We have created a list of 1570 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter E. This is Page 2 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ecgwulf: A clever being, has extravagant nature
Ecgwynn: Blessed and fair being, self assertive person
Echezonanna: Don't forget your God and your father.
Eckard: One who is strong like a sword
Eckardt: A brave, edge point
Eckart: An edge, one who is powerful and brave
Eckbert: A bright sword, shiny metal or weapon
Ecke: An edge or corner of any space
Eckehard: A German saying to motivate means be strong through the sword
Eckehardt: A corner or a hidden edge
Eckehart: Strong, deer a scared one
Eckerd: One who is sacred and connected with god
Eckert: Strong and pointed as brave
Eckhard: Strong as sword and sharp as a sword's edge
Eckhardt: A pointed edge, brave and strong
Eckhart: To keep on point that is able to cut or pierce
Eckjeet: the only winner or victorious, who always succeed
Ector: Father of Arthur, to hold; keep under control or within the limits
Ectorius: To restrain, one who has imagibative and creative mind
Ed: A prosperous or wealthy guard and provides protection
Edadeha: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe;
Edaferierhi: The rich have good destiny
Edafetanure: The wealthy have spoken
Edan: One who is born out of fire, is zealous; fiery; a delight
Edbert: One who is a born wealthy, bright person
Edborough: A prosperous administrator
Edburga: The great, guardian protector
Edd: A royal, prosperous; guardian of wealth
Edde: One who is wealthy, Swedish form of eddie
Eddie: One who is rich in friendship, wealthy protector
Eddis: Brave and powerful son of Edward
Eddison: A succesor of wealth, Ed's son
Eddrick: A good fortune, determine and stubborn
Eddricus: Strong in material sense and is idealistic
Eddy: A wealthy guardian, rich and friendly
Eddye: An independent, protector and saviour; wealthy friend
Eded: One who is full of joy and is a delight
Edek: A guardian of property, owner of many spears
Edel: The noble one who is also brave hearted
Edelhard: Hardy, a noble and strong being
Edelmar: One who is famous for noble personality
Edelmarr: One who is having a high rank
Edemirukaye: The day I did them a favor
Eder: A flock, group
Edern: The legendary son of Nudd
Edewor: Sacred day of worship in traditional religion
Edgar: Favoured by good luck
Edgard: A brave and strong spearman
Edgardo: A wealthy man who is known for riches
Edgars: Latvia version of Edgar, meaning fortunate and powerful.
Edgarton: A prosperous warrior
Edge: An end of surface, a tendsetter
Edged: One who is cutting, sarcastic in nature
Edgerin: Wealthy spear or owner of many spears.
Edgert: Who has sharpness of a blade, border
Edgerton: A blessed town, posperous warrior
Edgyue: One who is propsperous in war
Edhas: Happiness, Delighted; Joyful; Glad; Rejoiced
Edhatu: Born of Wood, Fire; Happiness; Delight; Joyful
Edhem: Dark-skinned, black
Edhit: Evolved, Grown; Developed; Advanced
Edid: The one who has a habit of being joyful
Edik: A healthy and weallthy guardian
Edilfred: A noble and propsperous ruler
Ediline: The one who is kind and pleasant
Ediltrudis: A strong and gracious person who is majestic
Edin: Delightful and lovely individual
Edina: A lovely and prosperous friend, they are good people
Edingu: Famous ruler, one who is ardent and efficient
Edison: One who is a succesor of Edward
Edit: Joyous, wealthy gift from a ruler
Ediz: Of high position, they have a lavish lifestyle
Edlen: One who is like a high waterfall
Edlin: A rich friend, popular and friendly
Edlyn: One who is like a rich waterfall
Edma: A prosperous guardian, one who shows light and way
Edmar: One who is like a wealthy sea
Edmark: The very famous tragedy
Edme: One who lives in a very fine protection
Edmee: Honourable and a gift of almighty
Edmod: Rich defender, they are born to defend and protect
Edmon: A guardian, they are having a protective nature
Edmond: A very efficient and happy protector
Edmonde: A protector, one who protects and is a saviour
Edmondo: A highly successful and productive being
Edmonn: Of High status in society
Edmont: High security, and has a protective nature
Edmund: Successful person, they have a unique style
Edmunda: One who has prosperity, name of a king
Edmundo: A loving and passionate man
Edmundus: Fortune loving person, one who has a heart of gold
Ednit: Evolved, Grown; Developed; Advanced
Ednowain: A well born person (brought up)
