We have created a list of 2260 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter G. This is Page 7 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Gladwyn: Gladwyn is an English name means a Happy Friend
Gladwynne: The name Gladwynne means a Friend who is Happy
Glaucio: Glaucio is comes from Latin "glaucus" and means Bluish Grey
Gleawfrith: A confident and self assured individual
Glein: Glein means From the Valley
Gleinguid: Gleinguid means The One who comes from the Valley
Glen: The meaning of the name Glen is From The Valley
Glendakay: A charismatic and friendly person
Glenden: Glenden means From the Dark Glen, From the Dark Valley
Glendin: The name Glendin means From the Dark Valley
Glendon: Glendon name means From the Dark Glen
Glendyn: The name Glendyn means Valley and is a Celtic name
Glenmore: Glenmore is a place name extremely popular in Jamaica.
Glenton: The name Glenton means The Man from the Valley
Glenwood: Glenwood is a male name and means Wood in the Valley
Glib: Hair of God
Glison: Gilson means the Son of Gil, The Son of Joy or The Son of the One Who Serves the Christ
Gliuis: Gliuis variation of hte name Ludwig, means Famous Battle
Gloier: A spontaneous and easy going person
Gloiu: A king's brother, a confident being
Glor: The name Glor means Glory, Victory.
Glover: The name Glover means A maker od a Seller of Gloves. Mostly used as a surname
Glyndwr: The neame means Valley Water.
Glywys: The name Glywys means The King from the Valley
Gnan: Gnan means Intellegence
Gnanachelvan: The meaning of this Indian name is Learned
Gnanaraj: King of Knowledge, Excellent Wisdom; Brilliant and Clever Person
Gnanasooriyan: One whose wisdom shines like the Sun, Brilliant; Knowledgeable; Clever; Wise; Intelligent
Gnanavel: Lord of Wisdom, God of Wisdom; One of many names of Lord Shanmukha,Muruga signifying his brilliance
Gnandan: An idealistic, versatile and lovable being
Gnanender: Wisdom, Knowledge; Brilliance; Intelligent
Gnaneshwar: One who has divine knowledge, Spiritual Wisdom; One who is knowledgeable about Lord Shiva
Gnendran: One who is wise, knowledgeable; Brilliant and intelligent
Gobardhan: One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as the one who lifted Govardhan mountain
Gobhil: A Sanskrit Scholar, Well Learned; A philosopher in Sanskrit
Gobind: Finder of Cows, A cow-herd; One who locates Cattle; Preserver of the world;
Gobinda: A Cow-herd, One who is Good at Finding Cows; Lord Krishna as the preserver of the world
Gobindachandra: A cow herd who is luminant and radiant like moon, One of many names of Lord Krishna
Gocha: Old man
Godbert: Godbert is an unusuall surname of old ages. It means bright god.
Goddard: The name is composition of two word. God which is used here to be meant as good and hard which meand strong and brave. As a whole Goddard means a good or greate brave person.
Godefrid: a person who loves to be in peace, a peace of god
Godefridus: a person who is living under the protection of the Great God.
Godefryd: a person who loves to be in peace, a peace of god
Godeheard: A person who gets power and solidness from God as a gift.
Godelief: Loved by the gods, or good life
Godelive: A person who is God's beloved.
Godelot: a person who loves to be in peace, a peace of god
Godewinus: The one with high ambitions, dynamic nature, generous and clever mind.
Godewyn: Old English - Friend of God, Good Friend; A variant of Godwin
Godfred: The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godfrey: The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godfrid: It is the Dutch Veriation of Godfred. The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godfried: It is the Dutch Variation of Godfrey. The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godfrith: It is derieved from Godfrey. The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godfry: It is the derived from German name Godfrid. The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godharin: The one who keeps the cow, here Cow means power and strength. Powerful, Strengthful. Having strong power.
Godhelm: Protection of God, Saved by the God, In care or guarianship of God, Guard from dangers and harms by God
Godhere: Army of God, Someone who will be on righteous path from God and will save and protect others
Godhold: Brave, Courageous, Ready to face the dangers and unpleasent conditions, Warrier
Godhvaja: With the Moon as his Banner, The one who is independent, courageous, ambitious. Who lives his own life.
Godid: To whome one can share the memories and good or bad experiences. He will protect the secrets.
Godila: Harbour, Anchorage; Dock; Waterfront
Godin: Good Protector, The one who will save and protect others with strong and courageous powers. Protector for all others.
Goding: the descendant of Goda, The person who lives with and after us, Who will help everyone, keep happy everyone
Godmaer: Good Water, One will be with good heart and good spoken who can raise in the public and can raise his voice.
Godman: To Shine, One who has the quality of forgiveness, to shine and to guide others. Who can create a better world for others.
Godmann: Good Man, It is the new version of Guðmund. The one with good qualities and abilities.
