We have created a list of 2260 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter G. This is Page 2 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Gamaleddin: The bright light of the faith
Gamali: Camel
Gamaliel: Gift from God.
Gamall: Refers to a person who is attractive and pretty.
Gaman: Progressive, Undergoing; Journey; Attaining; Moving; Approaching
Gamatee: Happiness, Joyful; Delighted; Charmed; Ecstatic
Gamba: Tortoise which lives in the water places.
Gambheer: Majestic, Deep; Serious; Regal; Magnificient; A variant of name Gambhir
Gambheera: Majestic, Deep; Serious; Regal; Magnificient; A variant of name Gambhir
Gambhir: Thoughtful and severe.
Gamble: Refers to an elderly person.
Gamel: Refers to an old person.
Gamil: Good looking or stunning.
Gamli: Old or something old.
Gamliel: God is my reward
Gamomo: He who loves battle
Gan: The bold one.
Gana: Crowd or multitude.
Ganadhakshya: Lord of All Gods , Ganas, Leader of all celestial bodies
Ganadhyakshina: Leader of all the celestial bodies, Lord of all Gods
Ganak: An Astrologer, Mathematician; One who can calculate well;
Ganaka: An Astrologer, Mathematician; One who can calculate well;
Ganamnya: One who is proficient in calculations
Ganan: Irish Gaelic - Fair Skinned, Fair-haired, A form of the English name Gannon
Gananath: One who is proficient and brilliant, One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his wisdom
Ganapathi: The Lord of people, Hindu deity
Ganapathy: Another name of Lord Ganesha.
Ganapati: One who is proficient and brilliant, One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his wisdom
Ganaraj: Lord of the Clan, One who is proficient and brilliant
Ganarupa: One who has the form of multitude
Ganasen: Lord of the army, One of many names of Lord Ganesha; A variant of Ganesan
Ganashyam: One of the many names of Lord Krishna signifying his beautiful black skin tone, Black clouds resembling a beautiful upcoming evening
Ganatra: A famous Surname in state of Gujarat in India
Ganbaatar: Steel hero
Gandalf: Fairies or sprites.
Ganden: Lord of the Clan, One who is proficient and brilliant
Gandesha: Lord of fragrance
Gandhaa: A sweet smelling
Gandhamadhan: Name of a mountain, Mountain Part; One which is huge and immovable
Gandhan: Sun, Heavenly Musicians; Master in Music; Celestial Musician
Gandhar: Fragrance, Good Smell; Khushboo
Gandharaj: King of fragrance
Gandharin: Another name of Lord Shiva.
Gandharv: Sun, Heavenly Musicians; Master in Music; Celestial Musician
Gandharva: Sun, Heavenly Musicians; Master in Music; Celestial Musician
Gandhavadhu: Sun, Heavenly Musicians; Master in Music; Celestial Musician
Gandhesa: Master of sweet smelling.
Gandhi: Fragrance, Good Smell; Khushboo; Perfume Merchant
Gandhik: Fragrance, Good Smell; Khushboo
Gandhika: Very nice and sweet smell.
Gandhiv: Illuminator of the Earth, God of Fire;
Gandira: Hero
Gandiv: The Bow of Arjuna, Name of Bow which is made by Brahma
Gandiva: The bow of Arjuna
Ganel: Hebrew - Garden of God,
Ganender: Master of the war.
Ganendra: Lord of a Troop, Lord of a Clan; One who is proficient and brilliant
Ganesamoorthi: Fragrance, Good Smell; Khushboo
Ganesan: Lord of the army, One of many names of Lord Ganesha; A variant of Ganasen
Ganesh: Lord of Hordes, Hindu god of wisdom and good luck; Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati
Ganesha: Lord of Hordes, Hindu god of wisdom and good luck; Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati
Ganeshalingam: Lord of Hordes, Hindu god of wisdom and good luck; Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati
Ganeshchandra: The moon of Lord Ganesh
Ganeshram: Lord of Hordes, Hindu god of wisdom and good luck; Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati
Ganesvara: Lord of Hordes, Hindu god of wisdom and good luck; Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati
Gang: Hard, rigid or strong
Gangaadatt: One of the Asian rivers.
Gangaadhar: Lord of River Ganges, God Shankar; One of many names of Lord Shiva as the origin of Ganges
Gangaadhara: The Wearer of Ganga, Lord of River Ganges; One of many names of Lord Shiva as the origin of Ganges
Gangaaraam: A variant of name Ganga
Gangadatt: Gift of the Ganges, Given by Ganga; Blessing of Ganga
Gangadhar: Lord of River Ganges, God Shankar; One of many names of Lord Shiva as the origin of Ganges
Gangadhara: One who posses Ganga
Gangadutt: Gift of Ganga, Given by Ganga; Blessing of Ganga;
Gangadwara: The gateway of river Ganges
Gangaiah: Another name of ganga river.
Gangaiarasan: Master of the river ganga.
Gangaivaanan: Gift of Ganga, Given by Ganga; Blessing of Ganga;
Gangaja: Born son of Ganga.
Gangala: Gift of Ganga, Given by Ganga; Blessing of Ganga;
Gangaraaju: The lord of the rivers.
Gangaram: A variant of name Ganga
Gangavar: Goddess Ganga's Boon, A blessing of Goddess Ganga
Ganger: A founder of Normandy.
Gangesa: Lord or master of Ganga river.
