We have created a list of 2137 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter J. This is Page 2 out of 11 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Jagatroop: The essence of the universe
Jagatveer: The bravest peron in the world
Jagavanta: One to Whom the World Belongs, Owner of the World
Jagbandhu: Companion to the World, Friend of the World; One of many names of Lord Krishna
Jagbir: He is brave
Jagdambu: Lord Krishna
Jagdeep: All the lights of the universe
Jagdees: Lord of all the creation
Jagdeesh: World's Lord
Jagdeo: God of the World, King of the World; Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagdesh: Lord of everything there is
Jagdev: The God of everythin
Jagdip: Light of the Universe, Brightness and Radiance of the Universe
Jagdish: King of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagdishwar: Lord Provider of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jager: To chase or to hunt.
Jagesa: King of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagesh: Lord of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagesha: Lord of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagga: The World, Universe; Earth; Mankind; People; Awake
Jaggaiah: God of the World, King of the World; Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagger: Jagger was the carter or schlepper in old England.
Jaghan: Everything in the world
Jaghr: The enlightmement and the awakening
Jaginder: Lord of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jaginderpal: Preserver of the World, Protector of the world; Defender and Guardian of the world
Jagir: A variant spelling is Jageer, Rewards for Good Service; Holding or Keeping a Place
Jagisa: The Universe's Lord
Jagish: Lord of the Universe, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe;
Jagjeet: The conqueror of the whole world
Jagjeev: He has all the life of the world
Jagjeevan: All the life that is
Jagjit: The conqueror of everything
Jagjivan: Life of the World, Worldly Life; Soul of the world;
Jagjodh: One who won God over
Jaglal: The Son of the universe
Jagmeet: Companion to the World, Friend of the World; One of many names of Lord Krishna
Jagmehar: All the kindness of the world
Jagmi: Wind, Pervading the world;
Jagmohan: One who attracts everyone and everything
Jagnarayana: Lord of the Universe, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe;
Jagnu: One who is like a firefly
Jago: Hebrew - Yahweh may protect, Holder of Heel; Supplanter; A variant of name Jacob
Jagpal: Preserver of the World, Protector of the world; Defender and Guardian of the world
Jagpat: King of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe;
Jagpati: One who is the lord of the world, universe and cosmos
Jagpreet: He possesses all the love in the world
Jagprem: All the love that is in the universe
Jagraaj: The Ruler of cosmos
Jagraj: King of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe;
Jagratan: The most precious gem in the world
Jagrav: Awakened, Vigilant; Risen Up; Watchful; Observant
Jagravi: Watchful, One who is Vigilant and Bright; Observant; One who inspires to rise up
Jagreet: One who has awakened
Jagrit: Awakened, Vigilant; Risen Up; Watchful; Observant
Jagriti: The viligance of the world
Jagroop: Embodiment of the World, Incarnation of the World; Epithet of the World
Jagroshan: the light of the universe
Jagrup: Embodiment of the World, Incarnation of the World; Epithet of the World
Jagsheetal: Bringing peace to the World, One who calms and brings harmony in the world
Jagtar: The world's emancipator
Jagtaran: Emancipator of the World, Liberator of the World; One who unleashes of the World
Jagtek: Support of the World, One who holds up the World; One who maintains the world
Jagtekshwar: The world is his
Jagu: Bretons form of James/Jacob, meaning supplanter
Jaguar: A wild cat, to be like a jaguar
Jaguri: One who awakens others
Jagveer: Warrior of the World, Brave, Courageous and Mighty defender of the World
Jagvinder: He is the lord of everything
Jagvir: The best warrior on the world
Jah: The everlasting one, he is forever
Jahanabad: One who makes the world happy and prosper.
