We have created a list of 2260 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter G. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Gaaba: Greenlandic variant form of Kaapa, meaning God is my strong man.
Gaabriel: A form of Gabriel, meaning man of God.
Gaalava: Kind of Ebony, The Lordhra tree (Lotus Bark Tree); Name of Rishi(Saint); A pupil of Vishvamitra;
Gaarwine: A close mate with a spear.
Gaayana: Music, Singing; One who has a sweet melodious voice and can sing well
Gabba: The whirling water
Gabbara: Great
Gabe: From the name gabriel
Gabino: Man originally coming from Gabium or Gabio.
Gabir: The one who gives relaxation.
Gable: Junior Gabriel or Son of Gabriel.
Gabor: God is my strength and might.
Gabran: One who stays close to God
Gabrian: The man who always stay close to God.
Gabriel: God is my strength
Gabriela: God is my strength
Gabriele: God has given me great power.
Gabriell: Heroine of God
Gabriella: God is my strength
Gabriello: A champion of God.
Gabrijel: Croatian form of Gabriel, meaning God is my strong man.
Gabrio: God is my strength and shield.
Gabroo: Young Man, Proud; A variant spelling is Gabru
Gabryjel: God is my shelter.
Gacoki: He returns.
Gad: One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Gadaa: Weapon of Lord Hanuman, A lrlace; Club; Sword of state
Gadaadhar: One who carries a Gadaa, One of many names of Lord Hanuman signifying his form carrying Gadaa;
Gadabhrt: One who manipulates a club.
Gadadhar: One of Lord Chaitanya's Associates, One who wields the mace; One who has gadaa (club) as his weapon
Gadadhara: One who wields the mace, One who has gadaa (club) as his weapon
Gadambar: One who wields the mace, One who has gadaa (club) as his weapon
Gadd: Refers to thorns or point.
Gadge: God is my strength, God's Able Bodied One;
Gadhar: One of many names of Lord Narayan, A Bengali name for Lord Narayana
Gadhi: One who Seeks Knowledge, One who earns for Wisdom; Name of Father of Vishvamitra;
Gadhija: Another Name for Sage Vishvamitra, One who is wise and knowledgeable
Gadi: Positive fortune or profitable future.
Gadiel: God is my fortune
Gadil: God is my prosperity or mammon.
Gadin: One of many names of Lord Krishna, One who is armed with a club; One who wields the mace
Gadiva: Most powerful bow of Arjuna.
Gaeétan: From Gaeta, someone belonging to Gaeta.
Gaelen: The one who keeps his mind firm under difficult situation.
Gaena: One who loves nature and out door
Gaenbald: A person who is a reserved and respected person
Gaenbeald: One who is versatile and religious person
Gaenburh: An alluring, noble and high spirited
Gaera: A person who is respectable and noble
Gaerwn: The fortress which reflects in white color.
Gaerwulf: One who is easy going and helpful by nature
Gaetan: The one who is from Gaeta, Italy.
Gaetano: Gaeta is my home town.
Gaete: A refined and attractive individual, tactful
Gafa: An understanding and involved person
Gafur: Invincible, Unconquerable; Undefeatable;
Gaganachandra: The Moon in the Sky, Bright and radiant like moon in the sky
Gaganadhvaja: Banner of the Sky, The Sun; A cloud;
Gaganakunda: Sky, Heaven; Paradise; Abode of God; Pool of the sky
Gaganavihaaree: Wandering in Heaven, One who is free to roam in Heaven
Gaganavihari: Wandering in Heaven, One who is free to roam in Heaven
Gaganbir: A brave person from sky or heaven
Gaganchandra: The Moon in the Sky, Bright and radiant like moon in the sky
Gagandeep: A lamp in the sky, Light in the sky; Glorious flame in the sky;
Gagandeepak: Lamp of the sky, Light of the sky; Glorious flame of the sky;
Gagandhwaj: Sun, Brightness of the sky; Radiant and Glorious Sun in Sky
Gaganesh: One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as the supreme Lord of the sky
Gaganinder: The master of heavens.
Gaganjeet: The one who overcomes the sky.
Gaganjeev: The one who lives in the sky.
Gaganjit: One who wins over the sky
Gaganjot: Lamp of the sky, Light of the sky; Glorious flame of the sky;
Gaganjyot: Lamp of the sky, Light of the sky; Glorious flame of the sky;
Gaganmeet: The one who is very closer to the sky.
Gaganpreet: The one who like the sky a lot.
Gagansindhu: Ocean of the Sky, Ocean of the heaven
Gaganvihari: One who Stays in Heaven, God; One whose abode is paradise
Gage: Of the pledge
Gagnesh: One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as the supreme Lord of the sky
Gah: Name for a sword and pond
Gahan: Refers to the person who is unable to understand.
Gahana: Deep, Impassable; Ornament; Precious Jewel
Gaheres: A sensitive, mature and loyal person
Gaheriet: An inspiring and affectionate person
Gaheris: Sons of Lot, who was an old testament man in the bible.
Gahez: Morning
Gahlot: Wild, A name associated with Rajput Community; Variant names are Gehlot, Gohil or Guhilot
Gaidar: The one who expresses joy.
Gaidon: One who appreciates life and beauty
Gaige: Of the pledge
Gaihargambhir: Bottomless and thoughtful.
