We have created a list of 2137 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter J. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ja: Name that means "Me"
Jaabir: He is a good counselor
Jaafar: He who comes from the small river
Jaagup: Estonian form of Jacob, meaning supplanter.
Jaah: Dignity or grandeur.
Jaak: One who holds the heel
Jaakko: Finnish form of Jacob, Supplanter; Representative
Jaakob: He is a supplanter
Jaala: A little goat who is ascending
Jaali: Powerful
Jaalib: One who has a motive, a cause for acting
Jaan: God is Gracious
Jaanakeedaas: Janaki's servant
Jaanakeeraman: Janaki's husband
Jaanesh: Lord of Men, Lord of the living in Sanskrit; A spelling variant of Janesh
Jaani: He is a gift of God
Jaap: One who is a supplanter
Jaareh: One who wounds and cuts
Jaaved: One who is eternal
Jaay: One who rejoices
Jabaar: One who has great power and might
Jabal: The one who glides away
Jabali: A man who is strong as a rock
Jabar: One who is mighty powerful
Jabare: A man known for his bravery
Jabari: One who is brave
Jabarjang: Brave in the Battlefield, Courageous and Mighty Warrior in War
Jabbar: One of the 99 names of Allah, also means powerful
Jabber: One who babbles, who talks a lot
Jaber: One who comforts others
Jabez: One who is sorrow and is in trouble
Jabhar: A variant of Jabbar which means Giant, Almighty
Jabier: A bright man
Jabilo: A man of medicine
Jabin: One who is understanding
Jabir: One who comforts, One who consoles; Consoler; A variant of Jabbar
Jabiri: A man who has no fear
Jabori: One who brings comfort to people
Jabr: One who comforts and helps
Jabraan: A penalty for your deeds
Jabran: A reward or a penalty
Jabri: Allah's archangel
Jabril: One who fings strenght in God
Jabrion: One who has a bow made of yew wood
Jabroot: Magnificent or majestic.
Jabulani: He who rejoices
Jac: Hebrew - Yahweh may protect, Holder of Heel; A variant of Jack
Jacan: One who brings trouble
Jace: Old Greek - To heal, The Lord is my Salvation, Healer; A variant of Jason
Jacek: Like a hycianth flower
Jacen: He is a healer
Jachike: Give praise to God or Hail God.
Jachim: One who was established by God
Jachin: One who establishes things
Jaci: One who heals people
Jacint: A Boy who like s the hyacinth flower
Jacinth: One who grows hyacinth flowers
Jacinto: A Boy who grows hycintho flowers
Jack: One who thinks that the God is gracious
Jacke: A man who believes that the God is gracious
Jackin: Man
Jacksen: Son of the man who thinks the God is gracius
Jackson: Son of Jack (God is gracious)
Jacky: A pet name, means the one who finds God to be gracious
Jaco: God might guard
Jacob: Hebrew - Yahweh may protect, Holder of Heel; Supplanter; Derived from the Yaakov or Yakubel in Hebrew
Jacobe: One who believes on God's protection
Jacobi: Hebrew - Yahweh may protect, Holder of Heel; Supplanter; A variant of name Jacob
Jacobo: A person who believes in God's portection and guidence
Jacobson: A son of one who is protected by God
Jacobus: One who supplants
Jacoby: A supplanter
Jacolen: He who is a holder of the heel
Jacopo: Hebrew - Yahweh may protect, Holder of Heel; Supplanter; A variant of name Jacob
Jacorian: Modern English names combining elements of the names Jacob and Cory
Jacque: He might be under God's protection
Jacques: Hebrew - Yahweh may protect, Holder of Heel; Supplanter; A variant of name Jacob
Jacquez: A substitude
Jacut: Bretons form of Jacob, meaning supplanter
Jacy: He has a face of the Moon
Jad: He was a present from God
Jadabendra: A name of Lord Krishna and Indra
Jadallah: A prosperity of God
Jade: Hebrew - Thankful, Jade is Green Gemstone; A pet form of name Jadon
Jaden: Hebrew - Thankful, Spanish - Jade is Green Gemstone; A variant of Jade
Jadhav: A name that means Yadava
Jadhava: One who is Jadu's descendant
Jadiel: God is my Fortune, Spanish variant of Hebrew name Gadiel
Jadil haqq: One who follows the truth in life
Jadin: Hebrew - Thankful, A variant of Jade
Jadon: Hebrew - Thankful, A biblical name derived from the element 'yadown' which means thankful.
Jadran: One who is named after the Adriatic sea
Jadranko: A man who belongs to Hadria, or from Hadria.
Jadranko: One coming from the city Hadria.
