthy.

  • Guedguen: They are lively,imaginationary and expressive.They are good artist and writer.

  • Gueiluirth: They are not comfortable with making decission especially major decission.They have strong emotional nature.

  • Gueithgno: They love to research and found the reason of everything.They have knowledge and wisdom.

  • Guencat: They are skilled and efficient.They does not back away from working hard.

  • Guénolé: Valor

  • Guenter: They value truth,justice and discipline.They are quick in decision making.

  • Guenther: Thaey have good qualities of leadership and organization.They feel happy to serve and others.

  • Guerngen: They are very hardworking and finish all their task which they start.They are fond of their comfort.

  • Guffd: Serpent God, Snake Lord

  • Guga: Meditation staff

  • Guggul: Guggle are harsh spoken persons but they are on the same way kind hearted also.

  • Guglielmo: Guglielmo is materialistic and self-serving, he doesn't waver to grab the open doors that life presents him with.

  • Gugu: Sweet, Flower

  • Guha: Guha are deligent natured persons. They work hard but can easily frustrated.

  • Guhamaya: With the Moon as his Banner, The one who is independent, courageous, ambitious. Who lives his own life.

  • Guhan: One of the many names of Lord Muruga

  • Guhya: One of many names of Lord Vishnu, Has a Sanskrit meaning as Mystery, Secret, Mystical, Concealed or Hidden

  • Gui: Gomati are self-centered and dominated persons. They are blunt and preffered to work and live alone.

  • Guidgen: A first century Welsh saint who drove the resistance against the Romans.

  • Guidlovius: Guidlovius means the person who can guide a group or a cummunity.

  • Guido: Guido means life. The person with this name is full of life and knows how to live this life.

  • Guifi: Dream

  • Guilbert: Guilbert means a trusted person. Everyone can trust him.

  • Guilherme: determined protector. A person who is determind about the security and protection of his family.

  • Guilio: Youthful strong person who is full of life.

  • Guillame: Germanic - Resolute Fighter, French equivalent of William;

  • Guillaume: A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.

  • Guillelmus: A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.

  • Guillem: A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.

  • Guillermin: They are cheerful,gorgeous and ideal.They have artistic and musical ability.

  • Guillermo: They value truth,justice and discipline.They are quick in decision making.

  • Guinan: They are vesatile,responsible but lazy.They are active and fulfill all their promises.

  • Guinebas: They have many qualities and artistic.They are very emotional and good listner.

  • Guinemains: They are practical,scientific and intelligent.They creat irritability and have strong temper.

  • Guingual: They have negative influences in their lives.They have lack of positivity and confidence.

  • Guingualum: They are very creative in art,music and drama.They love independence and freedom.

  • Guinn: Guinn means a person who is reliable for friendship. In simple words or a literal meaning of guinn is "Friend"

  • Guirdeep: Light of the Teacher, Brightness and Luminance of a Teacher

  • Guirec: Guirec means secretive, reliable and passionate person who is trustworthy for everyone.

  • Guiscard: Brave and hardy

  • Guiseppe: Italian type of JOSEPH.In Biblical the significance of the name Joseph is: Increase, expansion.

  • Guitain: guitain means the person from gaeta. Gaeta is the ancient city of Italy.

  • Gujyaka: An individual who is enriching, inquisitive and blissful

  • Gul Zar: Gul means Rose flower and Zar mean pavement or garden. So Gul zar means the pavement or garden of roses.

  • Gulabrai: Gulabrai means the rose flower. It is the mesculine of gulaab name.

  • Gulal: Colour Red, One who is bright and colourful; Spiritful like the colours

  • Gulam: Ghulam is an arabic words which means young and handsome servant in paradise.

  • Gulbar: Gulbar means the person who pelt flowers everywhere.

  • Gulfaam: One who is rose faced.

  • Gulfam: A person whose face is like roses. Soft, beautiful and alive face

  • Gulfrido: Gulfrido means a person who brings a peaceful resolution

  • Gulfrit: Gulfrido means a person who brings a peaceful resolution. Another pronunciation of gulfrido.

  • Gulliver: Guliver is the surname of english persons.

  • Gullonar: They are individual and independence.They are good friends and establish every thing very well.

  • Gulraiz: Gardener, one who takes care of the garden.

  • Gulrez: They are soft like a flower and give good smell to others.They are very soft,kind and sensitive.

  • Gulru: They are soft like a flower and give good smell to others.They are very soft,kind and sensitive.

  • Gulshan: Its feminine version means Rose Garden, while its masculine version means Flower garden. It is a variation of the name Golshan, a name of Persian origins.

  • Gulshanbir: The brave person of the garden or a house

  • Gulshandeep: Lamp of a Rose Garden

  • Gulshanjeet: Victory of the Rose Garden

  • Gulshanjot: Light of a Rose Garden

  • Gulshanmeet: Friendly with a Rose Garden

  • Gulshanpreet: Love of the Rose Garden

  • Gulshanroop: Embodiment of the Rose Garden

  • Gulu: God of the Sky or Ruler of the Sky.

  • Gulussa: God of the Sky or Ruler of the Sky.

  • Gulveer: Sweet brother

  • Gulwant: Beautiful Like Flowers, One who is attractive, bright and appealing like colourful flowers

  • Gulwantpreet: Love for the Beautiful Flowers

  • Gulyani: A Surname of Indian Origin, Name represents Colour and Brightness

  • Gulzara: Colour Red, One who is bright and colourful; Spiritful like the colours

  • Gulzarilal: One of many names of Lord Krishna referring to his beauty, brightness and high spirits always.

  • Gummadi: Princess, Offspring of a King or Emperor; Heir to Throne

  • Gumwant: Virtuous, Excellent; Worthy; Righteous; Honourable; Good characteristics; Great qualities

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