We have created a list of 2260 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter G. This is Page 5 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ghaleb: The one who holds the title winner.
Ghali: Honourable or highly watched or darling.
Ghalib: Victor
Ghaliba: The one who conquers
Ghalinus: A person who is a physician
Ghallab: A victor, a triumphant individual
Ghamand: A person who has a big ego and is very proud
Ghamandjeet: The victory of pride
Ghamandjot: The light of the pride
Ghamandpal: One who protects his pride
Ghamandpreet: One who loves his pride
Ghamandprem: The love of pride
Ghamay: Name of a precious stone in Pashto
Ghamir: One who is cheritable
Ghamzah: A sing or a hint
Ghana: A name of the country in Africa
Ghanaaghana: Excellent, Remarkable; Outstanding; Superior;
Ghanaanand: Happy Like Cloud, Joyful and free spirited like Cloud
Ghanambu: Cloud Water, Rain; Showers from Cloud; To offer; Bestow
Ghanapriya: A nem that originates from the country Ghana
Ghanaram: Dependant on Clouds, A Garden;
Ghanashyam: A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
Ghanasyaam: A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
Ghanasyama: A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
Ghanavanth: Dignified Person, An honorable and well respected person; Regal; Noble
Ghandeep: Hindu Boy
Ghanendra: Lord of Clouds, One of many names of Lord Indra
Ghanesh: Lord of Hordes, Hindu god of wisdom and good luck; Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati
Ghani: A rich, wealthy and prosperous person
Ghani Rich: A rich and prosperous man
Ghanim: A person who owns a lot and is very rich
Ghanimat: One who is like a reward
Ghanish: Well Built, Strong; Powerful; Mighty
Ghannam: One sho is a shepherd
Ghannan: Two friends of Prophet Muhammed. Also means shepherd
Ghanrasa: Raga of a song
Ghansara: One who is the Lord of all the Kings
Ghansham: Name of the Lord Krishna
Ghanshyam: A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
Ghansyam: A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
Ghantaka: Time
Ghantasala: An able, imaginative and practical person
Ghantin: A person who has a bell-like voice
Ghanvahana: One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Ghanya: Powerful, One of the many names of Lord Ganesh signifying his elephant like strength
Ghar: A house or a home
Gharam: A feeling of infatuation, love and devotion
Gharan: One who is beautiful
Gharchet: One who meditates on the real home within, One who reflects on his inner being
Gharib: A known, familiar feeling
Gharman: An Indian word meanin cauldron
Gharra: A brilliant man, a man that shines
Gharsanay: One belonging to the mountains
Gharshit: Hindu Boy
Ghasaan: A youthful, handsome man
Ghasan: A young and youtful handsome person
Ghasharab: Strong and powerful person.
Ghashiah: A man that works as a servant or attendant
Ghasi: Happy to the point, Joyful and Content Person
Ghasif: One who is happy and cheerful and leads a comfortable life.
Ghasiq: Beautiful as a Moon-like pears
Ghasita: Dragged, Draw; Pull; Haul
Ghassan: One who is youthful in heart
Ghata: Cloud, Rainy Clouds; Changing Weather; To happen; A Pitcher
Ghataja: A person who was born from a pitcher
Ghatari: Intelligent, One who reminds; One who remembers well
Ghatin: Name of Lord Shiva
Ghatja: Born from a Pitcher, A variant of name Ghataja
Ghatool: Name of tulip flower in Pashto
Ghatotkacha: A pot-headed damon
Ghatrif: A brave and noble leader
Ghaur: One who has good attention, a deep person
Ghaus: the sound of the cry for help
Ghausiazam: One who helps a lot
Ghauth: To need and to give help
Ghawani: A person known for his modesty
Ghawer: Consideration, deliberation or depth.