Gangesh: Lord of River Ganges, God Shankar; One of many names of Lord Shiva as the origin of Ganges
Gangesha: Lord of ganga
Gangeswar: The Lord of Ganga, Lord Shiva
Gangeva: Lord of River Ganges, God Shankar; One of many names of Lord Shiva as the origin of Ganges
Gangey: Son of River Ganga, An offspring of Ganga; A part of the divine, pure and celestial river Ganga
Gangeya: Son of River Ganga, An offspring of Ganga; A part of the divine, pure and celestial river Ganga
Gangeyan: Son of River Ganga, An offspring of Ganga; A part of the divine, pure and celestial river Ganga
Gangol: A Precious Gem, Invaluable; Priceless
Gangola: A Precious Gem, Invaluable; Priceless
Ganhardin: One who mesmerize the multitudes with faith
Ganib: Blessed by rich loot or winnings
Ganikaa: The one who is expert in dancing.
Ganimedes: A beautiful mortal
Ganin: The Boy who is fair in complexion and light colored hair.
Ganiru: Good luck
Ganit: Defender gavriel, man of god
Ganith: Armed group or flower park.
Ganix: God is so merciful.
Ganjan: Surpassing
Ganjendra: Lord Ganpati, Hindu god of wisdom and good luck; Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati
Gankappa: A name given to the father of snakes, powerful
Ganmanya: Respected, Honoured; One who is held with high regard; Esteemed
Gann: One who protects with a spear.
Gannaath: An Epithet of Lord Shiva, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Gannath: An Epithet of Lord Shiva, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Gannon: The god of silence
Ganora: A swelling white wave
Ganpat: Lord Ganesha, A variant of Ganapati; God of wisdom and Good luck
Ganpati: The Lord of masses, Lord ganesha
Gansukh: Steel axe
Gantulga: Steel hearth
Ganulf: A person who has scientific and patient mind
Ganzorig: Steel, courage, brave. A brave man.
Gaodhasti: The one who maintains animals.
Gaousik: Lord Buddha
Gar: A short form of gareth
Garaden: Comes from the mountain which reflects as a triangle in shape.
Garadin: Refers to a fountain which has three points.
Garadun: A mountain which has three corners.
Garadyn: A hill which has 3 angles.
Garafeld: A meadow which resembles as a shape of triangle.
Garajan: Thunder, Bellow; Loud and Powerful Sound
Garalakant: Name of son of Lord Shiva, Eshwar
Garald: The commander who rules the troop with a spear.
Garan: Refers to castrating or spaying.
Garatun: The person who lives in a triangle shaped farmhouse.
Garaut: One of a great surnames.
Garbeorht: One who is self expressive and loyal
Garbha: Name of the innermost sanctum of hindu temple
Garbhaka: A truthful and real individual
Garbis: Armenian - Spear
Garbutt: Spear or messenger
Garc: One who is born with original ideas
Gard: The person who works in a garden.
Gardabhi: An Ass, Dungbeetle
Gardener: Refers to a person who is a worker in garden.
Gardie: A person who guides towards the garden.
Gardiner: A person who protects the garden.
Gardner: One who is a care-taker of a garden
Gareb: dirty or shabby.
Gared: A person who is very powerful in handling a spear.
Garek: A person who leads the nation with a spear.
Garen: French - Guardian, Guards; Son of Gary; A Spearman; A variant of Garron
Garet: A person who is firm with a spear.
Gareth: Uncertain
Garey: The person who is with a spear.
Garfield: English - Triangular Field, Battlefield; Spear Field; A variant of name Garfeld
Garg: Name of a Saint, A surname of the Agarwal Vaishya community
Garga: Another name to Bharadwaj family.
Gargeya: A descendant of Garga, From the family of great saint Garga
Gargya: One who belongs to the family of Ganga.
Garhapati: One who shelters the house.
Garhault: A logical, able and over sensitive person
Garibnivaj: One who sponsors the poor people.
Garick: Refers to an oak timber.
Gariland: A person comes from the land of spear.
Garin: A form of Garry
Garion: A form or similar to Garry
Garis: A topographic name for ditch
Garisht: Heaviest, Profound; Deep
Garistha: Refers to honoured or respected person.
Garit: A person who always with a spear.
Garja: Refers to bold and courageous.
Garjan: Thunder, Bellow; Loud and Powerful Sound
Garland: Garland-maker
Garlanka: A surname from India
Garllan: Refers to filled with flowers and floras.
Garlon: A winning crown that places on the head of a victor.
Garman: Spearman
Garmann: A person who is very talented in handling the spear.
Garmon: Overcomer or winner.
Garmond: The one who defends with a spear.
Garmund: A person who shelters others with a spear.
Garnell: The one who keeps a part of his surname as his name.
Garner: One who is the keeper of grain
Garnet: A form of Garnett
Garnett: Armed with a spear
Garnier: Gloomy red color priceless gem stone.
Garo: One who appreciates and is sensitive
Garold: A ruler who controls the army with a spear
Garon: Neutering or sterilizing.
Garonman: House of heavenly song,
Garr: Refers to junior Gar or son of Gar.
Garrad: A form of Garrett, Gerald
Garran: Means castrated male horse.
Garrard: The person who is bold and strong as javelin or spear.
Garrath: Welsh meaning is kind person, In German it means the one who can handle the spear strongly.
Garraway: Person who engages in battle by holding a spear in his hands.
Garreck: A very long ponted rod used as a tool or weapon, spear.
Garred: The one who commands others with his spear.
Garren: It means similar to Garry
Garret: Power of spear.
Garreth: Gentle
Garrett: Derived from Gerald (rule of the spear) or Gerard (brave and strong as spear)
Garrey: A hard or a bold spear