Jahanafirin: Another name for the Creator
Jahandar: He posseses the world
Jahangir: The World's conqueror
Jahangirkhan: He who conquered the world
Jahanshah: An Emperor of the world
Jahanzeb: One who is beautifl
Jahed: A striving person
Jaheem: One who was raised up to be dignified
Jaheer: A handsome man with high piutched voice
Jaheim: African Swahili - Raised Up, Dignified; Variants of Jaheim include Jaheem and Jahiem
Jahi: African Swahili - Dignity
Jahid: A striving, hard working man
Jahiem: African Swahili - Raised Up, Dignified; Variant of Jaheim
Jahir: African Swahili - Dignity, One who has dignity
Jahlee: A god-like person
Jahleel: One who has hope in God
Jahlil: A great and exalted man
Jahmal: A handsome one
Jahmall: He is handsome
Jahmalle: A handsome individual
Jahmel: He is very good-looking
Jahmil: A beautiful and handsome man
Jahmile: He is pretty and handsome
Jahmyyllah: He is good-looking, pretty and handsome
Jahnav: A Hindu Rishi, the one who kept Ganga on lis legs
Jahnu: A name of the ancien wise Sage
Jahsh: Phrophet Muhammad's truthful companion
Jahzeel: A hastheth of God
Jai: One who is a victor
Jai akash: To win something
Jai bhagwan: He who honors the inner light
Jai deep: The Light's victrory over darkness
Jai kishan: The power of knowledge
Jai krishna: Lord Krishna's victory
Jai prakash: A victor who gives away ight
Jai-kishan: A power of intelligence
Jaibhagwan: Honour to God (inner light), Respect to God; Salute to the spirit within you
Jaibhusana: Ornament of Victory, Adornment of Victory; Embellishment of Victory
Jaibhushan: Ornament of Victory, Adornment of Victory; Embellishment of Victory
Jaibir: Victory of the Brave, Victory of the Mighty and Courageous warrior
Jaicandra: Thje vitory of the Moon
Jaice: My salvation is in the Lord
Jaicee: To find salvation in God
Jaichand: Victory of the Moon, Honour of the Moon; Salutation to the Moon;
Jaichanda: Moon Among Victors, Honour of the Moon; Salutation to the Moon;
Jaicharan: Victory of Flowers,
Jaida: One with great knowledge
Jaidan: One who is like a jade, like a green gemstone
Jaide: One who is like a green gemstone
Jaidee: He is like a gree gem stone
Jaideep: Victory to the Light, Victory to the Brightness and Radiance of a Flame;
Jaiden: God has heard him
Jaidev: A victory of the divine
Jaideva: Lord of Triumph, Lord of Victory;
Jaidhara: He who is the bearer of the victory
Jaidhwaj: Flag of Victory, Symbol of Victory; Flag of Triumph
Jaidval: Powerful, Strong; Brave; Courageous; Mighty
Jaidyn: Spanish - Jade, A variant of Jaden
Jaiganesh: Ganapati is the victorious
Jaigata: The one who triumphs
Jaigath: He is the victorious
Jaighat: Victorious, Winner; Triumphant; Successful
Jaighosa: Shout of Victory, Echo of Triumph; Voice of the Winner
Jaigopal: Victory of Lord Krishna, Triumph of Lord Krishna; A Salutation to Lord Krishna
Jaigopala: Lord Krishna's triumph
Jaigupt: Protected by Victory, Defended by Triumph; Guarded by Success
Jaigupta: One whose victories protect him
Jaijo: Win, Be victorious; Triumphant; Be successful
Jaikaar: To win gloriously
Jaikapeesh: All hail the Monkey God
Jaikar: The vitory is mine
Jaikara: Victory belongs to me
Jaikiran: The sunrays of the victory
Jaikirti: The glory found in victroy
Jaikishan: The power of brain and knowledge
Jaikrish: Victory of Lord Krishna, Triumph of Lord Krishna; A Salutation to Lord Krishna
Jaikrishna: The power of Lord Krishna
Jaikrta: One who is causing the victory
Jaikumar: Victory of the Lord Krishna
Jailesh: Lord of Water, God of Water
Jaimal: A man known for his beauty
Jaiman: The man who is a victor
Jaimarie: One who is sour victor
Jaime: He is a supplanter,
Jaimes: A supstitude, a replacement
Jaimesh: A man with good heart
Jaimey: One who is always a substitude
Jaimi: One who is an aternate
Jaimie: A man sho is a stand-in
Jaimil: A beloved child
Jaimun: A Gujarati name meaning Fruit
Jain: Ancient Indian Religion, Derivative from Sanskrit word Jaina meaning triumphant
Jaina: Sanskrit - Worshipper of the jinas, Lord Ganesha as one beyond comprehension, epitomises the Jain religion
Jainam: One who is Victorious, One who is Triumphant; One who is following Jainism
Jainand: Joy of Victory, Delight of Triumph; Happiness of the winner
Jainarayan: To achieve great victory
Jaineel: Lord Shiva's Cow
Jainendra: Lord of the Jainas, Lord of the triumphants;
Jainesh: He has the God's name
Jainil: Victorious God Swami Narayan, Victory of Blue; Triumph of Lord Vishnu
Jainish: Lord of Jain, Lord of Triumphant; Lord of Ganesh; Lord Vishnu
Jainithin: Gift from God, Blessing of God; Present from God
Jaint: One of the many names of Lord Brahama
Jaipal: He who protects the vicors
Jaipala: The guardian of the victros
Jaipaula: A defender of the victrors
Jaipida: An adaptable, imaginative and patient person, A great victory
Jaipraj: He who is the Lord of victory
Jaiprakash: A victor who gives light
Jaipratan: He is a jewel of victory
Jaipreet: The big victory of love
Jaipreeth: Love is victorious
Jair: He who shines
Jairaj: The God of victory
Jairam: Lord Rama's victories
Jairas: Sense of Victory, Feeling of being victorious; Sense of triumph; Essence of Victory
Jairasa: Sense of Victory, Feeling of being victorious; Sense of triumph; Essence of Victory
Jairath: Chariot of Victory, Chariot of Triumph; Chariot of Success;
Jairo: He who is enlighted by Jehovah
Jairus: Jehovah has enlightened him
Jaisal: Famous people
Jaisan: One who cures people
Jaisangat: A holy Person who is victorious
Jaisekhara: Crest of Victory, Summit of Triumph; Pinnacle of Success
Jaish: An excellent army
Jaishankar: Lord Shiva's great victory
Jaishankara: Victorious Lord Shiva, Triumphant Lord Shiva; Salutation to Lord Shiva
Jaisheel: A variant of Jaysheel which means victorious