Ghawth: To help others
Ghayat: A person with a clear goal in their mind
Ghayb: The hidden person, who is absent and away a lot
Ghaylan: A huge, big and great person
Ghaythah: One who brings a lot of goodness in the world
Ghayur: A high minded person
Ghazaala: A muslim name that means deer
Ghazaar: Etiquette, or manners
Ghazali: An Arabic Surname, Name of a Sufi Muslim and scholar
Ghazan: Ghazan is Pashto for Ghazi. It's the name of a holy war fighter
Ghazanfar: A man who is brave as a lion
Ghazanfer: A brave man.
Ghazarat: One who has plenty
Ghazari: An Arabic name meaning pigeon
Ghazi: A heroic person, a hero
Ghaziuddin: A warrior of religion
Ghaziz: A tender bud of a tree
Ghazwan: One who is raiding and attacking
Ghazwi: A militant, warlike person
Ghelani: An Indian Surname from the Kathiawad, Gujarat area of India
Ghemawat: A surname of Indian Origin
Ghempu: Self Defensive, One who can protect himself
Ghenadie: Romanian form of Gennadias, meaning noble, and generous.
Gheorghe: Occupational name means farmer
Gheraid: An ethical and good natured individual
Gherardo: English name meaning spear head
Gherman: A man of the army
Ghiath: An individual who is aggresive and cares for personal gain
Ghifari: One from the tribe named Ghifar
Ghilibba: Arabic name for victory
Ghilji: Son of mountain. It's the name of the largest Pashtun confederacy
Ghiman: One who watches the clouds
Ghirnauq: A beautiful and handsome man
Ghislain: One who is a hostage, a pledged one
Ghitamm: A great vast ocean
Ghiyaath: One who is heplful
Ghiyam: A thick mist or a fog
Ghiyas: One who seeks help
Ghiyasuddin: A helper of the Faith
Ghiyath: One who comes in aid, helper
Ghofran: One that pardons and forgives
Ghorah: Thunder, Bellow; Loud and Powerful Sound
Ghorzang: Long strides or panther's strides
Ghoshal: Proclaimer, One who states and announces
Ghouse: Bride
Ghritkesh: The Fire God, God of Agni; Lord of Fire
Ghrta: Indian name meaning clarified butter
Ghrtapas: One that drinks Ghee
Ghudaf: Boy with black hair
Ghufair: One who is merciful and forgiving
Ghufran: Arabic word for forgivness
Ghulaam: A slave, person with no freedom
Ghulam: A servant, a slave
Ghulamkhan: One that keeps smiling
Ghulamnabi: He who is a poet
Ghulamrasool: A Boy name meaning red flower
Ghulubba: An Arabic name meaning victory
Ghulumat: Urdu name describing youthfulness
Ghunaim: A person who takes spoils
Ghurabat: Arabic name meaning egde of the sword
Ghurar: Ornaments in the sky, stars
Ghurnuq: A delicate, tender person
Ghurran: A graceful light
Ghuruvaran: One that is a guide or gives advice
Ghusmesh: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Ghutaif: A kind and good person
Ghy: Australian name meaning a pond or a pool
Giaan: Knowledge, One Having Exalted Divine Knowledge; Spiritual wisdom
Giaandeep: Lamp of Divine Knowledge, Lamp of Spiritual Wisdom
Giaanleen: One Absorbed in Divine Light and Knowledge, One who is engrossed and immersed in spiritual wisdom
Giaanroop: Embodiment of Divine Light, Incarnation of Divinity; Personified with Spiritual Wisdom
Giaanveer: Divinely Knowledgeable and Brave Person, A warrior who is spiritually wise
Giacinto: Old Greek name for hyacinth
Giacobbe: God may protect
Giacomino: A God's replacement
Giacomo: Italian name meaning to replace
Giambattista: God is gracious
Giamo: A supplanter, replacement
Giampaolo: A small gift from God
Gian: Hebrew name meaning God's gift
Gianatam: One who has knowlegde of the soul
Gianbhagat: One devoted to divine knowlegde
Gianbir: One who is brave and eager to learn
Giancarlo: God's manly gift
Giancarlos: Spanish name meaning God's gift to men
Giancheet: One that is conscious through divine knowlegde
Gianchetan: One that is aware of the divine knowlegde
Giandeep: Lamp of divine knowlegde
Giandharam: Divine knowlegde of the faith
Giandheer: One that seeks eternal knowlegde
Giandhiaan: One that is absorbed in eternal knowledge
Gianfranco: God is gracious and free
Giangeet: Songs of divine knoledge
Giani: God is Gracious, God is Kind; God is Courteous
Gianinder: Gianinder is an Indian male name and means King of Knowledge. Represented in Sikh religion.