Gaihom: A sensitive, refined and practical person
Gailen: The one who is peaceful and quiet.
Gaillard: Person who is bliss and strong.
Gailyn: Refers to a visitor or guest.
Gaincarlo: Italian - God's Gracious Gift, Free man; Man; Name is combination of Gianni and Carlo
Gaines: Fraud or dishonesty.
Gainor: Born son of a person who is very fair in complexion.
Gaioz: Georgian form of Gaius, meaning to rejoice
Gais: The one who is pleased and cheerful.
Gaish: Tempest, Commotion; Blizzard
Gaith: One who is pure like rain, excellence
Gaius: The one who is celebrated.
Gaja: Elephant, Strong; Mighty; Powerful; Abundance; Fertility and Richness; Wisdom and Royalty
Gajaadhar: One who can Command an Elephant, One who is powerful, brave, wise and clever
Gajaanan: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajaanand: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Wisdom and happiness
Gajab: Amazing, Fantastic; Wonderful; Splendid; Magnificient
Gajabahu: One who has strength of an Elephant, Powerful and mighty person
Gajakarna: Elephant Eyed, One who has eyes like an elephant; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Gajamuka: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajamukh: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajamukha: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajan: Huge sound or big noise.
Gajanad: Refers to Lord Hanuman.
Gajanan: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajanana: The one who has a face as same as an elephant.
Gajananan: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajanand: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Wisdom and happiness
Gajananda: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Wisdom and happiness
Gajananeti: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajananvihari: One who stays in Heaven, God; One whose abode is paradise
Gajapathi: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajapati: The lord of elephants or Master Ganesha.
Gajaraja: The ruler of the elephants.
Gajaren: One of many names of Lord Ganesh
Gajari: Enemy of Elephant, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Gajarupa: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajasiras: One of many names of Lord Ganesh
Gajasura: The Lord of evils or all evil powers
Gajasya: The one who is in the shape of an elephant.
Gajavadan: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajavakra: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant trunk, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajavaktra: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant trunk, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajbaahu: One who has strength of an Elephant, Powerful and mighty person
Gajbahu: One who has strength of an Elephant, Powerful and mighty person
Gajdant: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant teeth, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajendar: King of Elephants, A variant name of Airawat, a celestial elephant which carries Lord Indra
Gajendran: King of Elephants, A variant name of Airawat, a celestial elephant which carries Lord Indra
Gajendranath: Owner of Gajendra, One of many names of Lord Indra signifying his possession of Airawat
Gajhodhar: Owner of Gajendra, One of many names of Lord Indra signifying his possession of Airawat
Gajijens: Resembles the drop of a floret.
Gajinder: King of Elephants, A variant name of Airawat, a celestial elephant which carries Lord Indra
Gajkaran: One who has ears of Elephant, Wise and Knowledgeable Person with Elephant Ears
Gajkumar: Name of the disciple king of Mahavir. It means 'grove'.
Gajmukh: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajnam: King of Elephants, A variant name of Airawat, a celestial elephant which carries Lord Indra
Gajnan: The person who has elephant face in his human body.
Gajodara: The person who has the belly as same as an elephant.
Gajpathi: The king of the elephants.
Gajpati: Master of Elephant, One of many names of Lord Ganesha
Gajraaj: Lord Ganesha, one of the Gods in Hindu religion.
Gajraj: King of Elephants, A variant name of Airawat, a celestial elephant which carries Lord Indra
Gajrup: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gajvadan: One of many names of Lord Ganesha signifying his form with elephant face, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom
Gakere: Small muscle, muscular.
Gakuru: Elderly one.
Gal: Meaning wave, creative and practical
Galagars: A helpful person who is glorious
Galahad: The name of one of the Arthurian legends.
Galal: The person belongs to crowned heads.
Galang: To assemble
Galant: A dashing, cheerful and courageous person
Galav: To Worship, Name of a sage;
Galava: Refers to devotion.
Galaxy: The great structure of the stars.
Galefridus: A spontaneous and detail loving person
Galel: Movement or trend of God.
Galen: A healer, one who is calm
Galeno: The brightened child.
Galeun: The city which is situated on a high place.
Galfrid: The concord of God.
Galfridus: One who spreads peace, God
Galib: Arabic - Conqueror, Name of a Great Poet; A derivative of name Ghalib
Galil: The place is full of mountains.
Galilee: Rebellion or uprising.
Galileo: The person who is from Galilee.
Galilhai: A person who is unique and passive
Galip: Winner or overcomer.
Gall: Name of an ancient saint.
Gallagher: The one who is very keen to support.
Gallant: A name for high spirited and cheerful person
Gallcun: A creative, passionate and patient being
Galleron: A person who is extremely generous and passive
Gallifrey: Refers to fantastic or unreal.
Galloway: One who is a foreigner, of another land
Gallton: Proprietor of an parkland.
Gallun: Systematic and passive individual
Gallus: One of the fowls, rooster.
Galm: Name of Thorvald's father.
Galo: Adult male chicken.
Galofort: A detailed and metriculous person
Galogrinans: An interesting and analytical person
Galon: Resembles the power of the wave.
Galt: The land full of timber.
Galton: Proprietor of a leasing land.
Galusie: Passive and easy going person
Galvin: Refers to tiny brownish European song bird.
Galway: Strange Gauls, a city of Ireland
Gamal: Camel