We have created a list of 1570 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter E. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ea: Fire,A person on whom others can rely on.
Eabba: It is derived from the hebrew word abba which means 'Father'
Eabbe: Its derived from the hebrew word abbe which means "Father of extreme happiness"
Eachann: It means 'Horse-Lover' in Irish
Eadbald: A person who enjoys beauties of nature.
Eadbeald: A heavenly light
Eadbehrt: Ead means 'Blessed' and behrt means 'Bright'
Eadbeorht: The name eadbehort means 'Wealthy'
Eadbert: Name of a King
Eadberth: It means a blessed person.
Eadbhard: It means rich protector.
Eadburt: Its derived from the word eadbert which means wealthy.
Eadelmarr: A person who is noble.
Eadfrid: A serious-minded and responsible person.
Eadfrith: They are generous human beings
Eadgar: It means a very powerful person.
Eadger: One who is fortunate and powerful
Eadheard: Ethical and easygoing person
Eadhed: One who has earned respect of many
Eadhelm: A friendly and social person.
Eadhere: A self-centered person.
Eadlac: A happy and content person
Eadmaer: The one who comes from riches and greatness
Eadmer: A respected and diplomatic person
Eadmod: A homestead, providing protection
Eadmund: One who has riches and is a protector
Eadnod: An energetic and alluring being
Eadnoth: An ethical and analytical person
Eadred: A rich, happy and eager person
Eadric: They are manly and wealthy ruler
Eadsele: One who is from Edward's estate
Eadsige: Analytical, smart and intellectual being
Eadstan: A superior person
Eaduin: An idealistic,prosperous and inspirational person.
Eadulf: A person who has an intense desire to serve others and be the helping hand in the society.
Eaduuard: A majestic personality
Eadwacer: Heaven-watcher, A person who is of expressive nature.
Eadwald: Derived from the word eadweald it means 'Rich Ruler'.
Eadward: Guardian, The derived meaning from German is 'Strong as a boar' indicating a strong personality.
Eadwardsone: A person with the desire to serve humanity.
Eadweald: It means 'Prosperous Ruler'.
Eadweard: Ed means 'Rich' and weard means 'Guardian'.
Eadwiella: It means 'From the Old Spring'
Eadwig: It means a rich or prosperous person.
Eadwin: It means a person who is a blessed friend and valued for in the society.
Eadwine: It means 'Happy Friend'.
Eadwinn: It means a 'Wealthy Friend'.
Eadwold: An independent and a very tolerant person.
Eadwulf: A person who is idealistic and has inspirational qualities, Its derived meaning from Old English where ead mean 'Fortune'and wulf means'Wolf'
Eadwyn: It means a valued friend
Eagan: it means 'Son of Fire' in Irish.
Eahfrid: A diplomatic and honorable human being
Eakant: Loneliness, Alone; Being on your own; Solitude; Seclusion
Ealdbehrt: The one who is independent and happy
Ealdbeorht: The one who is in love with nature
Ealdfrith: A serious minded and stable person
Ealdgyth: An old battle maid, the noble one
Ealdhelm: A helmet, they are venerable being
Ealdhere: Accomodating and level headed person
Ealdred: Happy and efficient, realistic being
Ealdun: One who is from the elves's valley
Ealdwine: One who is a true old friend
Ealdwode: They are the one who have power and health
Ealdwulf: A clear minded, intelligent being
Ealfled: An authentic, loyal and effective person
Ealgmund: Earnest, level headed and composed individual
Ealhdun: One who belongs to the valley of the Elves
Ealhelm: A high spirited, energetic person
Ealhhard: A brave and kind individual
Ealhheard: A helpful, honest and authentic being
Ealhhere: One who is a temple army
Ealhhun: They are friendly natured and have strength
Ealhmund: One who is very good natured
Ealhred: A hall or a big place
Ealhsige: Attractive, loyal and humble person
Ealhstan: They are stone hard and temple pure
Eallard: One who is a brave person
Ealric: They are very brave, wise and happy
Eambald: A mature and bashful one
Eames: One who is a prosperous protector
Eamon: It is derived from irish form edmund which means " Guardian"
Eamonn: Protection, one who saves
Ean: It means God is forgiving.
Eanbald: The one who is easygoing and accurate person
Eanbeorht: A normal, reliable and high spirited person
Eanfrith: A nonjudgemental and frank person
Eanhere: A forgiving, alluring and passionate person
Eanlac: Analytical, forgiving and ethical person
Eanmaer: An experienced, modest and accomodating being
Eanred: One with a great spiritual insight
Eansige: A self assured, naive and well spoken person
Eanulf: An autentic human being
Eanwine: A wholesome and insightful being
Eanwulf: A happy and content person, genius
Ear: The Scottish meaning of the name Ear is 'From the East'.
Earcanwald: One who has a mystic personality
Earcna: It means friend of sea.