Godmund: Protection, To one who will protect the family, nation or public. Who is ready to sacrifice for the nation.
Godofredo: Germanic - God's peace, Peaceful ruler; Friend of God; A variant of Godfrey
Godoired: Godoired is a variant of the name Godfrey and means God's peaceful ruler.
Godred: God's Peace. The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godric: Power of God, A physical aspect of war. Powerful, Strengthful. Having strong power.
Godsalm: Friendly, The one who loves to do friendship and warmly welcome all the good things in life.
Godsguide: God will guide
Goduine: These are lively, expressive and having great verbal habits. They will keep the other ones happy with light chit chat.
Godun: The one who has hidden qualities of knowledge and wisdom. Owing a research and analytical mind.
Godvynus: The one who loves to live independent and adventerous life. who can lead and direct everyone to do. The one who will not give away.
Godwald: The one who inspire others with the verbal and imaginative skills.
Godwin: The one who wants to live with other loved one in a community with peace and love.
Godwine: Friend of God, The one with good dees and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Godwinn: Friend of God, The one with good deeds and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Godwulf: People with this name will be talented and understandable. These persons will be the phhilosopher, scholoars or teachers.
Godwyn: The one who wants to live with other loved one in a community with peace and love.
Godwyna: People with this name will be talented and understandable. These persons will be the phhilosopher, scholoars or teachers.
Godyf: Gods peace
Goeffrey: Peaceful, The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Goeuuin: Friend of God, The one with good dees and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Goffredo: God's Peace, The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Gofraidh: Germanic - God's peace, Peaceful ruler; Friend of God; A variant of Godfrey
Gofried: Peace of God from the Germanic words god which means god and the word frid which means peace.
Goga: Lord of Snake, Lord of Serpents; One who conquers the serpents
Gogal: One with high vocal cords
Gogana: It is one of the variations of the name Godana and means male child
Gogi: Gogi is a diminutive of Grigol and means watchful or alert
Gogula: One of the many names of Lord Krishna as the Lord of Serpents
Gohar: Diamond, Precious stone and Gem
GoIndian: True Devotee of God, A true devotee of Lord Shri Krishna
Gojen: One of many names of Lord Krishna in Assamese
Gokanya: It is an Indian male name. The one who will lead the nation or community.
Gokaraju: One of many names of Lord Krishna
Gokarna: Cow Eared, The one with good deeds and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others
Gokarni: Cow Eared, The one with good deeds and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others
Gokul: Name of place where Lord Krishna was raised as a child, One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna
Gokula: Cow-herder, One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna as cow herd
Gokulakrishnan: One of many names of Lord Sri Krishna referring his childhood in Gokul
Gokulan: One of many names of Lord Sri Krishna referring his childhood in Gokul
Gokulananad: One of many names of Lord Sri Krishna referring him as happiness of Gokul
Gokulanand: One of many names of Lord Sri Krishna referring him as happiness of Gokul
Gokulanath: One of many names of Lord Sri Krishna referring him as child of Gokul
Gokulanatha: One of many names of Lord Sri Krishna referring him as child of Gokul
Gokulanathan: One of many names of Lord Sri Krishna referring him as child of Gokul
Gokulchanda: One of many names of Lord Sri Krishna referring him as brightness of Gokul
Gokurna: Cow's Ear, A variant of place name Gokarna which is believed to be place where Lord Shiva emerged
Golaki: Globe, The one who is courageous and love to live a peaceful and prosperious life.
Golan: People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.
Golap: it is an Indian male name. The one who will lead the nation or community.
Golappan: One of many names of Lord Vishnu referring him as Shri Krishna avatar in Gokul
Gold: Precious Metal, The one who is precious for the family and friends.
Golden: Golden means shinny. A person who will shine his whole lifelike a precious stone. Literlay its meaning is blond.
Goldewin: Goldewin means companion of gold, that means a person with high level and valuable knowledge.
Goldewyn: Goldewin means companion of gold, that means a person with high level and valuable knowledge.
Goldin: Goldiin means a little piece of gold. Small but very valuable and precious.
Goldina: Goldiin means a little piece of gold. Small but very valuable and precious.
Goldine: Goldiin means a little piece of gold. Small but very valuable and precious.
Golding: Goldiin means a little piece of gold. Small but very valuable and precious.
Goldwin: Companion of God, The one with good deeds and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Goldwine: Companion of God, The one with good deeds and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Goldwinn: Companion of God, The one with good deeds and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Goldwyn: Golden Friend, The one who loves to do friendship and warmly welcome all the good things in life.
Goldwynn: Golden Friend, The one who loves to do friendship and warmly welcome all the good things in life.
Golgotha: Hebrew word for skull
Goliath: Biblical -Revolution, Heap; Exile; Passage
Golibe: Rejoice, a joyous fellow.