Jadrian: One who is like the Adriatic sea
Jadu: One who is Magical
Jadwal: One who lives near the brook
Jadwyn: One who is a stonecutter's friend
Jadyn: Hebrew - Thankful, Spanish - Jade is Green Gemstone; A variant of Jade
Jaecar: German - Hunter, A variant og Jaegar
Jaece: One who heals others
Jaeden: A thankful person
Jaedon: He was heard by Jehovan
Jaedyn: One who will be judged by the God and is thankful
Jaegar: German - Hunter, A variant og Jaecar
Jaeger: He who is a huntsman. A surname
Jael: Hebrew - Mountain Goat, Biblical - He that ascends; Kid
Jaenbeorht: An Archbishop's name
Jaetyn: A modern created name, a gracious person
Jafar: Jafar is Stream, Name of the brother of Ali, the fourth caliph
Jafari: He who lives near the creek
Jafarsaadiq: A name of the early leader of Islam
Jafaru: A Boy whose home is near the creek
Jafet: Hebrew - Enlargement, May he expand; A variant transcription of Japheth
Jaffa: Hebrew - Beauty, Lovely
Jaffar: To be near a creek
Jaffer: He who is like a brook
Jag: The whole world, the universe
Jag jeevan: All the life on the Earth
Jag-jeevan: Life of the World, Worldly Life; Soul of the world;
Jagacandra: A moon that is universal
Jagachandra: One who is like the moon to the universe
Jagad: The whole cosoms
Jagadanand: The helper of Lord Chaitanya
Jagadananda: Pleasure of the Universe, Happiness of the world; Joy of the Universe
Jagadatma: He has the soul of the entire world
Jagaday: The whole life of the entire Universe
Jagadayu: The life that bursts from the universe
Jagadbandu: Name of Lord Krishna
Jagadeep: The world's Lightness
Jagadeesh: One who is the Lord of the World
Jagadeeshwar: The Empire of the whole world
Jagadeeshwara: Lord of the Universe, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagadeeswaran: An Emperor of the entire wold's empire
Jagadesh: He who is the Ruler of the Universe
Jagadesha: He is the master of Cosmos
Jagadev: He who is the Lord of the world
Jagadeva: Lord of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagadha: He is the whole universe
Jagadhidh: He is the King of the world
Jagadhish: He rules the world
Jagadip: He is the lord of the world
Jagadipa: He is the universe's light
Jagadisa: King of the Universe, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagadish: He is the God of this universe
Jagadisha: The ruler of the world
Jagadishwar: He is the King of the universe
Jagadishwara: Lord of the Universe, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagadvikhyat: The Emperor of the universe
Jagadvyaapin: The Omnipresent in the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; One who is present everywhere in the world
Jagajeet: One who has Win the World, Conquerer of the world; One who has conquered the World
Jagajeeta: One who has Win the World, Conquerer of the world; One who has conquered the World
Jagajeev: The world's soul
Jagajeevan: Life of the World, Worldly Life; Soul of the world;
Jagajit: One who has Win the World, Conquerer of the world; One who has conquered the World
Jagajiva: The world's life
Jagamohan: A person who attracts everything in the world
Jagamohana: To attract the whole world
Jagan: Everything that existc in the universe
Jagan mohan: The name of Lord Vishnu
Jaganarayan: One who rules the world
Jaganbir: The worlds warrior, fighter
Jagandeep: Lamp of the World, Light of the World; Brilliance and Radiance of the World
Jaganinder: King of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jaganmay: He who spreads himself all over the world
Jaganmitra: He is the friend to the whole world
Jaganmohan: He has the name of the Raga
Jagannadharao: He who is like Krishna
Jagannath: The World's Lord
Jagannathan: He is the Prince of the World
Jagannidhi: Respectable of the World, One who honours the world; One who regards world highly
Jaganth: He who is the Lord of the universe
Jaganu: Flames, In Sanskrit means living being; Fire
Jagapathi: He is the ruler of the universe
Jagapati: Lord of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagapreet: Beloved of the World, Dearmost to the World; One who loves the world
Jagara: One who has an armor
Jagarlamudi: Lord of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe; Ruler of the Universe; Lord Shiva
Jagarupa: Form of the World, One who represents the World; Look of the world
Jagat: To have the world
Jagat prabhu: One who thinks he is the God of the World
Jagat prakash: The light of this world
Jagata: The World, Universe; Earth; Mankind; People
Jagatbandhu: Companion to the World, Friend of the World; One of many names of Lord Krishna
Jagatbehari: He who travels the entire world
Jagatguru: He who precepts the world
Jagath: The whole Universe
Jagathi: The Earth, World; Universe; Mankind; People
Jagati: The Earth and the Universe
Jagatjeet: Victorious of the World, Conquerer of the world; One who has conquered the World
Jagatjeev: Life of the World, Worldly Life; Soul of the world;
Jagatjot: The light that exists on the World
Jagatkishor: The child of the world
Jagatmeet: Friend of the World, Companion to the world
Jagatmohan: The attraction of the Universe
Jagatpal: One who takes care of the entire World
Jagatprabhu: He is the Divine one of the world
Jagatprakash: All the world's lights
Jagatpreet: All the love of the world
Jagatprem: Love of the World, One who considers world his dearmost; One who loves the world