Earconbehrt: A loving and caring individual
Earconbert: One who has many qualities and personal insight
Earda: Derived from the word erda which means European earth goddess.
Eardly: One who is from a capable and efficient family
Eardnoth: A direct, natty and artistic being
Eardwul: A happy-go-lucky person.
Eardwulf: An idealistic and inspirational person .
Earl: It means king,warrior or chief in different languages.
Earle: It means chief or nobleman.
Earley: It means eagle wood.
Earlie: Derived from the word earl it means a noble person.
Early: It means 'Noble Leader'.
Earn: A serious minded individual
Earnest: Serious minded and spiritual being
Earnmund: Achievers and high rankers
Earnwulf: Ethical, wholesome and noble being
Earon: From the River Town
Earpwald: A well bred, philosophical person
Earth: Adaptation of the English word, meaning the planet or the soil
Earvin: A thrifty friend, they are happy
Earwine: The one who is white river, a friend of sea
Earwyn: One who is the friend of sea
Eas: Gold
Easaanasivam: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Easau: The acts, a hairy individual
Eash: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eashan: One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Eashana: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eashar: A very Godly person.
Easharbir: Brave and a very Godly person.
Eashardeep: It means Godly Light.
Easharjeet: It means God's Victory
Easharjot: God's Lightly
Easharnaam: It means 'Absorbed in God's Name '
Easharpreet: It means Lover of God.
Easharprem: It means Lover of God.
Eashartek: Its means God's Suport.
Easharveer: It means God's warrior.
Eashav: Special, Gifted; Exceptional
Eashwar: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe;
Eashwera: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eason: In Irish the name eason means 'Protector'.
Eastan: Derived from the word easton it means 'From the East'.
Easterwine: A person who is a quick thinker and appreciates arts .
Eastman: Grace-protector, It also means nature lover.
Easton: It means 'From the East Town'.
Eastorwine: A person who has quailities of a leader.
Eastre: The bright Moon, content
Easwaran: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of this universe;
Eata: Its derived from the word eta which means to shine.
Eathan: It means an optimistic and strong person.
Eaton: It means a riverside village.
Eatton: Derived from the word eaton it means island settlement.
Eatun: An enclosure or settlement
Eawart: It means a very brave and courageous person.
Ebadaah: It means Prayer to Allah
Eban: It means 'Stone'.
Ebany: It means dark coloured wood .
Ebb: A person who has a desire to accomplish something, Stone of help
Ebbe: It means Brave like a Boar.
Ebele: It means mercy or kindness.
Eben: It means a precious stone of help.
Ebenezer: Stone of help in hebrew.
Eberardo: It means Brave in Spanish.
Eberhard: It means as strong and courageous as wild boar.
Eberhardt: Derived from the word eberhart it means Brave or Strong.
Eberhart: Eberhart means brave or strong in German.
Eberly: A pet form of Eberhardt, meaning brave or hardy.
Ebersold: Swiss variant of Ebersol, meaning wild boar or wallow.
Ebert: It means Brave or Strong.
Ebhaleleme: A term meaning 'you won't follow my lead'.
Ebhaleleme: A term meaning "you won't follow my lead"
Ebhanan: One of many names of Ganpati signifying his elephant face
Ebi: Paternal, A variant of name Eby
Ebo: One who is born on a Tuesday.
Eborard: A very expressive,adventerous and spontaneous nature person.
Ebrahim: Derived from the word Ibrahim it means God's messenger, Father of many nations.
Ebrard: the one who gives strong advice, one who is powerfull consellor
Ebubechukwu: The glory and greatness of God.
Ebull: A secretive person, one who is like Bull
Ebulus: member of a good counsel
Eburhard: One who is strong as a wild boar
Eburhardt: An inspirational saying for being strong, has Boar strength
Ecca: Only one, Born to help others
Ecchit: Wanted, Desired; Wished; Craved; Longed; Aspired; Yearned
Ecchvaku: A King, Ruler; Emperor; Leader
Ecci: Emotional person who is energized
Ecga: An emotional, clever and good individual
Ecgbald: A brave friend, they are clever minded
Ecgbehrt: Has analytical mind and is bright and shiny
Ecgbeorht: One who has high level of understanding, quick thinker and intelligent
Ecgbert: A sharp edge of a sword
Ecgel: One who is born with a friendly nature
Ecgfrith: A born leader, name of a king
Ecgheard: A clever person, who is sharp witted
Ecghere: One who is clever and makes decisions at right time
Ecgi: A stable, warm and motherly being
Ecgmund: Strong protector, one who is thoughtful and systematic
Ecgred: Alert, one who is thoughtful
Ecgric: Loud as a thunder, having strong desire to succeed
Ecgtheow: Peace, quiet; harmony; a heroic name
Ecgwald: Brought up by nature or in the environment of forest, ruler of law
Ecgwine: One who is quick in actions, spontaneous and generous