Ednyfed: Name of a warrior
Edo: Guardian of wealth and health
Edoardo: Rich guardian, they are responsible and efficient
Edolf: One who is of Good nature and responsible
Edolie: Good person and a kind being
Edom: One who came out of the red earth
Edorta: Wealthy and kind person
Edosio: Rainy day
Edouard: A happy rich protector
Edred: A wealthy ruler
Edric: Vigorous, Robust man
Edrich: Full of energy
Edrick: Strong and healthy
Edrik: Strong and efficient person
Edris: Wealthy ruler, full of energy
Edsel: Noble and bright natured person
Edson: Son of a fortuante warrior
Eduard: Guardian of richess, one who spends
Eduarda: Famous bearer of light and energy
Eduardo: The holder of rich property
Eduin: Rich friend
Eduino: Wealthy companion, one who has lot of money
Eduinus: Imaginative and naive being
Eduk: He who is successful
Edulf: One who is of good personality
Edus: Owner of many spears
Eduuard: Prosperous guardian, a perfect compannion
Eduuin: Blessed friend, a prosperous person
Eduuine: Fortunate friend, they are a guardian
Edvard: Wealthy protector who is ardent speaker
Edvin: One who is friend for riches
Edvinas: A kind and rich friend
Edwald: Wealth and fortune, the one who is fortunate
Edwaldo: A loving and prosperous guardian
Edward: One who is like a rich guard
Edwarda: Rich and famous person
Edwarde: A wealthy guard
Edwardo: One who is born to serve like a prosperous guardian
Edwards: Guard, one who is a good defender
Edwardson: Son of a guardian, Edward
Edwardus: Son of edward, fortunate friend
Edwarya: Great and truthful person, one who can enjoy life
Edwen: Rich in friendship, a blessed friend
Edwin: Rich friend, one who is blessed with richness and is wine
Edwy: Name of a king, one who is brave hearted
Edwyn: Valued friend, one who is happy and wealthy
Edyope: Deliberate, young and polite being
Edzard: Strong egde
Eega: palm bird who loves to fly
Eegaiarasan: King of charity
Eegaichelvan: A charitable person,the person who always donates
Eegan: Mighty and powerful person
Eegelwin: One who can spread peace and well being
Eehith: A rich, powerful and compassionate person
Eekalabya: A Pupil , Student of Guru Dronnachaarya, A variant name of Eekalavya
Eeksha: Seeing, Looking; Visting; One who is seeking
Eelamani: A gem of eelam
Eelamynthan: Son of eelam
Eelavarasan: King of Eelam
Eeli: To ascend, uplifted soul and spirit
Eelis: A saying which means My god is Yahweh
Eemaan: God is with us
Eemil: They are one who are like the Elves
Eepsu: Starving to obtain, Wishing to have
Eeraja: Herb
Eerav: Faith, Trust; Belief
Eeren: Lovable and caring person
Eeriuffi: Greenlandic form of Herjulf. It means warrior wolf.
Eero: One who is an eternal ruler
Eesaa: Providing salvation, prophet's name
Eesaanan: Evolved, Grown; Developed; Advanced
Eesh: God, Supreme Being; Name of Lord Vishnu; Name of Lord Shiva
Eeshan: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eeshana: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe;
Eesho: A form of Jesus, meaning son of God.
Eeshtva: Supremacy, One who is the most supreme power
Eeshvar: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eeshvara: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eeshwak: One who is like a precious gem
Eeshwar: God, Supreme Being; The Almighty
Eessa: Lebanese variation of Jesus. It means devoted to God.
Eesvar: God, Supreme Being; The Almighty
Eesvaraavu: They are the one who are very strong
Eeswar: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eetu: Finnish form of Edward, Guardian of riches
Eevi: Finnish form of Edwin, rich friend
Efe: Older brother, one who has massive strength and love
Efemena: Here is my wealth
Efemuaye: Those intoxicated with riches
Eferhard: Brave and efficient warrior, they have power
Eferleah: A meadow, valley filled with flowers
Efetobo: Wealth is achieved
Efetobore: Wealth has now been achieved
Efi: A fruitful and lovely human being
Efim: One who is well famed
Efraim: Fruitful and lovely human being
Efrain: A very much fertile land
Efrat: One who is very reputed and briliant
Efrem: The one who is productive
Efren: One who is producing good results, fruitful
Efron: Young stag
Efstathios: A well built, stable natured person
Efthimia: Cheerful and pleasant person
Efthimios: One who has a good mood
Egaiarasu: King of Charity, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Egappan: King of Charity, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Egberk: Bright sword