Golochan: Golochan are strategic, touchy and kind. They are peacemaker and likes to make companions and take after their instinct.
Goloka: Goloka are physically strong personalities but can never be fully satisfied with anyone.
Golokesh: A secure, passive and important being
Golu: Round Faced, Naughty Person;
Gomadhi: One who is wealthy with cows, Pure; True; A variant of name Gomathi; A name of Goddess
Gomal: Guardians of Mercy Animal League, One who is kind and protects the cow;
Goman: Goman are the persons of very restless nature. They cannot sit idle and keep themselves busy all the time.
Gomantak: Land Similar to Paradise, Fertile Land; Place where cattle can be grazed
Gomateshwar: Sacred Place for Jains, Place which has statue of Bahubali
Gomeda: A Gem which is found in four different colours, Indian name for the Gemstone Hessonite
Gomedhaka: A Gem which is found in four different colours, Indian name for the Gemstone Hessonite
Gomin: One who owns cows, An owner of Cattle;
Gommata: Name of Bahubali, Being powerfully armed;
Gomtesh: Another name of Bahubali. It means strong.
Gomukh: Mathali's Son, Mouth of a Cow; Cow Faced; Name of Gangothri Glacier as it is shaped like Cow's Mouth
Gomukha: The one who will be adventures and independent. Love the leadership and guide others.
Gon: Gon are passive, friendly and easy going. They have imaginations and ideas to lead life.
Gonanda: Gonanda has the ability to make the life stable, to handle people and to get the solutions of difficulties of life.
Gonath: Lord of Cows, One of many names of Lord Krishna as the Lord of Cows
Gon�alo: The Geniuous in Battle.
Goncalo: A man who is a genius in battles.
Gondefle: Gondefle are the persons of very restless nature. They cannot sit idle and keep themselves busy all the time.
Gonemanus: The one who loves to live independent and adventerous life. who can lead and direct everyone to do. The one who will not give away.
Gonzalo: Gon are passive, friendly and easy going. They have imaginations and ideas to lead life.
Goode: the person who performed good deeds or acts of kindness
Goodife: One who has a happy life and leading life happily
Goodluck: One who has a good luck, a lucky person
Goodwin: Friend of God, The one with good dees and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Goodwine: Friend of God, The one with good dees and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Goodwyn: The one who wants to live with other loved one in a community with peace and love.
Goodwynn: People with this name will be talented and understandable. These persons will be the phhilosopher, scholoars or teachers.
Goodwynne: People with this name will be talented and understandable. These persons will be the phhilosopher, scholoars or teachers.
Goolab: Rose,
Gopaal: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopaala: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopal: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopala: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopala Krishnan: Gopal means the one who protects cows. Krishnan means the cloud colored man. As a whole this name is based on the name of Lord Sri Karishna
Gopaladasa: Servant of Lord Krishna, One who is devotee of Lord Shri Krishna
Gopalak: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopalakrishnan: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopalan: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopalapriya: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopaldas: Servant of Lord Krishna, One who is devotee of Lord Shri Krishna
Gopalpreet: Gopal is the nam of Lord Krishna and Preet meand love or beloved. The name Gopalpreet means the love of Lord.
Gopalraj: Vamsavali, The Oldest Ever Chronicle in Nepal; One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna
Gopan: Protection, Protector of Cows; One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna
Gopanandana: Son of a Cowherd, One of the many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Son of Nand Maharaj
Gopathi: Sun, Cow-herder; A king of Pachala
Gopati: Owner or leader of cows or a person who take cares of cows.
Gopee: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopeeswaran: Gopeeswaran, Name of Lord Shiva, Gopee means the man who protects cows and swaran mean gold hearted man. On the whole gopeeswaran means a gold hearted man who protects cows.
Gopendra: Name of Lord Krishana. Owner or leader of cows or a person who take cares of cows.
Gopesa: Gopesa means the leader of men who protects or owns domestic animals.
Gopesh: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopesha: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna referring him as Cow-herd, Protector of Cows
Gopi: Protector of Cows, Derived from the name Gopika; Cow herding Girls famous for their unconditional devotion to Lord Krishna
Gopi Nath: Gopis are the selected beautiful ladies and Gopi Nath means the Lord, God of creator of Gopis.
Gopicandra: Gopis are the selected beautiful ladies and Caandra means the full moon. Gopicandra means the moon of beautiful ladies.
Gopichand: Name of a King, A King of Ancient India; A Bengali Name
Gopichandha: Name of a King, A King of Ancient India; A Bengali Name
Gopichandra: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna
Gopichnad: Name of a King, A King of Ancient India; A Bengali Name
Gopikhan: Gopi, Name of Lord Kannan.
Gopikrishna: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna, A Conjoined name for Krishna and Radha
Gopikrishnan: One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna, A Conjoined name for Krishna and Radha