Gianjas: Male Indian name, means In Praise of Devine Knowledge. Mostly represented in Sikh, Hindu religion.
Gianjeet: Gianjeet is a male name of Indian origin. It means Vicotry of Knowledge.
Gianjeevan: The name Gianjeevan means Life Full of Devine Knowledge. It is an Indian male name represented in Sikh and Hindu religion.
Gianjog: The name Gianjog means Union through Devine Knowledge and is a male name of Indian origin. Mostly represented in Sikh religion.
Gianjot: Gianjot is an Idian male name and means Light of Knowledge. It is mostly used in Sikh, Hindu religion.
Giankamal: The name means Lotus of Devine Knowledge. Giankamal is a male name of Indian origin and is mostly used in Sikh religion.
Gianleen: Gianleen means One Absorbed in Devine Light. It is both male and a female name and is represented in Sikh religion. The name has Indian origins.
Gianluca: Gianluca is an Italian male name. It is a combination of names Gian and Luca and means A Gift of God Born Under the Sunrise.
Gianluigi: It means God is Gracious, Famous Warrior. It is a combination of the names Gian and Luigi. Represented in Christian religion.
Gianmarco: Gianmarco is an Italian, Christian male name. It means God is Gracious and Warlike.
Gianmeet: Gianmeet is a male name of Indian origin and means Friend of Knowledge. Represented mostly in Sikh religion.
Giannes: Giannes is a male name of Hebrew origin and means The Gift of God. This version of the name is mostly used in Italy.
Gianni: Gianni means God is Gracious, God is Merciful. It is an Italian male name of Hebrew origin.
Giannino: The name Giannino means God is Gracious. It is an Italian male name that originates from a Hebrew name Yochanan.
Giannis: Giannis is an Italian male name, a variation of the name Gianni. It means God is Gracious and has Hebrew origins.
Gianpaolo: The name Gianpaolo is an Italian male name, a combination of names Gian and the name Paolo. The meaning of the name is God is Gracious, Humble and God's Precious Gift.
Gianparkash: The meaning of the name Gianparkash is Light of Devine Knowledge. It is an Indian male name with Sikh orogins.
Gianpiero: Italian male name. Combination of names Gian wich means God is Gracious and Piero which means Rock.
Gianprakash: Gianprakash is a male name of Nepali origin and means Light of Devine Knoledge.
Gianprem: Gianprem is an Indian male name of Sikh origin. It means Love of the Divine Knoledge and is moslty represented in Sikh religion.
Gianrang: The meaning of the name is Imbedued with Divine Knoledge. Gianrang is an Indian male name represented in Sikh religion.
Gianras: Gianras is an Indian male name with Sikh origins. The name means Elixir of Divine Knowledge and is mostly represented in Sikh religion.
Gianratan: Gianratan is a male Indian name that means Germs of Divine Knowledge. It is of Indian, Sikh origin and mostly represented in Sikh religion.
Gianrico: Italian male Christian name of Hebrew origin. It means God is Gracious.
Gianroop: Indian male name meaning Embodiment of Divine Knoledge, Light. Gianroop has Sikh origins and is mostly represented in Sikh religion.
Gianseetal: Gianseetal is an Indian male name and means Peace through Divine Knowledge.
Giansh: The name Giansh is an Indian male name and means Full of Knowledge. Mostly used in Sikh religion.
Giantek: Giantek is an Indian male name of Sikh origin. The meaning of the name is Support of Divine Knowledge.